Month, Day: 169, Speech, Questions (Independence)
Our favorite day of every month. The next month is so, too. What? Questions! The real basis of the gift of science.
In the 100-year look back, the Master's trip to the US is now over. He's in England.
That departure could motivate consideration of several things, such as the cognitive issues related to seeing the truth in people and the truth as it's differentiated by locale. The Master spent a lot of time in New England, and more in New York, in particular. He met many people, of all types. He saw plenty of the geographic realities of the northern part of the continent.
But, the Master liked Americans, their spirit, and more. One has to think about His analysis of them after observing, for the first time, what might be considered a new breed (not, in any way, meant to connote race) of person (that multitude behind the dream of America).
Consider the mixture of people here. His visit was about the time of 300th anniversary of the early comings from Europe. In New England, there were many from the northern European heritage. The difference between those who were here and those still there might have been obvious (somewhat). We would have loved to ask (remember, Questions). Yet, there was a lot of commonality, as we know (so, too, God's Creation is everywhere dense, not specifically blessed in any part, except, perhaps, pieces of Israel).
There can be much more to say, in this regard. But, audacity says to take this approach: just as DNA analysis looks at the physical heritage of one's past, there is another type of analysis that will measure something that depicts the accumulation from the spirits of your ancestors (perhaps, psychether might be conceptually related).
Say what?
Yes, the healthy mind cannot ignore the Holy Spirit for all time. As well, it cannot but see God's Hand everywhere. But, what is healthy, in this regard? We'll get there.
In any case, no amount of denial makes the Reality go away. Brights can claim to disprove God till they're blue in the face, but that effort, no matter how long and hard, does not effect the Reality. It does not need our attention.
Basically, we're talking an either/or choice. If one denies, fine. It's a person's choice. What ramifications might there be to this choice? We may or may not see, in this lifetime.
If one does not deny, one would hope that there is a benefit from such. The huge problem is that there is a big gap between the realization and operational effectiveness. Tons can be discussed about this, and, probably, will be, in time. For the individual now, we just have to learn to balance Independence and strict obedience.
Why Independence? How else science? Too, who can take control of some else's life and tell them how to live? Oh, I know, plenty try this; it's the cause of a whole lot of problems; yes, even to those who advance in various roles related to their belief (stated generally, purposefully).
Now, our problem is that the way of science has been subsumed under severe materialism, as if by necessity. That is, those making the deny choice, see above, are in charge. Yet, as we heard from the Master, science is much more than that. It's how we know God and His Creation. The principle says harmony of science and religion (two wings, of equal power).
So, there are many issues here to resolve.
The problem, with dealing with psychether, is that science is public, meaning that reproducibility, and more, is the watchword for evaluations. And, guess what? The psychetheral thing is shared by all humans; actually, it is directly addressable by (accessible to) one's consciousness with effort. We're talking part of Creation.
One might say that altered states are sought, in part, in regard to wanting to know this thing better. But, artificial means are not necessary.
As an aside, we'll have to look at certain types of characteristics a little differently. You want me to tell you how? As I said, this is just a glimmer, about which I'll be jawboning. For instance, for the smarties, we'll look at kings and others who wielded power. That is, the Master, on several occasions while here in this newest of situations, said that levels (as in stations) are a necessary item to having any kind of order. That is, we cannot all be chiefs. In one instance when this topic was mentioned, He was with an offspring of a military officer; that is the obvious example to think about.
Aside: this is a system's concept, folks. At the same time, within the system, the Master said that all ought to be fully utilized and happy. Hence, we're not talking the age-old, top-down crap that the underlings have endured for God-only-knows how long.
Aside: We know that no one, with wisdom (see Aqdas) would want to be king - or President, for that matter - even if the crown were thrown in the ring. Too, kings have a role that makes them exemplars of God's good Graces (if only they would wake up to this -- anyone beside St. Margaret of Scotland on the list of good people?) to the folks in their domain, and, perhaps, to others. We really need to look up to them. However, given the character flaws of humans, no one of these types would be perfect, nor would they come to power except by gaming the system (yes, Pharaohs all). So, in the land of the democratic ideals, one might consider that the role is the important thing. George Washington is the perfect (yes, used advisedly) example: many (idiots all) wanted him to be crowned, but George (let's hear it for the Saint) said no and retired to Mount Vernon.
All sorts of musing will be coming forth about this subject.
This post is only a cursory hint. Earlier, and for years, I've used psychether as a label for this mysterious thing without understanding what might be the reality of the thing to other than myself. It's not really mysterious, as, again, all conscious humans know about that in which this thing manifests itself.
In fact, psychether was used for the fact of 'ether' being misunderstood (look at the wiki page on Science and Religion related to the Faith -- all the dancing around so that the brights won't call one an idiot -- hah). Not only is psychether fairly complex, our friend Albert would find it fascinatingly familiar in properties to what he had conceived for his space-time model, except that it transcends such. That is, we're not talking spatial or temporal, and not transcendental. Rather, it's more core.
The brights, with their energetic denials of anything dealing with this truth, know the reality, too. Hence, their forcefulness in making denials. And, the use of Richard's concept in the title is intended to bring the 'meta' into memes. Richard's creativity, with regard to the term, is to be recognized, yet he opened a can of worms (which will be explained, in time).
Aside: this post is precipitated by the need to foster discussion. Too, I've been heavy into history and genealogy for about three years now. As I've swept across the expanses of western civilization's cradle, and over the long time frames and learned about those who had the talent (no monarch was without very dirty feet, and perhaps even worse), I've seen that we're playing the same old tunes, over and over (Return comes into play, here, in part). It's not a big leap to see that the energies behind all of the dynamics are the same (one task is to model how this might be); and, that families bridge the generational span, yet do not.
Aside: the Crusades are a focal, for good reason. But, that bickering goes further back. It is not necessary. Mind you, we ought not be patsies, either. The Master said that while here, to boot.
Perhaps, we're in the day where no one religion will be above the rest. Get used to it. Perhaps, realizing this might be a key to having peace.
And, part of the psychether relates to the wars that come from the striving for dominance. It's more than just a replay of the Crusades every generation.What we have are little Lords, and all of those types, sparring about while the people suffer. Is that the way it ought to be? The problem is that the little guy's failing hurt only a small collection of people; these types' failures have wide ranging impact on many and many, and for a long time.
As we've been told, succeeding generations will converge toward the proper views. Methinks that the lure of the e-world is indicative of the pull of the psychether. In fact, electro-magnetic phenomena (through the fact of the attribute of Light) are involved somehow. Many concepts out of in-the-small physics might have some analog.
Pull? Yes, e-world may be an analog, but it pales in comparison to the real thing which is not to be mimicked by the virtual states (which are essentially empty). Yet, some type of augmentation, in a whole new sense, might come into play. That is, the emergence of the e-whatever is a gift in this regard. It'll help form the proper scientific framework in order to study psychether.
As an aside, there is something related to psychether and matter which accounts for differences around the planet that are beyond our normal dealings. Nope, did not say paranormal. We'll, for now, just say that this part of Creation is one motivation behind the 1-hour trip counsel for the internment of bodies after death.
09/07/2015 - Bolded psychether as embolded by Multisense Realism work.
12/13/2015 -- This Atlantic article is fairly concise in its presentation of the issues. One example of those who experienced an NDE was a physician (Dr. Eben Alexander) who is accused by some of being anti-scientific.
Modified: 09/07/2015
Friday, December 7, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
Crown with brilliant jewels
Month, Day: 169, Power, Honour (Perfection)
The headline says, today: Persian Highbrow Dubs Morgan "Some Philanthropist"
I saw this earlier in the summer but did not notice that the date or that the headline was after the western trip. J.P. Morgan took over his father's bank which had been started by George Peabody. J.P. wasn't universally loved, yet he did change colors and became a giver.
So, that makes one wonder if sins can be bought off. Something like this: step on people, have all sorts of negative impacts, but then turn around and use the money for good. The greed of those after capitalistic pursuits is well-known. Those lusting after power can be problematic, to boot.
Which brings up the issue of kinghood. We know the Aqdas has a quote that mankind will be of age when noone wants to be king. Yet, we are to serve the king; there seems to be some necessity of the role implied.
Well, it is a role. We can study the royal families in Europe to get a good handle on the intrigue and other matters that ought not be condoned. Except, there are exceptions, like St. Margaret of Scotland.
In a sense, those ahead of large corporations are the new kings whose domains are beyond any geographic limitations. One doesn't have to go far to see some of these with almost countless poor workers who are trapped into a type of indentured servitude state.
In True Wealth (SAQ #15), the Master uses the metaphor of a crown: As the compassionate God has placed such a wonderful crown upon the head of man, man should strive that its brilliant jewels may become visible in the world.
Too, the Aqdas tells us of the true throne of gold.
So, we'll be getting back to this topic, a lot. It was interesting that the Master first mentioned rank after being here a few months. We know that there are differences in ability. The Master said, though, that all ought to be able to enjoy the fruits of life.
Ought kings be elected? We sure see that attribute come out of the personalities of a lot of elected officials (a whole other topic -- we'll get back to this in a discussion of memes, which are, essentially, a way to discuss something that is metaphysical (perhaps, we need another term) without using the term or concept).
Is a king someone who is on the right side of the distribution in all possible projects from whatever is the hyperspace that describes the requirements for the role?
The Master was the King, as we'll explain, for several reasons. Yet, it was like with Christ, those in charge then completely misinterpreted the predictions of the sacred texts. Our intent in looking at this continues the audacious thrust.
Speaking of memes again, we're all kings of ourselves. By capability, we may differ in how we like to spend our time and energy. However, structure is there to keep the system working. Hence, roles will differ; some may have more glory, or power, than others; yet, we're all potentially the whole bit.
And, we do have the aristocracy as subjects for scrutiny so that we can better learn to live peacefully on this planet.
12/06/2012 -- Changed the title. 'brilliant' was mis-spelt. Writing in tongues? See the next audacious post.
Modified: 12/06/2012
The headline says, today: Persian Highbrow Dubs Morgan "Some Philanthropist"
I saw this earlier in the summer but did not notice that the date or that the headline was after the western trip. J.P. Morgan took over his father's bank which had been started by George Peabody. J.P. wasn't universally loved, yet he did change colors and became a giver.
So, that makes one wonder if sins can be bought off. Something like this: step on people, have all sorts of negative impacts, but then turn around and use the money for good. The greed of those after capitalistic pursuits is well-known. Those lusting after power can be problematic, to boot.
Which brings up the issue of kinghood. We know the Aqdas has a quote that mankind will be of age when noone wants to be king. Yet, we are to serve the king; there seems to be some necessity of the role implied.
Well, it is a role. We can study the royal families in Europe to get a good handle on the intrigue and other matters that ought not be condoned. Except, there are exceptions, like St. Margaret of Scotland.
In a sense, those ahead of large corporations are the new kings whose domains are beyond any geographic limitations. One doesn't have to go far to see some of these with almost countless poor workers who are trapped into a type of indentured servitude state.
In True Wealth (SAQ #15), the Master uses the metaphor of a crown: As the compassionate God has placed such a wonderful crown upon the head of man, man should strive that its brilliant jewels may become visible in the world.
Too, the Aqdas tells us of the true throne of gold.
So, we'll be getting back to this topic, a lot. It was interesting that the Master first mentioned rank after being here a few months. We know that there are differences in ability. The Master said, though, that all ought to be able to enjoy the fruits of life.
Ought kings be elected? We sure see that attribute come out of the personalities of a lot of elected officials (a whole other topic -- we'll get back to this in a discussion of memes, which are, essentially, a way to discuss something that is metaphysical (perhaps, we need another term) without using the term or concept).
Is a king someone who is on the right side of the distribution in all possible projects from whatever is the hyperspace that describes the requirements for the role?
The Master was the King, as we'll explain, for several reasons. Yet, it was like with Christ, those in charge then completely misinterpreted the predictions of the sacred texts. Our intent in looking at this continues the audacious thrust.
Speaking of memes again, we're all kings of ourselves. By capability, we may differ in how we like to spend our time and energy. However, structure is there to keep the system working. Hence, roles will differ; some may have more glory, or power, than others; yet, we're all potentially the whole bit.
And, we do have the aristocracy as subjects for scrutiny so that we can better learn to live peacefully on this planet.
12/06/2012 -- Changed the title. 'brilliant' was mis-spelt. Writing in tongues? See the next audacious post.
Modified: 12/06/2012
Sunday, November 11, 2012
J. P. Morgan
Month, Day: 169, Power, Perfection (Beauty)
I noticed this earlier, before following the trip west. But, the Master praised J.P. Morgan for his philanthropy. The Master did several indirect nods in mentioning that rank is part of the plan.
We'll have to look further at the matter, but it's like this (forgive the paraphrasing):
Again, J.P. was from an old American family, like his [father's] partner who was more beloved, Peabody.
About the 11th day of the 11th month. The Master visited Arlington Cemetery and the grave of the father of his guest, Mrs. Parsons. In NYC, the Master, this time after the trip west, said that He preferred the poor to the rich. However, in New England, the Master very much visited with those who were affluent, albeit many of these were old American families. So, this day, we need to also remember those who helped the young civilization through conflicts from the beginning. We'll go more into that, in a sense of symmetry.
05/25/2013 -- Reading of the Master's comment gave me pause. Not that I have a knee-jerk reaction to "fat cat-ism" as a fault (? -- we know that any excess comes about from collective detriments, elsewhere, do we not?), but the whole notion of the eye of the camel was strongly embedded in my brain during the early years (say, daily religion lesson, plus serving at Mass multiple times sometimes, ringing the church bell, ... -- hence, apple of the Bab's eye). Or, the counsel that gaining the whole world, while losing one's soul, does not a good career make (modern focus). So, financial gain seeking seemed other than spiritually fit. Besides, J.P.'s partner, Peabody, looked to be a better guy. Now, we have to consider how those with huge pockets may be analogs of kings.
11/19/2012 -- George Peabody's and J.P.'s time didn't really mesh. George retired by 1864. The 'kingly' set is considered, by some, to be related to wealth in the material sense. Or, it's a function of power. Character? In a sense, the Master was the kingly presence of his time.
Modified: 05/25/2013
I noticed this earlier, before following the trip west. But, the Master praised J.P. Morgan for his philanthropy. The Master did several indirect nods in mentioning that rank is part of the plan.
We'll have to look further at the matter, but it's like this (forgive the paraphrasing):
- All are to provide service to the Lord, in whatever way in which they have capacity. But, those of the higher gifts have no more grace than do the lowers. In fact, everyone ought to be happy with the Lord's gifts that they receive. And, the greed will be kept in control. That is, not screwing of the lowers by the highers.
Again, J.P. was from an old American family, like his [father's] partner who was more beloved, Peabody.
About the 11th day of the 11th month. The Master visited Arlington Cemetery and the grave of the father of his guest, Mrs. Parsons. In NYC, the Master, this time after the trip west, said that He preferred the poor to the rich. However, in New England, the Master very much visited with those who were affluent, albeit many of these were old American families. So, this day, we need to also remember those who helped the young civilization through conflicts from the beginning. We'll go more into that, in a sense of symmetry.
05/25/2013 -- Reading of the Master's comment gave me pause. Not that I have a knee-jerk reaction to "fat cat-ism" as a fault (? -- we know that any excess comes about from collective detriments, elsewhere, do we not?), but the whole notion of the eye of the camel was strongly embedded in my brain during the early years (say, daily religion lesson, plus serving at Mass multiple times sometimes, ringing the church bell, ... -- hence, apple of the Bab's eye). Or, the counsel that gaining the whole world, while losing one's soul, does not a good career make (modern focus). So, financial gain seeking seemed other than spiritually fit. Besides, J.P.'s partner, Peabody, looked to be a better guy. Now, we have to consider how those with huge pockets may be analogs of kings.
11/19/2012 -- George Peabody's and J.P.'s time didn't really mesh. George retired by 1864. The 'kingly' set is considered, by some, to be related to wealth in the material sense. Or, it's a function of power. Character? In a sense, the Master was the kingly presence of his time.
Modified: 05/25/2013
Monday, October 29, 2012
American trains
Month, Day: 169, Knowledge, Speech (Perfection)
It's interesting that Speech (7) is +7 (and interesting period, seen all over the place) from Words (14).
Today's diary:
All sorts of reactions to this, positive, of course. In the Master celebrating travel, I had to think of something that needs more attention. One example is that the Bab prohibited travel, then the Glory opened it up. Being on the move is nice, for the most part. Some cultures are migratory by nature. There are other examples where we ought to understand the Gift involved with the later change.
Back to the theme and on the personal note, it's a nice tribute, in part, to my heritage: great-grandfather, grandfather, father - all involved with the railroad industry in the U.S. Myself? While a college student, I worked out on the rails one summer, replacing ties (good, honest work). That was a great experience. Then, I spent my career in an industry that might be considered the next step: air and space, albeit part of it with a military flavor.
I have to mention that the involvement of my ancestors was real (not an abstract'd relationship like we find with the capitalist). For instance, my great-grandfather, with his family in tow, and a recent immigrant from Ireland, ran a rail crew from his car (think trailer on train wheels) out in the mid-western part of the country. He eventually settled on some land and farmed. Then, he did the American thing, politics, but more the working politician than the professional.
Also, the reference to soldiers and their lives resonates, to boot. Again, from the heritage and personal sense.
We'll be going back to the brief sojourn in the Golden State, and more.
10/29/2012 --
Modified: 10/29/2012
It's interesting that Speech (7) is +7 (and interesting period, seen all over the place) from Words (14).
Today's diary:
All sorts of reactions to this, positive, of course. In the Master celebrating travel, I had to think of something that needs more attention. One example is that the Bab prohibited travel, then the Glory opened it up. Being on the move is nice, for the most part. Some cultures are migratory by nature. There are other examples where we ought to understand the Gift involved with the later change.
Back to the theme and on the personal note, it's a nice tribute, in part, to my heritage: great-grandfather, grandfather, father - all involved with the railroad industry in the U.S. Myself? While a college student, I worked out on the rails one summer, replacing ties (good, honest work). That was a great experience. Then, I spent my career in an industry that might be considered the next step: air and space, albeit part of it with a military flavor.
I have to mention that the involvement of my ancestors was real (not an abstract'd relationship like we find with the capitalist). For instance, my great-grandfather, with his family in tow, and a recent immigrant from Ireland, ran a rail crew from his car (think trailer on train wheels) out in the mid-western part of the country. He eventually settled on some land and farmed. Then, he did the American thing, politics, but more the working politician than the professional.
Also, the reference to soldiers and their lives resonates, to boot. Again, from the heritage and personal sense.
We'll be going back to the brief sojourn in the Golden State, and more.
10/29/2012 --
Modified: 10/29/2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
Pending departures
Month, Day: 169, Knowledge, Words (Perfection)
The Bab's day is Light of Knowledge, each year.
The first departure was leaving LA. Ah, the City of the Angels. European involvement there from the early 1500s. Caused the Master to think of the Holy Land.
Then, there is the departure from CA. The Master spent less than a month in the Golden State. That, in itself, is significant. Lots of time spent back east. Then, a quick sortie to the frontier states. We'll have fun looking at all of these things in the next year, or so. Just as New England (and eastern colonies) represent the thrust of people across the water, the movement west portends much. Then, the barrier of the western sea looms large, to boot.
Apple of the Bab's eye, indeed. To boot, need to re-look at the dreams of the Master, using recently gained insights. At the same time, there'll be a look at the Master talking to scientists and other leading brains. Ah, yes, audacity.
Then, there is the departure from the US. So, coming up will the the journey back east, and then off to the people across the pond. Significances there, to boot. Is there a diary?
10/22/2012 --
Modified: 10/22/2012
The Bab's day is Light of Knowledge, each year.
The first departure was leaving LA. Ah, the City of the Angels. European involvement there from the early 1500s. Caused the Master to think of the Holy Land.
Then, there is the departure from CA. The Master spent less than a month in the Golden State. That, in itself, is significant. Lots of time spent back east. Then, a quick sortie to the frontier states. We'll have fun looking at all of these things in the next year, or so. Just as New England (and eastern colonies) represent the thrust of people across the water, the movement west portends much. Then, the barrier of the western sea looms large, to boot.
Apple of the Bab's eye, indeed. To boot, need to re-look at the dreams of the Master, using recently gained insights. At the same time, there'll be a look at the Master talking to scientists and other leading brains. Ah, yes, audacity.
Then, there is the departure from the US. So, coming up will the the journey back east, and then off to the people across the pond. Significances there, to boot. Is there a diary?
10/22/2012 --
Modified: 10/22/2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Only in California (left coast)
Month, Day: 169, Might, Loftiness (Justice)
Actually, could say, only in the West.
We'll collect some of Mahmud's quotes here.
10/31/2012 -- It's interesting that the Master spent less than a month in California which is small compared to the total US time. In California, there was less time spent in LA than in SF. So, is it that the less time denotes better spirituality and being? LA reminded the Master of the Holy Land.
10/17/2012 -- Spirit and matter. Did they listen? He used 'electricity' (its spiritual reality, why not ether?). There was one mention by Mahmud that seemed awful close to (analogous to) thermodynamics (the understanding, and definition, of which was coincidental with the Master's time).
10/13/2012 -- Mahmud's diary on-line. Stops December, 1912.
10/09/2012 -- Talks to students (such as, at Stanford) have special meaning for us.
Modified: 10/31/2012
Actually, could say, only in the West.
We'll collect some of Mahmud's quotes here.
- Donner party mentioned. Crossing that pass in the winter reminds us that the elements can, easily, outdo us. Our engineering prowess saves (or can save) the day.
- Speaking of which (engineering), the grandeur found in the western realm are noteworthy. Yet, man-produced marvels abound, to boot. My ancestors were involved with the technical (ah, I know. one can't do anything without funds and money --- yet, it's know how, and ability, that is the key) aspects of the transcontinental railroad.
- Message, again. We saw this before, in Boston, just before the western trip.
- Alfresco dining. One can just think of those 'prominent' ones strutting about, in their finery, within structures, with little regard for the natural world outside of the walls. Now, any rational person would prefer the outdoor situation which can be as elegantly set up.
- Thornton Chase (of the West).
- We'll close the list with Chapter XIX of God Passes By. We're still in the period of the western loop which was followed by a period in New York and DC. Then, there was a return to Europe. After looking, again, at the visit to this continent, it'll be interesting to get familiar with the other parts of the trip. Are there diaries such as we found with the US tour?
10/31/2012 -- It's interesting that the Master spent less than a month in California which is small compared to the total US time. In California, there was less time spent in LA than in SF. So, is it that the less time denotes better spirituality and being? LA reminded the Master of the Holy Land.
10/17/2012 -- Spirit and matter. Did they listen? He used 'electricity' (its spiritual reality, why not ether?). There was one mention by Mahmud that seemed awful close to (analogous to) thermodynamics (the understanding, and definition, of which was coincidental with the Master's time).
10/13/2012 -- Mahmud's diary on-line. Stops December, 1912.
10/09/2012 -- Talks to students (such as, at Stanford) have special meaning for us.
Modified: 10/31/2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
The West
Month, Day: 169, Might, Sovereignty (Perfection)
Yesterday, the 23rd saw the arrival, 100 years ago, of the Master in the first western city, though Nebraska was frontier, to boot. So, we'll enjoy the next month's diary.
It is telling, more than many might know, that the Master traveled coach out of Lincoln. How many bigwigs, of all Faiths -- yes, even those of the New Era, travel as if they're of a higher class? We'll go on about that later.Yes, some of these making oodles of bucks, to boot.
Of course, in the latter stages of His visit on the East Coast, before leaving for the west, the Master noted that there needs to be hierarchy, for order. That is, we can't all be officers, or generals. Yet, those in the upper ranks seems to differentiate themselves as being better (don't deny it, folks -- of course, not all, I've known some real good leaders, few and far between) than those they lead (ah, manage, let's say?).
Sorry, iconoclasm seems to appropriate when looking at the muck of these days.
So, now is the time for me to look at significances, from my view, of course, of the events of so long ago. It was enlightening to just become aware of what explains a whole lot of phenomena (ah, yes, outside of science? think again). But, hey, I'm a westerner (as are many others); and, I have decades being involved with this side of the country (naturally, the Nation -- and some of its interests -- subsumes these western states) which the Master saw as having much potential. The quotes today: He called on American to become a land of spiritual distinction and leadership and gave a powerful vision of America's spiritual destiny.
We keep hearing that we don't know the full value of the Visit. That is an understatement.
10/11/2012 --A visit to the grave site of Thornton Chase on October 19, 1912.
Modified: 10/11/2012
Yesterday, the 23rd saw the arrival, 100 years ago, of the Master in the first western city, though Nebraska was frontier, to boot. So, we'll enjoy the next month's diary.
It is telling, more than many might know, that the Master traveled coach out of Lincoln. How many bigwigs, of all Faiths -- yes, even those of the New Era, travel as if they're of a higher class? We'll go on about that later.Yes, some of these making oodles of bucks, to boot.
Of course, in the latter stages of His visit on the East Coast, before leaving for the west, the Master noted that there needs to be hierarchy, for order. That is, we can't all be officers, or generals. Yet, those in the upper ranks seems to differentiate themselves as being better (don't deny it, folks -- of course, not all, I've known some real good leaders, few and far between) than those they lead (ah, manage, let's say?).
Sorry, iconoclasm seems to appropriate when looking at the muck of these days.
So, now is the time for me to look at significances, from my view, of course, of the events of so long ago. It was enlightening to just become aware of what explains a whole lot of phenomena (ah, yes, outside of science? think again). But, hey, I'm a westerner (as are many others); and, I have decades being involved with this side of the country (naturally, the Nation -- and some of its interests -- subsumes these western states) which the Master saw as having much potential. The quotes today: He called on American to become a land of spiritual distinction and leadership and gave a powerful vision of America's spiritual destiny.
We keep hearing that we don't know the full value of the Visit. That is an understatement.
10/11/2012 --A visit to the grave site of Thornton Chase on October 19, 1912.
Modified: 10/11/2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
No diary?
Month, Day: 169, Might, Might (Perfection)
A double day.
About the time of the Lincoln visit, the diary quit. It has been really interesting reading these personal notes from several parties. For one thing, they brought forth more interpretations of dreams (about dreams generally) that I have had of the Master. I'll go into these at some point.Too, they personalize the situation. It's one thing to see, hear, or read about something that is public. It's another to know the personal issues, as in the Person versus the Role.
What? Yes, you see, science is public which is its main point (despite protestations by the Brights).
So, whilst the Master was on the East coast with the older aspects of our civilization in evidence, we had auxiliary information personal observations about the times and events (I liked the one where the Illuminati of Boston's locale all lined up to make their presence known -- same thing happened in D.C.). Too, we had the Master having little discussions captured by someone who was being succinct due to space, and perhaps time, constraints.
At the same time, there were public speeches recorded. However, it was done by hand and brain, though some electronic (artificial) recordings are around. Mainly, we have things from people's efforts (to wit, SAQ). Today, we have capturing everywhere, unedited, unrehearsed, etc. Even from little portable devices, such as the phone (one of the dreams dealt with this, way back in the 60s).
After Nebraska, there aren't any diary entries, unless they'll show up later. It would be easy to find out. But, for now, let's assume that there won't be any. What would that mean?
Yes, audacity pushes me on here. As the Master went west, it seemed to me that His talking about the Covenant, and lurking problems, strengthened. You see, look at our history. Too, look at the widening spaces as you go west.
Aside: remember, I've been on this side of the world for decades, mostly, by choice, in the west. Yet, Thornton roamed the same environs.
So, we will have the speeches to follow, daily, in the westward trek. Perhaps, there may be some way to get personal glimmers from what is at the site. We'll have to see. The visit was short, and sweet, comparatively. Oh well. New York was given the title of City of the Covenant.
Aside: hopefully, that will somehow straighten out, at some point, the financial messes that arise from that city which is not as illumined as it ought to be; rather, fairly stinky processes run daily there under the guise of the thoughts laid down by Adam Smith; but, all of that can be characterized in a manner that will describe the problems and hopefully allow creative solutions that are of value to more than the shifty-valued.
10/11/2012 --A visit to the grave site on October 19, 1912.
09/24/2012 -- The west, finally.
09/20/2012 -- Happy to note more content has appeared. The Rockies had to be mentioned.
09/18/2012 -- Sept 26 showed up today. So, I'll just wait and not look ahead too far. Looking forward to reading the CA pieces (and talks).
09/17/2012 -- Now, we have diary entries through Sept 25. Perhaps, they're appearing by some type of period. Throughout the summer, I could look weeks ahead. The Glenwood Springs entry seems like a diary entry.
09/17/2012 --Was in the SFO area on 09/09/2012, when there was a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the visit by the Master. His visit came six years after the earthquake. So, SF was renewing itself, at the time.
Modified: 10/11/2012
A double day.
About the time of the Lincoln visit, the diary quit. It has been really interesting reading these personal notes from several parties. For one thing, they brought forth more interpretations of dreams (about dreams generally) that I have had of the Master. I'll go into these at some point.Too, they personalize the situation. It's one thing to see, hear, or read about something that is public. It's another to know the personal issues, as in the Person versus the Role.
What? Yes, you see, science is public which is its main point (despite protestations by the Brights).
So, whilst the Master was on the East coast with the older aspects of our civilization in evidence, we had auxiliary information personal observations about the times and events (I liked the one where the Illuminati of Boston's locale all lined up to make their presence known -- same thing happened in D.C.). Too, we had the Master having little discussions captured by someone who was being succinct due to space, and perhaps time, constraints.
At the same time, there were public speeches recorded. However, it was done by hand and brain, though some electronic (artificial) recordings are around. Mainly, we have things from people's efforts (to wit, SAQ). Today, we have capturing everywhere, unedited, unrehearsed, etc. Even from little portable devices, such as the phone (one of the dreams dealt with this, way back in the 60s).
After Nebraska, there aren't any diary entries, unless they'll show up later. It would be easy to find out. But, for now, let's assume that there won't be any. What would that mean?
Yes, audacity pushes me on here. As the Master went west, it seemed to me that His talking about the Covenant, and lurking problems, strengthened. You see, look at our history. Too, look at the widening spaces as you go west.
Aside: remember, I've been on this side of the world for decades, mostly, by choice, in the west. Yet, Thornton roamed the same environs.
So, we will have the speeches to follow, daily, in the westward trek. Perhaps, there may be some way to get personal glimmers from what is at the site. We'll have to see. The visit was short, and sweet, comparatively. Oh well. New York was given the title of City of the Covenant.
Aside: hopefully, that will somehow straighten out, at some point, the financial messes that arise from that city which is not as illumined as it ought to be; rather, fairly stinky processes run daily there under the guise of the thoughts laid down by Adam Smith; but, all of that can be characterized in a manner that will describe the problems and hopefully allow creative solutions that are of value to more than the shifty-valued.
10/11/2012 --A visit to the grave site on October 19, 1912.
09/24/2012 -- The west, finally.
09/20/2012 -- Happy to note more content has appeared. The Rockies had to be mentioned.
09/18/2012 -- Sept 26 showed up today. So, I'll just wait and not look ahead too far. Looking forward to reading the CA pieces (and talks).
09/17/2012 -- Now, we have diary entries through Sept 25. Perhaps, they're appearing by some type of period. Throughout the summer, I could look weeks ahead. The Glenwood Springs entry seems like a diary entry.
09/17/2012 --Was in the SFO area on 09/09/2012, when there was a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the visit by the Master. His visit came six years after the earthquake. So, SF was renewing itself, at the time.
Modified: 10/11/2012
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Western loop
Month, Day: 169, Names, Speech (Beauty)
Earlier, while considering the long time spent in New England (and New York City), I mentioned that I've been in (or near to) all the cities that the Master had visited while in the U.S. and Canada. So, it's been interesting to see how far removed I was at each location. Too, there are many things that we can learn from that year, more than many might consider to be possible.
Of course, there were times of actual congruence, say, like the Temple in Wilmette. The others, I'll figure out as I review the itinerary in more detail. What we see is a location issue, dealing with differences in properties, whose study seems, as of this time, to be outside of the constrained view of science (hence, audacity). But, that's a topic of continuing interest.
For now, let's just look at the Western trip. Taking San Francisco, for example, it was forty-five years ago (1967), this month, while I was living within one mile of the principal residence for the Master in SF (1815 California) that I met someone who turned out to be my Baha'i teacher and declared. After that, I spent a couple of years within 3 miles of that SF location without knowing about it. I don't remember anyone mentioning the 1912 trip at that time (late 60s).
A bit earlier in my life, I had spent, I find out from looking at the map, three years within 10 miles, or so, of the Inglewood location where the Master visited Thornton Chase's grave. Thornton is old-time American which is one thing of interest to me personally, since my work on defining meme/gene (perhaps, there is another descriptive method for this) relationships is based upon the migration that started in the 17th century.
The western trip covered cities in between that were residences (or work sites) in several states: Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, Utah. And, Western New York. Ohio, Pennsylvania, etc. were on earlier jaunts.
The Twin Days (of course, we're talking about an actual point that is a few years later) were 19th century going into the 20th century visit. We're now 21st. So, in essence, the times of the Principals is about mid-way between the times of those early souls and ourselves (audacity says there is something to this).
Looking at some of those who were met the Master (a veritable Who's Who) in that northeastern realm, and in particular, some of the main folks in the stories, we see old-time families all around. Of course, a lot of the old-time implies those from that northern isle that ran the world for awhile.
Of course, I've spent an abundance of time in the eastern regions, too, including a long stint in the Capitol city. It's nice to see that the Master got to tour the Library of Congress; after all, this Revelation has a major theme of systems (to be discussed). The explosion all around results partly from that. Again, visitors in D.C. were a Who's Who with long familial associations. I didn't see any reference relating to a White House or a Capitol building visit. D.A.R. and Arlington National Cemetery were on the list, though.
10/17/2012 -- Apple of the Bab's eye. Also, only in California.
10/11/2012 --A visit to the grave site of Thornton Chase on October 19, 1912.
09/24/2012 -- The west, finally.
Modified: 10/17/2012
Earlier, while considering the long time spent in New England (and New York City), I mentioned that I've been in (or near to) all the cities that the Master had visited while in the U.S. and Canada. So, it's been interesting to see how far removed I was at each location. Too, there are many things that we can learn from that year, more than many might consider to be possible.
Of course, there were times of actual congruence, say, like the Temple in Wilmette. The others, I'll figure out as I review the itinerary in more detail. What we see is a location issue, dealing with differences in properties, whose study seems, as of this time, to be outside of the constrained view of science (hence, audacity). But, that's a topic of continuing interest.
For now, let's just look at the Western trip. Taking San Francisco, for example, it was forty-five years ago (1967), this month, while I was living within one mile of the principal residence for the Master in SF (1815 California) that I met someone who turned out to be my Baha'i teacher and declared. After that, I spent a couple of years within 3 miles of that SF location without knowing about it. I don't remember anyone mentioning the 1912 trip at that time (late 60s).
A bit earlier in my life, I had spent, I find out from looking at the map, three years within 10 miles, or so, of the Inglewood location where the Master visited Thornton Chase's grave. Thornton is old-time American which is one thing of interest to me personally, since my work on defining meme/gene (perhaps, there is another descriptive method for this) relationships is based upon the migration that started in the 17th century.
The western trip covered cities in between that were residences (or work sites) in several states: Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, Utah. And, Western New York. Ohio, Pennsylvania, etc. were on earlier jaunts.
The Twin Days (of course, we're talking about an actual point that is a few years later) were 19th century going into the 20th century visit. We're now 21st. So, in essence, the times of the Principals is about mid-way between the times of those early souls and ourselves (audacity says there is something to this).
Looking at some of those who were met the Master (a veritable Who's Who) in that northeastern realm, and in particular, some of the main folks in the stories, we see old-time families all around. Of course, a lot of the old-time implies those from that northern isle that ran the world for awhile.
Of course, I've spent an abundance of time in the eastern regions, too, including a long stint in the Capitol city. It's nice to see that the Master got to tour the Library of Congress; after all, this Revelation has a major theme of systems (to be discussed). The explosion all around results partly from that. Again, visitors in D.C. were a Who's Who with long familial associations. I didn't see any reference relating to a White House or a Capitol building visit. D.A.R. and Arlington National Cemetery were on the list, though.
10/17/2012 -- Apple of the Bab's eye. Also, only in California.
10/11/2012 --A visit to the grave site of Thornton Chase on October 19, 1912.
09/24/2012 -- The west, finally.
Modified: 10/17/2012
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Proofs, dreams
Month, Day: 169, Names, Power (Glory)
Mentioning lesson? There are many left to be learned.
A cursory look follows which will be explored further. Several posts deal with dreams. They have been with us from the beginning (especially, using a chord model and considering Wonderment). In a talk, 100 years ago today, in Canada, the Master used dreams as an example.
Audacity would claim that the current studies of the dream focus too much on the vehicle, as in that which bridges the material and the spiritual. The spiritual that relate to the senses are five. Of these, the common faculty does the bridging. So, insight via the Writings ought to have some import in studies related to this "phenomenon" (read the Valley's description). Actually, there are several areas that audacity pertains to; in short, any that extrapolate from a limited basis (and they are many).
The Master (SAQ) described one pathway, yet the five would relate in several manners. That would imply other pathways. It's already been suggested that some people seem to have an emphasis on one of these as they process. We all know the powers of the imagination (Albert's quote, et al -- too, hallucinatory experiences). Thought and memory? Lots to discuss there.
The point is that 'we' (our very selves) are of the other side of the veil, even though we're tied (how this is so remains a mystery) to Creation's physicality (and, how far does this extend?) during a brief moment in time.
Consider: our little box (Hilbert, et al) of wetware-influenced consciousness sweeping through sensible space, yet, at the same time, traversing the worlds (many, many) of God. There is a post that talks this as being one motivation for burial and timeliness of its occurrence. Something to ponder? While embodied, we have choice as to direction (within our box and its sphere plus however we relate to the rest); that, itself, implies an enormous amount of power (yes, even of the physically observable type -- beyond our imagination, at this point) and influence. The main reason to open the box (not Pandora-ish) is to obtain insight so as to do science in a proper manner (the Master says that such is our duty, many times and ways -- hence, audacity's emergence -- nothing to do with hubris).
03/12/2013 -- We need to address effectiveness.
10/17/2012 -- There is a lot to reflect on, about the trip, especially the western loop.
09/24/2012 -- The west, finally.
Modified: 03/12/2013
Mentioning lesson? There are many left to be learned.
A cursory look follows which will be explored further. Several posts deal with dreams. They have been with us from the beginning (especially, using a chord model and considering Wonderment). In a talk, 100 years ago today, in Canada, the Master used dreams as an example.
Audacity would claim that the current studies of the dream focus too much on the vehicle, as in that which bridges the material and the spiritual. The spiritual that relate to the senses are five. Of these, the common faculty does the bridging. So, insight via the Writings ought to have some import in studies related to this "phenomenon" (read the Valley's description). Actually, there are several areas that audacity pertains to; in short, any that extrapolate from a limited basis (and they are many).
The Master (SAQ) described one pathway, yet the five would relate in several manners. That would imply other pathways. It's already been suggested that some people seem to have an emphasis on one of these as they process. We all know the powers of the imagination (Albert's quote, et al -- too, hallucinatory experiences). Thought and memory? Lots to discuss there.
The point is that 'we' (our very selves) are of the other side of the veil, even though we're tied (how this is so remains a mystery) to Creation's physicality (and, how far does this extend?) during a brief moment in time.
Consider: our little box (Hilbert, et al) of wetware-influenced consciousness sweeping through sensible space, yet, at the same time, traversing the worlds (many, many) of God. There is a post that talks this as being one motivation for burial and timeliness of its occurrence. Something to ponder? While embodied, we have choice as to direction (within our box and its sphere plus however we relate to the rest); that, itself, implies an enormous amount of power (yes, even of the physically observable type -- beyond our imagination, at this point) and influence. The main reason to open the box (not Pandora-ish) is to obtain insight so as to do science in a proper manner (the Master says that such is our duty, many times and ways -- hence, audacity's emergence -- nothing to do with hubris).
03/12/2013 -- We need to address effectiveness.
10/17/2012 -- There is a lot to reflect on, about the trip, especially the western loop.
09/24/2012 -- The west, finally.
Modified: 03/12/2013
Friday, August 31, 2012
Interesting mixes
Month, Day: 169, Names, Knowledge (Independence)
We don't get triples like today, often. We have to have Names in order to found the proper Knowledge. Then, Independence is always necessary.
In short, even the smart get group think now and then.
That begs the question of when do we actually know the truth, for ourselves.
Even if we don't, we have much to rely on. The Master's long duration in New England suggests that. Lessons from that gift will be long-time studied.
Why use mixes? We'll have some analog of the periodic table as an example (to be described, eventually - what's the hurry?). Then, combinations change, covering an underlying structure that is properly supportive, yet beneath our grasp. Time may be used as an index, but it is not the only one. That key will open a whole bunch of doors, leading to the required 'new' science.
10/12/2012 -- Mr. Alfred E. Lunt, mentioned in the travel notes, was an early supporter of the Faith.
Modified: 10/12/2012
We don't get triples like today, often. We have to have Names in order to found the proper Knowledge. Then, Independence is always necessary.
In short, even the smart get group think now and then.
That begs the question of when do we actually know the truth, for ourselves.
Even if we don't, we have much to rely on. The Master's long duration in New England suggests that. Lessons from that gift will be long-time studied.
Why use mixes? We'll have some analog of the periodic table as an example (to be described, eventually - what's the hurry?). Then, combinations change, covering an underlying structure that is properly supportive, yet beneath our grasp. Time may be used as an index, but it is not the only one. That key will open a whole bunch of doors, leading to the required 'new' science.
10/12/2012 -- Mr. Alfred E. Lunt, mentioned in the travel notes, was an early supporter of the Faith.
Modified: 10/12/2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Overcoming ignorance
Month, Day: 169, Names, Perfection (Perfection)
As said, favorite month, after Questions. Dawkins is wrong about religion being where questions/intellect stop. We'll have to go into that further at some point (see Brights).
Questions is part of our basis (Motivational); we'll be getting back to that, too. By the way, we're into the Operational times. The Teleological ended with Perfection. This is a type of Perfection-squared day (see definition of Groups in this post).
This day, 08/27/1912: Consider human ignorance and inconsistency. A man who kills another man is punished by execution, but a military genius who kills one hundred thousand of his fellow creatures is immortalized as a hero. One man steals a small sum of money and is imprisoned as a thief. Another pillages a whole country and is honored as a patriot and conqueror. A single falsehood brings reproach and censure, but the wiles of politicians and diplomats excite the admiration and praise of a nation. Consider the ignorance and inconsistency of mankind. How darkened and savage are the instincts of humanity!
In New England, the Master's message had many interesting tones, that we'll be looking (motivation for this will be forthcoming, to boot). Personally, I'm looking forward to following the western journey (albeit, 100 years later).
08/31/2012 -- Names, Knowledge, Independence.
Modified: 08/31/2012
As said, favorite month, after Questions. Dawkins is wrong about religion being where questions/intellect stop. We'll have to go into that further at some point (see Brights).
Questions is part of our basis (Motivational); we'll be getting back to that, too. By the way, we're into the Operational times. The Teleological ended with Perfection. This is a type of Perfection-squared day (see definition of Groups in this post).
This day, 08/27/1912: Consider human ignorance and inconsistency. A man who kills another man is punished by execution, but a military genius who kills one hundred thousand of his fellow creatures is immortalized as a hero. One man steals a small sum of money and is imprisoned as a thief. Another pillages a whole country and is honored as a patriot and conqueror. A single falsehood brings reproach and censure, but the wiles of politicians and diplomats excite the admiration and praise of a nation. Consider the ignorance and inconsistency of mankind. How darkened and savage are the instincts of humanity!
In New England, the Master's message had many interesting tones, that we'll be looking (motivation for this will be forthcoming, to boot). Personally, I'm looking forward to following the western journey (albeit, 100 years later).
08/31/2012 -- Names, Knowledge, Independence.
Modified: 08/31/2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Names and more
Month, Day: 169, Names, Beauty (Justice)
100 years ago, the Master was still up in verdant New England. Coming up is commemorating the jaunt up to Canada and then out west to the country of the big skies and large prominences.
After Questions, Names is a favorite month for many reasons. About Questions, think sensors, et al, that are necessary for functioning within an environment. How could anything know states, etc., without queries? Now, Names, within the contexts related to modern dilemmas of science? Ah, let us count the ways.
What's in name? The use of ether gives many grief, it seems. The Master said that it wasn't sensible. So, even our artificial sensors would not detect that about which He was talking. Recall, Light is an attribute. One can wonder about the events that will lead up to a more full science and about how long this will take.
The year is 2800; the Manifestation will be appearing soon. Science and engineering has us bound into the spiraling depths of materialism. Unless, of course, the above-mentioned series of events has already taken place. Temporally, we may be talking about the time of the pre-awakening, such as we saw with the 200 years or so prior to the mid-1800s.
08/22/2012 --
Modified: 08/022/2012
100 years ago, the Master was still up in verdant New England. Coming up is commemorating the jaunt up to Canada and then out west to the country of the big skies and large prominences.
After Questions, Names is a favorite month for many reasons. About Questions, think sensors, et al, that are necessary for functioning within an environment. How could anything know states, etc., without queries? Now, Names, within the contexts related to modern dilemmas of science? Ah, let us count the ways.
What's in name? The use of ether gives many grief, it seems. The Master said that it wasn't sensible. So, even our artificial sensors would not detect that about which He was talking. Recall, Light is an attribute. One can wonder about the events that will lead up to a more full science and about how long this will take.
The year is 2800; the Manifestation will be appearing soon. Science and engineering has us bound into the spiraling depths of materialism. Unless, of course, the above-mentioned series of events has already taken place. Temporally, we may be talking about the time of the pre-awakening, such as we saw with the 200 years or so prior to the mid-1800s.
08/22/2012 --
Modified: 08/022/2012
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
New England
Month, Day: 169, Perfection, Perfection (Justice)
A double day, in an important month.
This is the 100th anniversary of an unprecedented event. The Master's visit to the U.S. came less than 150 years after its start. Too, given His roles, there are all types of significances. Looking for these can be interesting and instructive.
In terms of time, He spent much more in New York City and Washington DC than any other place. The month out in the west pales when compared with time spent on the east coast. But, the population density was much greater in those eastern realms. The massive buildup on the west coast came a little later. L.A. was still an almost sleepy town, in comparison.
His jaunt up to Montreal was brief, too. There were several visits to Chicago, but the days don't add up that much.
It's nice that the diaries and periodical articles have been organized. Too, we have photos from the time or taken later in an area where the Master visited. So, looking at this collection brings out a lot.
Now, take New England and its importance. Well, it was the cradle, more than anywhere else in the U.S., of the new nation that was visited by God's representative a mere 100+ years after its inception. And, New England's history will be retold using insights from the Writings (as will a whole bunch of disciplines, once the framework for doing this has been worked out -- it's mathematical, at its basis -- mathematical from an universal sense).
Calling New England the cradle is not warranted? Well, Virginia did play a major role. As well, we have those intermediate states playing a part. Yet, the influx into New England (in other words, The Great Migration, as titled by the NEHGS), for a period of time and from Northern Europe, principally England, surpassed that of the other areas.
The result of this massive influx put into a place a type of social cauldron from which American characteristics were forged. Some of the current problems can be understood within this context. The proper analysis has not been done, as of yet. The blogger is too old to see fruits; just knowing that the studies have an onset would be sufficient.
The 'illustrious' ones of New England came to see the Master, especially the women. It's interesting that His 'hostess' in New England (Mrs. Agnes Parsons) is of an old American family (early entrants, Virginia, in particular). Looking at her diary reads like a social register, almost.
The beauty of the place was well appreciated. In more than one case, the Master mentioned that His Father's imprisonment kept Him from enjoying such wonderful examples of Creation's bounties. Too, there are little things that pop out. He noted (paraphrase) that certain types of social events can corrupt morals. Too, a visit to one of the early players in the military-industrial complex did not go over well. But, He did tell the Canadians that they needed to attend to their defense, that is, being prepared to defend themselves in the coming war (WWI). The story of allowing oneself to be slapped was used in one of the talks.
Of course, reading these things from a diary, by definition, means that one is getting a personal view (hopefully, truthfully written). So, any description found therein that talked about an observation or even a quote (assuming, heard correctly) would be an interpretation (which we know are private).
Aside: Science is built upon mathematics which requires interpretive inputs at several points. That mathematics is a type of 'truth' that is expressively clear is an insidious overlay from 20th century thinking. In some cases, it's a carry over from the efforts at pushing spirit out of human matters (science is an human endeavor, remember?). Hence, science's basis has an interpretative element. We know that is true, in the small (see earlier post). It's true, too, in the grand, extrapolative scheme. Yet, these types of decisional things get covered up. That is, the mainstream takes it route; other possible avenues get reduced to potential cracker-ism if re-discovered. Now, the Writings may not be a 'propositional' source, yet the Writings do carry sufficient information to found a very sold worldview. How will the definition of this come about?
As said above, the blogger is past his prime. He did work this out 45 years ago. It's worth the effort to found the discussion, in spite of the cries of the conventional. Hence, the blog. Too, the cheeky use of audacity.
Aside: The blogger has been, during his times, in all of the cities visited by the Master in the U.S. though not always being aware that there had been the Presence. So, it's not like a pilgrimage, but there is a record of this in memory and on the ether. Serendipitous convergence, somewhat.
10/12/2012 -- Mr. Alfred E. Lunt, mentioned in the travel notes, was an early supporter of the Faith.
09/02/2012 -- After the east, the north and west were visited.
08/27/2012 -- Today, we have another type of double day.
Modified: 10/12/2012
A double day, in an important month.
This is the 100th anniversary of an unprecedented event. The Master's visit to the U.S. came less than 150 years after its start. Too, given His roles, there are all types of significances. Looking for these can be interesting and instructive.
In terms of time, He spent much more in New York City and Washington DC than any other place. The month out in the west pales when compared with time spent on the east coast. But, the population density was much greater in those eastern realms. The massive buildup on the west coast came a little later. L.A. was still an almost sleepy town, in comparison.
His jaunt up to Montreal was brief, too. There were several visits to Chicago, but the days don't add up that much.
It's nice that the diaries and periodical articles have been organized. Too, we have photos from the time or taken later in an area where the Master visited. So, looking at this collection brings out a lot.
Now, take New England and its importance. Well, it was the cradle, more than anywhere else in the U.S., of the new nation that was visited by God's representative a mere 100+ years after its inception. And, New England's history will be retold using insights from the Writings (as will a whole bunch of disciplines, once the framework for doing this has been worked out -- it's mathematical, at its basis -- mathematical from an universal sense).
Calling New England the cradle is not warranted? Well, Virginia did play a major role. As well, we have those intermediate states playing a part. Yet, the influx into New England (in other words, The Great Migration, as titled by the NEHGS), for a period of time and from Northern Europe, principally England, surpassed that of the other areas.
The result of this massive influx put into a place a type of social cauldron from which American characteristics were forged. Some of the current problems can be understood within this context. The proper analysis has not been done, as of yet. The blogger is too old to see fruits; just knowing that the studies have an onset would be sufficient.
The 'illustrious' ones of New England came to see the Master, especially the women. It's interesting that His 'hostess' in New England (Mrs. Agnes Parsons) is of an old American family (early entrants, Virginia, in particular). Looking at her diary reads like a social register, almost.
The beauty of the place was well appreciated. In more than one case, the Master mentioned that His Father's imprisonment kept Him from enjoying such wonderful examples of Creation's bounties. Too, there are little things that pop out. He noted (paraphrase) that certain types of social events can corrupt morals. Too, a visit to one of the early players in the military-industrial complex did not go over well. But, He did tell the Canadians that they needed to attend to their defense, that is, being prepared to defend themselves in the coming war (WWI). The story of allowing oneself to be slapped was used in one of the talks.
Of course, reading these things from a diary, by definition, means that one is getting a personal view (hopefully, truthfully written). So, any description found therein that talked about an observation or even a quote (assuming, heard correctly) would be an interpretation (which we know are private).
Aside: Science is built upon mathematics which requires interpretive inputs at several points. That mathematics is a type of 'truth' that is expressively clear is an insidious overlay from 20th century thinking. In some cases, it's a carry over from the efforts at pushing spirit out of human matters (science is an human endeavor, remember?). Hence, science's basis has an interpretative element. We know that is true, in the small (see earlier post). It's true, too, in the grand, extrapolative scheme. Yet, these types of decisional things get covered up. That is, the mainstream takes it route; other possible avenues get reduced to potential cracker-ism if re-discovered. Now, the Writings may not be a 'propositional' source, yet the Writings do carry sufficient information to found a very sold worldview. How will the definition of this come about?
As said above, the blogger is past his prime. He did work this out 45 years ago. It's worth the effort to found the discussion, in spite of the cries of the conventional. Hence, the blog. Too, the cheeky use of audacity.
Aside: The blogger has been, during his times, in all of the cities visited by the Master in the U.S. though not always being aware that there had been the Presence. So, it's not like a pilgrimage, but there is a record of this in memory and on the ether. Serendipitous convergence, somewhat.
10/12/2012 -- Mr. Alfred E. Lunt, mentioned in the travel notes, was an early supporter of the Faith.
09/02/2012 -- After the east, the north and west were visited.
08/27/2012 -- Today, we have another type of double day.
Modified: 10/12/2012
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Great Ether
Month, Day: 169, Perfection, Splendour (Justice)
As man progresses in pulling secrets out of nature (growing in hubris at the same time) with his models, the concept of 'ether' has become associated with ignorance. Ah, yes. However, we have used it here, a number of times (search on ether). Why? For one, many seem to be apologetic about its use in the Writings. Too, the story has not been fully written, people.
Hopefully, some ideas that need attention will get receive more than the scoffing putdown.
The whole matter came to me, again, as I was reading excerpts from Juliet's recollections about the Master's visit to the U.S. That whole bit was such a blessing which might bear some discussion within the contexts being covered here.
The posting on the Great Ether is of much significance as it mentions the power of the Master (and, introduces a glimmer of an approach to resolving issues that matter). Another post rocks:
08/01/2012 --
Modified: 08/01/2012
As man progresses in pulling secrets out of nature (growing in hubris at the same time) with his models, the concept of 'ether' has become associated with ignorance. Ah, yes. However, we have used it here, a number of times (search on ether). Why? For one, many seem to be apologetic about its use in the Writings. Too, the story has not been fully written, people.
Hopefully, some ideas that need attention will get receive more than the scoffing putdown.
The whole matter came to me, again, as I was reading excerpts from Juliet's recollections about the Master's visit to the U.S. That whole bit was such a blessing which might bear some discussion within the contexts being covered here.
The posting on the Great Ether is of much significance as it mentions the power of the Master (and, introduces a glimmer of an approach to resolving issues that matter). Another post rocks:
Amusingly, while materialists are engaged in making
discoveries concerning the strata of the earth, they are immersed in the very
spiritual power whose potency and influence they deny. They also claim to
forecast coming events.
08/01/2012 --
Modified: 08/01/2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Model and power
Month, Day: 169, Words, Sovereignty (Beauty)
Coming up is Perfection, where the eight months' start coincides. Interesting.
Several things, such as seeing the Middle Way counseled, observing that the success of the quantum model is being used for extrapolations (albeit without due regard for the quasi-empirical issues), and much more, bring up a few audacious notions. In terms of the Middle Way, we have the counsel of remembrance and of reflection (implying handling past and present in order to consider the future). Then, we have types of sufficiency that can be argued (we'll get there).
We'll have to review the onset of the current success (and just prior) in order to establish the platform for discussion. Motivation is several-fold which we'll get into as we go along. Necessity? Obvious!
08/01/2012 --Ether, in a manner that is unavoidably true. Our task? Show how to handle the matter from a scientific (the wise interpretation, okay?) framework. And, audacity is not necessary.
Modified: 08/01/2012
Coming up is Perfection, where the eight months' start coincides. Interesting.
Several things, such as seeing the Middle Way counseled, observing that the success of the quantum model is being used for extrapolations (albeit without due regard for the quasi-empirical issues), and much more, bring up a few audacious notions. In terms of the Middle Way, we have the counsel of remembrance and of reflection (implying handling past and present in order to consider the future). Then, we have types of sufficiency that can be argued (we'll get there).
We'll have to review the onset of the current success (and just prior) in order to establish the platform for discussion. Motivation is several-fold which we'll get into as we go along. Necessity? Obvious!
08/01/2012 --Ether, in a manner that is unavoidably true. Our task? Show how to handle the matter from a scientific (the wise interpretation, okay?) framework. And, audacity is not necessary.
Modified: 08/01/2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Agriculture and more
Month, Day: 169, Words, Perfection (Perfection)
While looking at the site about the Master's journey to the U.S., saw the He was about to go north and then west. So, that motivated a look to see what a search on Alfred E. Lunt would bring about. He was an early Baha'i who live in New England. We'll get back to Mr. Lunt at some point.
I found this page, amongst other things, about agriculture. The quote, from a Tablet to an individual says a lot about how we ought to be: Thou hadst made reference in thy letter to agriculture. On this matter He hath laid down the following universal rule: that it is incumbent upon everyone, even should he be resident in a particular land for no more than a single day, to become engaged in some craft or trade, or agriculture, and that the very pursuit of such a calling is, in the eyes of the one true God, identical with worship. This rule was exemplified by the Bahá’à community at the time when they were facing exile from ‘Iraq, for, while they were making arrangements for their journey, they occupied themselves in cultivating the land; and when they set out, instructions were given for the fruits of their labours to be distributed amongst the friends.
There is so much to consider here. Lazing about is definitely not in order. That is, one would think that we would have more than gratification for all of the work done to feed us: growing, transporting, cooking, ...
Too, cannot we harness, perhaps, all that energy wasted through exercise, etc.? You do see some who exercise generating power through their efforts, rather than the other way of exercise equipment being a net user of power.
Does the above have a message for how infrastructure, which we have seen decay right and left due to it being ignored - taken for granted, ought to be handled? It's a community affair.
07/17/2012 -- This is great!! It does help with infrastructural issues in the following sense. Rather than have an enslaved group (perpetually, through generations) be those who do the work, it would be shared by all and would be considered worship. The current bifurcation, some call class warfare, would then have no motivating power.
Modified: 07/17/2012
While looking at the site about the Master's journey to the U.S., saw the He was about to go north and then west. So, that motivated a look to see what a search on Alfred E. Lunt would bring about. He was an early Baha'i who live in New England. We'll get back to Mr. Lunt at some point.
I found this page, amongst other things, about agriculture. The quote, from a Tablet to an individual says a lot about how we ought to be: Thou hadst made reference in thy letter to agriculture. On this matter He hath laid down the following universal rule: that it is incumbent upon everyone, even should he be resident in a particular land for no more than a single day, to become engaged in some craft or trade, or agriculture, and that the very pursuit of such a calling is, in the eyes of the one true God, identical with worship. This rule was exemplified by the Bahá’à community at the time when they were facing exile from ‘Iraq, for, while they were making arrangements for their journey, they occupied themselves in cultivating the land; and when they set out, instructions were given for the fruits of their labours to be distributed amongst the friends.
There is so much to consider here. Lazing about is definitely not in order. That is, one would think that we would have more than gratification for all of the work done to feed us: growing, transporting, cooking, ...
Too, cannot we harness, perhaps, all that energy wasted through exercise, etc.? You do see some who exercise generating power through their efforts, rather than the other way of exercise equipment being a net user of power.
Does the above have a message for how infrastructure, which we have seen decay right and left due to it being ignored - taken for granted, ought to be handled? It's a community affair.
07/17/2012 -- This is great!! It does help with infrastructural issues in the following sense. Rather than have an enslaved group (perpetually, through generations) be those who do the work, it would be shared by all and would be considered worship. The current bifurcation, some call class warfare, would then have no motivating power.
Modified: 07/17/2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Month, Day: 169, Mercy, Grandeur (Justice)
We have a few more months that relate to the 1912 visit. There has been much printed, with one site providing a wonderful set of links.
For now, here are some links containing important material.
06/27/2012 --
Modified: 06/27/2012
We have a few more months that relate to the 1912 visit. There has been much printed, with one site providing a wonderful set of links.
For now, here are some links containing important material.
- Juliet's entry for 06/23/1912" “There was one name,” the Master answered, “that always brought joy to the face of Bahá’u’lláh. His expression would change at the mention of it. That name was Mary of Magdala.”
- Wikipedia entry about Mary.
- Post from 11/05/2011 that mentioned her.
06/27/2012 --
Modified: 06/27/2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
After life
Month, Day: 169, Light, Names (Justice)
Both the month and the day are significant to the topic. If only we knew.
The image comes from a wiki page that has an accumulation of the many view about what happens to us beyond the incident that puts us, hopefully, into the grave. Why hopefully? There are many ways that one can be prevented from a peaceful internment, including one's choices.
Also, we cannot know. The Writings have a lot to say on the matter, though. And, dreams can help gain a type of understanding.
What strikes me about the way this sounds is that it seems to ignore one lesson from the Iqan. That is, one ought not vaunt oneself over the sinner. Why? As no one knows their own end. This little bit comes from an excerpt that is appropriately named thusly: Tablet of the true seeker.
Why the post? It also seems to ring of 'careerism' or however one wants to characterize hierarchy. As we all know, we're of the same lot (dust to dust). Getting to the UHJ is not some epitome of life experience. Why? Think of it; so few? And, no women?
By the way, Hitch awakened. Imagine that!
06/17/2013 -- We're in Light (Perfection comes later). Everyone knows, can know (there are plenty of sources for this, but in one the Glory says that if this weren't true, why the Manifestation - thinking Iqan). That we have hierarchy of what is considered intelligence is a thing of rank (here, not there). When mankind is mature, who would be king (Aqdas)? Speaking of which, after studying several generations of these types (more sinners than saints). They have: aptitude, attitude, access, acknowledgement, and acclaim. That first can be studied, somewhat. Many times, there are several contenders (looking backward - okay?). ... There is an audacious thought. Using 1844, we can look back using a type of symmetry, especially looking at people and memes (to be defined). ... Aside: the new Kings are the leaders, such as CEOs. Many look to themselves (this can be characterized quite readily); ought leaders be more concerned with those they lead?
10/17/2012 -- There is a lot to reflect on, about the trip, especially the western loop.
Modified: 06/17/2013
Both the month and the day are significant to the topic. If only we knew.
The image comes from a wiki page that has an accumulation of the many view about what happens to us beyond the incident that puts us, hopefully, into the grave. Why hopefully? There are many ways that one can be prevented from a peaceful internment, including one's choices.
Also, we cannot know. The Writings have a lot to say on the matter, though. And, dreams can help gain a type of understanding.
What strikes me about the way this sounds is that it seems to ignore one lesson from the Iqan. That is, one ought not vaunt oneself over the sinner. Why? As no one knows their own end. This little bit comes from an excerpt that is appropriately named thusly: Tablet of the true seeker.
Why the post? It also seems to ring of 'careerism' or however one wants to characterize hierarchy. As we all know, we're of the same lot (dust to dust). Getting to the UHJ is not some epitome of life experience. Why? Think of it; so few? And, no women?
By the way, Hitch awakened. Imagine that!
06/17/2013 -- We're in Light (Perfection comes later). Everyone knows, can know (there are plenty of sources for this, but in one the Glory says that if this weren't true, why the Manifestation - thinking Iqan). That we have hierarchy of what is considered intelligence is a thing of rank (here, not there). When mankind is mature, who would be king (Aqdas)? Speaking of which, after studying several generations of these types (more sinners than saints). They have: aptitude, attitude, access, acknowledgement, and acclaim. That first can be studied, somewhat. Many times, there are several contenders (looking backward - okay?). ... There is an audacious thought. Using 1844, we can look back using a type of symmetry, especially looking at people and memes (to be defined). ... Aside: the new Kings are the leaders, such as CEOs. Many look to themselves (this can be characterized quite readily); ought leaders be more concerned with those they lead?
10/17/2012 -- There is a lot to reflect on, about the trip, especially the western loop.
Modified: 06/17/2013
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Hitch, again
Month, Day: 169, Grandeur, Grace (Justice)
Hitch got things boiling a lot. A recent tribute is worth listening to, for several reasons (which we'll get to, eventually). As said before, Hitch was of interest, many ways.
Krauss' tribute says a lot of things that we ought to know. Hitch loved 'knowledge' and seemed to obtain it from outside (reading, discussing, etc.). One wonders if he spent much time in a contemplative mode; he seems to argue that the joys of the bohemian life had a greater influence (arguing from the imbibe, if you would).
From listening to Krauss (who obviously is hero-worshipping - yes, don't we all want to be able to be so erudite, at will?), it seems to me that Hitch had a large gift of comprehension.
Aside: Look at what the Master said of the mental faculties (thought, comprehension, imagination, memory, and the common one -- SAQ #56). I know that this simple model doesn't seem to gel with the modern views (complicated mess that does not explain consciousness). But, it does (we'll get back to that).
Aside: Comprehension (somewhat like intuition) is suspect from many modern views. Paraphrasing von Neumann: you don't understand mathematics, you get used to it.
As a reminder, there are several motivations for this series being inspired by Hitch. Part of that involves the dreams that I had. In the first encounter, he knew of the after life (after all, he was there), yet he was trying his best to ignore (almost catatonic -- by the way, listen to certain lifestyle-influenced arguments, they want to go toward that state -- yes, brights, too). In this encounter, he looked at some notes that I was carrying around (me, of course, a bit abashed to have the lofty Hitch looking at my stuff). In the next encounter, he visited my work area (to be explained fully, in time) with my college roommate (of similar lifestyle and purpose). Now, there, Hitch did an assessment of me (sizing up, if you would). And, there were lessons learned on both sides (these will be described, in time, to boot). And, the saga continues.
Anyone barfing at me punting to the future? Oh yes! We have hundreds of years until the next Manifestation. Too, each can stand on their own feet (in this regard). So, don't look for guidance here (unless some glimpse at truth might come from reading anything here -- it's not planned). What we're up to here is trying to lay down a framework that would allow a more full science to emerge (which seems to be diametrically opposed to where science seems to be going, why?). See Science as highest attainment (how we know God) and Spiritual susceptibilities (which will influence, and broaden, science).
First order observations are suspect everywhere (we are very much imperfect in that manner). Too, models are shaky at their core. Krauss likes to talk grand scale; perhaps, he would deem to let me discuss some issues with him as he claims Hitch did for him (Krauss saying that he was chagrined at the thought that the mighty Hitch would befriend him -- look, Krauss, Hitch knew his limitations and appreciated truth from whatever source, as you said -- yet, he missed several important conclusions -- as have a whole bunch of others). So, on what do we have to rely? Well, the goodness of those who we have to trust (you see, no one knows all, has to cast over the wall to other disciplines -- Richard does this quite well), our abilities to overcome our limits (somewhat), ..., and, that the 'design' did include the ability to question and to search (among other things).
I might add that those who believe need to remember the Tablet of the True Seeker (Iqana #213). Any sinner can be a saint, at death. What is worse? The saintly (ah, how can such forget the glass house?) can become lower than low at the time of their meeting.
What meeting? Ah, as Hitch knows, where he met the Mockee (to which end we all move)!
06/13/2012 -- On second thought, I hope that my little dabbling was instrumental to the guy's grasp. As said, he was of comprehension (more ways than one).
Modified: 06/13/2012
Hitch got things boiling a lot. A recent tribute is worth listening to, for several reasons (which we'll get to, eventually). As said before, Hitch was of interest, many ways.
Krauss' tribute says a lot of things that we ought to know. Hitch loved 'knowledge' and seemed to obtain it from outside (reading, discussing, etc.). One wonders if he spent much time in a contemplative mode; he seems to argue that the joys of the bohemian life had a greater influence (arguing from the imbibe, if you would).
From listening to Krauss (who obviously is hero-worshipping - yes, don't we all want to be able to be so erudite, at will?), it seems to me that Hitch had a large gift of comprehension.
Aside: Look at what the Master said of the mental faculties (thought, comprehension, imagination, memory, and the common one -- SAQ #56). I know that this simple model doesn't seem to gel with the modern views (complicated mess that does not explain consciousness). But, it does (we'll get back to that).
Aside: Comprehension (somewhat like intuition) is suspect from many modern views. Paraphrasing von Neumann: you don't understand mathematics, you get used to it.
As a reminder, there are several motivations for this series being inspired by Hitch. Part of that involves the dreams that I had. In the first encounter, he knew of the after life (after all, he was there), yet he was trying his best to ignore (almost catatonic -- by the way, listen to certain lifestyle-influenced arguments, they want to go toward that state -- yes, brights, too). In this encounter, he looked at some notes that I was carrying around (me, of course, a bit abashed to have the lofty Hitch looking at my stuff). In the next encounter, he visited my work area (to be explained fully, in time) with my college roommate (of similar lifestyle and purpose). Now, there, Hitch did an assessment of me (sizing up, if you would). And, there were lessons learned on both sides (these will be described, in time, to boot). And, the saga continues.
Anyone barfing at me punting to the future? Oh yes! We have hundreds of years until the next Manifestation. Too, each can stand on their own feet (in this regard). So, don't look for guidance here (unless some glimpse at truth might come from reading anything here -- it's not planned). What we're up to here is trying to lay down a framework that would allow a more full science to emerge (which seems to be diametrically opposed to where science seems to be going, why?). See Science as highest attainment (how we know God) and Spiritual susceptibilities (which will influence, and broaden, science).
First order observations are suspect everywhere (we are very much imperfect in that manner). Too, models are shaky at their core. Krauss likes to talk grand scale; perhaps, he would deem to let me discuss some issues with him as he claims Hitch did for him (Krauss saying that he was chagrined at the thought that the mighty Hitch would befriend him -- look, Krauss, Hitch knew his limitations and appreciated truth from whatever source, as you said -- yet, he missed several important conclusions -- as have a whole bunch of others). So, on what do we have to rely? Well, the goodness of those who we have to trust (you see, no one knows all, has to cast over the wall to other disciplines -- Richard does this quite well), our abilities to overcome our limits (somewhat), ..., and, that the 'design' did include the ability to question and to search (among other things).
I might add that those who believe need to remember the Tablet of the True Seeker (Iqana #213). Any sinner can be a saint, at death. What is worse? The saintly (ah, how can such forget the glass house?) can become lower than low at the time of their meeting.
What meeting? Ah, as Hitch knows, where he met the Mockee (to which end we all move)!
06/13/2012 -- On second thought, I hope that my little dabbling was instrumental to the guy's grasp. As said, he was of comprehension (more ways than one).
Modified: 06/13/2012
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
We are not idempotent?
Month, Day: 169, Beauty, Knowledge (Justice)
There are many ways to discuss this, however let's just consider a few thoughts, for now.
Ever observe how some of the upper classes (to be described, but of many ilks and origins) seem to favor this idea [of specialness]. Abilities are not all the same. We know this, and we know there is good reason [see the Master on economic justice, for instance]. But, too, God especially loves the poor man who doesn't bewail (again, Aqdas, Middle way) [there are many ways to serve; gigantic remuneration is not a necessary attribute of the contributive value].
In essence, all work is worship. Those who are in the upper crusts ought to respect those who serve them. Those whose lot is to [be a] server ought to do so graciously (perhaps, pondering about kings) [where are the devotional attitudes about work - at its lowest -- written by one who has worked at ALL levels].
So, where does idempotent come in? As we've learned to abstract better (one of the gifts of the Revelation), we've built up modeling prowess. Of course, that involves definitions and more. We know that stability can be observed in many parts of nature, though it is puzzling just how quickly things can go awry given the right conditions (ever been under a tornado?). Irreversible processes abound. [So, we've discovered several forces that limit:: central tendencies, fixed points, ...]
In human affairs, if the lower ones keep their peace about being exploited, things can go smoothly [ah, think of the afterlife was one counsel by the priestly class]. Those did [keep their peace], for a long while (all sorts of things kept the truth from arising [-- the growing ball and chain of indebtedness camouflaged by supposedly the never-ending ATM of the house]). This last downturn was an example of a house of cards falling down. Those who were most hurt were the ones least responsible for the idiocy (tell it like it is -- and, lessons to be learned were ignored, setting us up for other go-rounds). Those who were responsible, many times, were bailed out [the rogues' mischievous ways continue]. And, they seem to be ready for another bit of games. Again, O Lord, where is the relief from the idiots?
But, being reflective, we're all individuals, created in the Image (in fact, we're to exhibit the conditions of maturity -- one of which is neither a follower nor leader be). So, things like Independent Investigation of the Truth need attention; how are we to be autodidact, for instance?
In the grand scheme (or, perhaps, from a certain view), we are all 'idempotent' (yet, I suspect not - mind you, we're not talking being non-humble, rather trying to be audacious in opening doors that have been left too long closed) in a sense. Within Their Realm, we're told that They are Idempotent (is not it counseled to consider each [of the Manifestations] as the same Sun[, different place on the horizon of rise]?).
From another view, we ought to be talking 'residue' (as in, by what degree not idempotent?) which raises the question, against what? Now, that is a Key issue (one role of the Manifestation).
07/20/2015 -- See post Susan Gamage's blog (... Elders find a place ...?). Old or young (makes me think of Cat Stevens - oh sorry - Yusuf)? It was 50 years ago, in May, that I first heard of the Faith (declared 48 years ago, SF). At that time, I was a "youth" (still am, at heart - cannot think that I'm over 18 until I look in a mirror - we're all Children of God, no matter the age). Too, I was iconoclastic; still am (whether that is fortunate or not is an open issue). What I have seen in the past few decades is, up close, that generational dynamics continually swirl (there is the bit (in the Writing) about the sword that makes a cut - one of the later Tablets). Yet, this must be (otherwise, we would have been given means to remove the elders); so, the Faith needs to get with it (actually, the Catholics are ahead of us in that sense -- BTW, my heritage with priests, nuns, what have you -- apple of the Bab's eye). ... This is cursory, mainly meant to leave a pointer to future discussion.
04/03/2015 -- This is a popular post. See NDEers for a bit of audacity.
09/30/2013 -- More of a technical nature.
05/11/2012 -- We can use abstractions; they are never close to the Writings, though, from which we can pull lessons for ourselves and our practices, including science.
Modified: 07/20/2015
There are many ways to discuss this, however let's just consider a few thoughts, for now.
- Masses? Indistinguishable faces in a large crowd? One could go on about humanity in a non-flattering way. History does this [sort of thing]. We have the few who leave some record, are written about, seem to make a splash, and more. Then, we have the innumerable others [6B, more or less]. Well, Christ did talk about several juxtapositions, such as first will be last, and so forth. When we look at bifurcations, though, such as the 1% (or less) and the 99% (or more), this type of thing is evident [measurable deltas and their epsilons]. Yet, put your hand into a crowd, pull one [person] out, and apply a proper measure (we'll get to this later). Everyone [from such sampling] the same? No [many differences, as we all know]. Yet, we can argue that the differences are insignificant [close enough]. So much to pursue in this vein.
- Workers, following the above [bullet]. Are these not mere resources for the exploitation by those with the 'bread' whose collective being is just a bunch of mass? Yes, are these not replaceable entities whose source seems to never dry up, especially when national borders can be breached in order to enlarge the availability (ala the colonization of capitalism)? Put your hand in a bucket of workers? See any difference? [though, we all consider ourselves irreplaceable, in some way]
- Hours, days. Don't they seem to roll into one another? For many, they're the same from day to day, at least during the work week. That is, given the prior bullet, many are in a form of servitude that seems to be interminable [worse than slavehood, in a sense]. Too, somehow, the game as defined (again, by those who have the wherewithal to do so) works toward increasing the bonds [bindings], in other words, the ball and chain of indebtedness. But, we know that each moment is different if only we could see. But, 'exigencies' demand the attentions and the energies, seemingly ad infinitum. Where, O Lord, is the deliverance (or, how to show Valley Four's importance?)?
Ever observe how some of the upper classes (to be described, but of many ilks and origins) seem to favor this idea [of specialness]. Abilities are not all the same. We know this, and we know there is good reason [see the Master on economic justice, for instance]. But, too, God especially loves the poor man who doesn't bewail (again, Aqdas, Middle way) [there are many ways to serve; gigantic remuneration is not a necessary attribute of the contributive value].
In essence, all work is worship. Those who are in the upper crusts ought to respect those who serve them. Those whose lot is to [be a] server ought to do so graciously (perhaps, pondering about kings) [where are the devotional attitudes about work - at its lowest -- written by one who has worked at ALL levels].
So, where does idempotent come in? As we've learned to abstract better (one of the gifts of the Revelation), we've built up modeling prowess. Of course, that involves definitions and more. We know that stability can be observed in many parts of nature, though it is puzzling just how quickly things can go awry given the right conditions (ever been under a tornado?). Irreversible processes abound. [So, we've discovered several forces that limit:: central tendencies, fixed points, ...]
In human affairs, if the lower ones keep their peace about being exploited, things can go smoothly [ah, think of the afterlife was one counsel by the priestly class]. Those did [keep their peace], for a long while (all sorts of things kept the truth from arising [-- the growing ball and chain of indebtedness camouflaged by supposedly the never-ending ATM of the house]). This last downturn was an example of a house of cards falling down. Those who were most hurt were the ones least responsible for the idiocy (tell it like it is -- and, lessons to be learned were ignored, setting us up for other go-rounds). Those who were responsible, many times, were bailed out [the rogues' mischievous ways continue]. And, they seem to be ready for another bit of games. Again, O Lord, where is the relief from the idiots?
But, being reflective, we're all individuals, created in the Image (in fact, we're to exhibit the conditions of maturity -- one of which is neither a follower nor leader be). So, things like Independent Investigation of the Truth need attention; how are we to be autodidact, for instance?
In the grand scheme (or, perhaps, from a certain view), we are all 'idempotent' (yet, I suspect not - mind you, we're not talking being non-humble, rather trying to be audacious in opening doors that have been left too long closed) in a sense. Within Their Realm, we're told that They are Idempotent (is not it counseled to consider each [of the Manifestations] as the same Sun[, different place on the horizon of rise]?).
From another view, we ought to be talking 'residue' (as in, by what degree not idempotent?) which raises the question, against what? Now, that is a Key issue (one role of the Manifestation).
07/20/2015 -- See post Susan Gamage's blog (... Elders find a place ...?). Old or young (makes me think of Cat Stevens - oh sorry - Yusuf)? It was 50 years ago, in May, that I first heard of the Faith (declared 48 years ago, SF). At that time, I was a "youth" (still am, at heart - cannot think that I'm over 18 until I look in a mirror - we're all Children of God, no matter the age). Too, I was iconoclastic; still am (whether that is fortunate or not is an open issue). What I have seen in the past few decades is, up close, that generational dynamics continually swirl (there is the bit (in the Writing) about the sword that makes a cut - one of the later Tablets). Yet, this must be (otherwise, we would have been given means to remove the elders); so, the Faith needs to get with it (actually, the Catholics are ahead of us in that sense -- BTW, my heritage with priests, nuns, what have you -- apple of the Bab's eye). ... This is cursory, mainly meant to leave a pointer to future discussion.
04/03/2015 -- This is a popular post. See NDEers for a bit of audacity.
09/30/2013 -- More of a technical nature.
05/11/2012 -- We can use abstractions; they are never close to the Writings, though, from which we can pull lessons for ourselves and our practices, including science.
Modified: 07/20/2015
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Cities visited
Month, Day: 169, Beauty, Light (Justice)
This year, Ridvan started with Glory, Power (Glory). Then, the 9th day was Beauty, Glory (Beauty). Then, we have the 12th which is today. Reflections of Paradise, the whole time.
In many climes, post this, the heat of summer, leading to the dog days. Makes one think of how it'll be when we get to the Summer of this Cycle.

Earlier, the 100th anniversary celebrations related to the visit started. This page at a supporting site is interesting. It shows a map of the travels and provides a list of cities that were visited.
The diary entries are interesting, too, for many reasons, such as, Agnes Parsons mentioning that the Master would walk when He could.
05/02/2012 --
Modified: 05/02/2012
This year, Ridvan started with Glory, Power (Glory). Then, the 9th day was Beauty, Glory (Beauty). Then, we have the 12th which is today. Reflections of Paradise, the whole time.
In many climes, post this, the heat of summer, leading to the dog days. Makes one think of how it'll be when we get to the Summer of this Cycle.

Earlier, the 100th anniversary celebrations related to the visit started. This page at a supporting site is interesting. It shows a map of the travels and provides a list of cities that were visited.
The diary entries are interesting, too, for many reasons, such as, Agnes Parsons mentioning that the Master would walk when He could.
05/02/2012 --
Modified: 05/02/2012
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Five points
Month, Day: 169, Glory, Power (Glory)
Today, Ridvan. Looking at some related material, I came across the Symbols. And, then I saw the Tablet of the Bab written as a five-pointed star.
Well, have to admit, haven't seen that before.
And, the meanderings today looked at Names of God (Attributes).
Earlier, there had been discussion about the Groups. Picking a partitioning by four was arbitrary, but that did allow a type of coherent view which had some operational appeal. Part of the discussion used 'chords' which seems to be implied in the 7V4V.
Let's consider a five partition.
I will have to use the current measure to consider the theme further.
04/22/2012 --So, we have both a 4x5 and a 5x4. The former has been looked at for awhile. The latter will be the focus of attention for a few posts. Then, we'll relate the two viewpoints.
Modified: 04/22/2012
Today, Ridvan. Looking at some related material, I came across the Symbols. And, then I saw the Tablet of the Bab written as a five-pointed star.
Well, have to admit, haven't seen that before.
And, the meanderings today looked at Names of God (Attributes).
Earlier, there had been discussion about the Groups. Picking a partitioning by four was arbitrary, but that did allow a type of coherent view which had some operational appeal. Part of the discussion used 'chords' which seems to be implied in the 7V4V.
Let's consider a five partition.
- Splendour, Glory, Beauty, Grandeur, Light (so far, it looks cohesive)
- Mercy, Words, Perfection, Names, Might (again)
- Will, Knowledge, Power, Speech, Questions (ah, operational efforts, and science)
- Honour, Dominion, Sovereignty, Intercalary, Loftiness (with the buffer period, there is an even split)
I will have to use the current measure to consider the theme further.
04/22/2012 --So, we have both a 4x5 and a 5x4. The former has been looked at for awhile. The latter will be the focus of attention for a few posts. Then, we'll relate the two viewpoints.
Modified: 04/22/2012
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Thornton Chase
Month, Day: 169, Glory, Mercy (Glory)
It was this day, Apr 14, that the Titanic sank. Too, we're three days past the arrival of the Master to the American shores.
Since the next few months can be associated with the visit of 1912, there will be all sorts of possible topics to look at. One of these is Thornton Chase.
The Master changed his itinerary in order to visit Thornton's grave.
It is interesting to note that both of Thornton's parents have deep American roots. His father descended from Aquila Chase who came over from Chesham in 1630, pursuing religious freedom. Some other families in the Chase tree are Dudley, Bradstreet, Tufts, Lunt, and Cotton. His mother's family included some of those plus Hutchinson and Bachiler.
Why of note? This is about 200 years prior to the Twin Days where we can apply reflection (see About the Middle, George's Lessons, Reckoner II). We'll get into this more through time.
06/08/2020 --For more on AE Lunt, see Hierarchy, bahaipedia, Green Acre, New Englanders, and more.
07/24/2019 -- Notes on Thornton Chase (cuz).
10/31/2012 -- On 11/04/1912, the Master remember Thornton.
10/11/2012 --A visit to the grave site on October 19, 1912.
09/02/2012 -- As the date for the western loop comes closer, we'll get more detailed. Here is the findagrave page for Thornton.
04/19/2012 --The 1912 Trip.
Modified: 06/08/2020
It was this day, Apr 14, that the Titanic sank. Too, we're three days past the arrival of the Master to the American shores.
Since the next few months can be associated with the visit of 1912, there will be all sorts of possible topics to look at. One of these is Thornton Chase.
The Master changed his itinerary in order to visit Thornton's grave.
![]() |
Bahá’Ãs of the United States |
Why of note? This is about 200 years prior to the Twin Days where we can apply reflection (see About the Middle, George's Lessons, Reckoner II). We'll get into this more through time.
06/08/2020 --For more on AE Lunt, see Hierarchy, bahaipedia, Green Acre, New Englanders, and more.
07/24/2019 -- Notes on Thornton Chase (cuz).
10/31/2012 -- On 11/04/1912, the Master remember Thornton.
10/11/2012 --A visit to the grave site on October 19, 1912.
09/02/2012 -- As the date for the western loop comes closer, we'll get more detailed. Here is the findagrave page for Thornton.
04/19/2012 --The 1912 Trip.
Modified: 06/08/2020
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Operationally oriented
Month, Day: 169, Splendour, Names (Majesty)
Month, Day: 169, Splendour, Might (Independence)
We're into the first day of the Operational. The just past Group (Teleological) ended with Perfection. Of course, we're in a month of the Transcendent (baffles the brights).
The first attribute of Operational, Names, implies structure. We've said that before (and will get back into this). Then, the next ones, Might and Will, are related to actions on (or by) those structures, implying, in part, motion.
So, two thoughts on action.
SAQ #63: This state of motion is said to be essential—that is, natural; it cannot be separated from beings because it is their essential requirement, as it is the essential requirement of fire to burn.
Of course, as it says, one action is to remember those who have passed on. Pray for the departed.
SAQ #62: As the spirit of man after putting off this material form has an everlasting life, certainly any existing being is capable of making progress; therefore, it is permitted to ask for advancement, forgiveness, mercy, beneficence and blessings for a man after his death because existence is capable of progression.
Of course, there are many more actions, almost an endless set, given all the possible permutations. Objects? We have only a glimmer of these, mainly having discovered those within the scope of our filters, both natural and scientific.
But, remembrance of people past has several implications that we'll get into at some point. It'll be brought to the fore, by necessity.
03/29/2012 -- Interesting video on self-transcendence. Pay attention to the last three minutes.
Modified: 03/30/2012
Month, Day: 169, Splendour, Might (Independence)
We're into the first day of the Operational. The just past Group (Teleological) ended with Perfection. Of course, we're in a month of the Transcendent (baffles the brights).
The first attribute of Operational, Names, implies structure. We've said that before (and will get back into this). Then, the next ones, Might and Will, are related to actions on (or by) those structures, implying, in part, motion.
So, two thoughts on action.
SAQ #63: This state of motion is said to be essential—that is, natural; it cannot be separated from beings because it is their essential requirement, as it is the essential requirement of fire to burn.
Of course, as it says, one action is to remember those who have passed on. Pray for the departed.
SAQ #62: As the spirit of man after putting off this material form has an everlasting life, certainly any existing being is capable of making progress; therefore, it is permitted to ask for advancement, forgiveness, mercy, beneficence and blessings for a man after his death because existence is capable of progression.
Of course, there are many more actions, almost an endless set, given all the possible permutations. Objects? We have only a glimmer of these, mainly having discovered those within the scope of our filters, both natural and scientific.
But, remembrance of people past has several implications that we'll get into at some point. It'll be brought to the fore, by necessity.
03/29/2012 -- Interesting video on self-transcendence. Pay attention to the last three minutes.
Modified: 03/30/2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Measure of Measures
Month, Day: 168, Loftiness, Loftiness (Grace)
Several things happen today: we move to 169, get a new batch of measure, traverse the heavens, and more.
In terms of the first, it's the continuation of cycles with different types of markings passing by. For the second, do we ever notice that the measures collapse to naught? And, on the paths, they are indeed wide.
The earth may indeed be near round, but the world is flat. Ever talk to someone on the phone who is near 180 degrees from you? Do they see themselves as 'neath your feet and rotated that amount of degrees?
Some see. What do others do? Sense?
03/25/2016 -- A change in the calendar will have some days adjusting. As well, we have a principal vector upon which to contemplate.
08/08/2013 -- Perfection/Perfection.
03/22/2012 -- As we get our measure, we might consider what is written about wealth: 2010, 2008, 2008.
Modified: 03/23/2016
Several things happen today: we move to 169, get a new batch of measure, traverse the heavens, and more.
In terms of the first, it's the continuation of cycles with different types of markings passing by. For the second, do we ever notice that the measures collapse to naught? And, on the paths, they are indeed wide.
The earth may indeed be near round, but the world is flat. Ever talk to someone on the phone who is near 180 degrees from you? Do they see themselves as 'neath your feet and rotated that amount of degrees?
Some see. What do others do? Sense?
03/25/2016 -- A change in the calendar will have some days adjusting. As well, we have a principal vector upon which to contemplate.
08/08/2013 -- Perfection/Perfection.
03/22/2012 -- As we get our measure, we might consider what is written about wealth: 2010, 2008, 2008.
Modified: 03/23/2016
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Reckoner II
Month, Day: 168, Loftiness, Might (Glory)
We're into the Operational of the Groups. It is nice, since the whole thing implies doing something (action). Except, it starts out with Names which relates to structure (does it not?). Also, we're heading to the new release of our measure.
Gosh, we've been about three years away from the technical, so it's time. For instance, Reckoner was used in the context of some ACM work. Now, thanks to it being the 100th (ACM's coverage) of Alan M. Turing, we can get back to this and be a little more serious (and audacious).
One of the articles is by Leeds' professor S. Barry Cooper and is titled (1912 focus): Turing's Titanic Machine? (fortunately, the article is open to public use) In this article, Prof Cooper runs through the issues related to incomputable which we'll look at in detail. Too, he points to areas that will be of importance.
As a reminder, the whole audacious theme is a railing against several viewpoints, such as reductionism as it applies to computing. What we see has developed is a framework that is shaky at its core; yet, it shines so much like a chimera as to draw the highly intelligent into its grasp. To paraphrase what I've written elsewhere: with the advance of computation, we have let the genie out of the bottle in an irreversible manner.
One approach here seemed to be a relook at some issues that relate to topology (loosely used).
Now, this discussion is within the context of Faith & Science. One proposal would be that there be another bullet dealing with computation and nature (however phrased). Surely, there has been some type of study in this area; if not, the fact that we could provide support for the quasi-empirical view from the Writings for fostering a middle-out approach (to wit, blind/delusional polarity) might be a motivation.
Turing is quoted as saying (see Prof Cooper's article): ...if a machine is expected to be infallible, it cannot also be intelligent. There are several theorems which say almost exactly that.
The discussion page of the Faith & Science article (Wiki) had a go-around about inerrancy (related to infallibility, in part). Consider that the information transfer (you see, all sorts of scientific progress related to computation is useful) implied by instruments, such as the Writings, can be put into a 'machine' concept.Yet, not. That gap is amenable to some type of rectification, albeit limited, which will allow for a better foundational view (why else the emphasis on Science in the Faith?).
08/08/2013 -- Perfection/Perfection.
10/17/2012 -- There is a lot to reflect on, about the trip, especially the western loop.
04/14/2012 -- Thornton Chase is an example of several things that will be discussed this year.
03/30/2012 -- Interesting video on self-transcendence. Pay attention to the last three minutes.
03/11/2012 -- Must mention that psychether will be a central theme. The intuition has been emboldened by the passing of an older brother. I haven't characterized the experience yet, but looking at the CH dreams serves as a proxy until such is attempted.
Modified: 08/08/2013
We're into the Operational of the Groups. It is nice, since the whole thing implies doing something (action). Except, it starts out with Names which relates to structure (does it not?). Also, we're heading to the new release of our measure.
Gosh, we've been about three years away from the technical, so it's time. For instance, Reckoner was used in the context of some ACM work. Now, thanks to it being the 100th (ACM's coverage) of Alan M. Turing, we can get back to this and be a little more serious (and audacious).
One of the articles is by Leeds' professor S. Barry Cooper and is titled (1912 focus): Turing's Titanic Machine? (fortunately, the article is open to public use) In this article, Prof Cooper runs through the issues related to incomputable which we'll look at in detail. Too, he points to areas that will be of importance.
As a reminder, the whole audacious theme is a railing against several viewpoints, such as reductionism as it applies to computing. What we see has developed is a framework that is shaky at its core; yet, it shines so much like a chimera as to draw the highly intelligent into its grasp. To paraphrase what I've written elsewhere: with the advance of computation, we have let the genie out of the bottle in an irreversible manner.
One approach here seemed to be a relook at some issues that relate to topology (loosely used).
Now, this discussion is within the context of Faith & Science. One proposal would be that there be another bullet dealing with computation and nature (however phrased). Surely, there has been some type of study in this area; if not, the fact that we could provide support for the quasi-empirical view from the Writings for fostering a middle-out approach (to wit, blind/delusional polarity) might be a motivation.
Turing is quoted as saying (see Prof Cooper's article): ...if a machine is expected to be infallible, it cannot also be intelligent. There are several theorems which say almost exactly that.
The discussion page of the Faith & Science article (Wiki) had a go-around about inerrancy (related to infallibility, in part). Consider that the information transfer (you see, all sorts of scientific progress related to computation is useful) implied by instruments, such as the Writings, can be put into a 'machine' concept.Yet, not. That gap is amenable to some type of rectification, albeit limited, which will allow for a better foundational view (why else the emphasis on Science in the Faith?).
08/08/2013 -- Perfection/Perfection.
10/17/2012 -- There is a lot to reflect on, about the trip, especially the western loop.
04/14/2012 -- Thornton Chase is an example of several things that will be discussed this year.
03/30/2012 -- Interesting video on self-transcendence. Pay attention to the last three minutes.
03/11/2012 -- Must mention that psychether will be a central theme. The intuition has been emboldened by the passing of an older brother. I haven't characterized the experience yet, but looking at the CH dreams serves as a proxy until such is attempted.
Modified: 08/08/2013
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Month, Day: 168, Intercalary, 3 of 5 (Grace)
This period has several special meanings; that is the period between Dominion and Loftiness, in the Ascendant time, which occurs yearly right before the Fast.
One use of the period is as we see this year, with five days rather than the usual four days (from Feb 26 through Mar 1). So, if the year lengthens (many possible ways) in terms of days, the months would be the same. This Intercalary period would alter to adopt to the new reality.
02/28/2012 --
Modified: 02/28/2012
This period has several special meanings; that is the period between Dominion and Loftiness, in the Ascendant time, which occurs yearly right before the Fast.
One use of the period is as we see this year, with five days rather than the usual four days (from Feb 26 through Mar 1). So, if the year lengthens (many possible ways) in terms of days, the months would be the same. This Intercalary period would alter to adopt to the new reality.
02/28/2012 --
Modified: 02/28/2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Month, Day: 168, Dominion, Knowledge (Glory)
At several places in the Writings, we see a change from a more strident to a lessor stance. For instance, Babism had constraints on travel; these were later dropped.
Of interest is the change in the inscription on the ring used for burial.
Aqdas (#129):
02/17/2012 --
Modified: 02/28/2012
At several places in the Writings, we see a change from a more strident to a lessor stance. For instance, Babism had constraints on travel; these were later dropped.
Of interest is the change in the inscription on the ring used for burial.
Aqdas (#129):
- ... for men: “Unto God belongeth all that is in the heavens and on the earth and whatsoever is between them, and He, in truth, hath knowledge of all things”
- ... for women: “Unto God belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth and whatsoever is between them, and He, in truth, is potent over all things”
- If the following verse, which hath at this moment been sent down by God, be engraved upon the burial-rings of both men and women, it shall be better for them; We, of a certainty, are the Supreme Ordainer: “I came forth from God, and return unto Him, detached from all save Him, holding fast to His Name, the Merciful, the Compassionate.”
02/17/2012 --
Modified: 02/28/2012
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Blind or delusional
Month, Day: 168, Sovereignty, Power (Grace)
Grace is the 4th day of the week. As such, Unity is a nice thing to ponder.
We have to re-look at the choice brought up before: 'Tis or 'Tisn't. Gosh, has it been six months? One thing that is different is that the blogger has been making the effort [to] read secular material and to listen to videos from that side [of the worldviews]. This was precipitated by Christopher's (CH) display of endurance.
We'll make a couple of comments and then bring in quotes for reflection. Many who argued with CH (using him as a proxy for the secular view) said: why can't you see? Ah, blindness, one might think. We used that here in talking about the Brights. So, the claim is that the secular side does not allow into discourse certain things that are accepted by the 'Tis side, hence a whole bit of stuff cannot be talked about.
If these are brought up, then the response is: you're delusional. Gosh, how many times is that used?
Now, 'blind' is not bad. Justice is said to be blind. Note that it's a day of the week. Too, 'blind' implies not sensing something; how many things are outside of our senses? In fact, modern scientific views all make heavy use of lens, filters, and more (caution: quasi-empiricism needs to be addressed).
'delusion' is a powerful thing to throw at someone (straight-jackets, and what not, are associated with this). Its use seems particularly oppressive; however, perhaps it is just this stalemate that brings up the counsel to not proselytize.
Yet, there are audacity issues that might require some attention. Hopefully, these are addressed with some wisdom.
4th Valley: Hence, when searchers inquired of this, He made reply, “This is a bottomless sea which none shall ever fathom.” And they asked again, and He answered, “It is the blackest of nights through which none can find his way.”
SAQ (#37): Therefore, the Reality of the Divinity is hidden from all comprehension, and concealed from the minds of all men. It is absolutely impossible to ascend to that plane. ... From this it is certain and evident that if we imagine a Divine Reality outside of the Holy Manifestations, it is pure imagination, for there is no way to approach the Reality of Divinity which is not cut off to us, and all that we imagine is mere supposition.
SAQ (#22): Consequently, whenever it is recorded in the Holy Books that such a one was blind and recovered his sight, the meaning is that he was inwardly blind, and that he obtained spiritual vision, or that he was ignorant and became wise, or that he was negligent and became heedful, or that he was worldly and became heavenly. ... As this inner sight, hearing, life and healing are eternal, they are of importance.
03/29/2012 -- Interesting video on self-transcendence.
02/01/2012 --Reflecting on CH interchanges, one has to wonder is dreams can ever be used in science. Now, mind you, I'm talking an advanced view of science that deals with knowing God, in part. Actually, just having science shift to where it realizes the usefulness of addressing human intelligence will be a step forward. One can surmise a whole lot from such a thing. I'm too old to see this, though, even in an inkling. But, I'll be able to watch the secular thing wound down as complexities of Being bound it up. That is, the 'religion' of both science and secularism will come to fore and be noticeable. Basic query: how can there be any epistemological framework (including its tools) that is not amenable to being grasped by all humans seen as that which is our future? Of course, we know that the system requires difference in ability. Yet, underlying truth ought to be apparent in any context.
Modified: 03/29/2012
Grace is the 4th day of the week. As such, Unity is a nice thing to ponder.
We have to re-look at the choice brought up before: 'Tis or 'Tisn't. Gosh, has it been six months? One thing that is different is that the blogger has been making the effort [to] read secular material and to listen to videos from that side [of the worldviews]. This was precipitated by Christopher's (CH) display of endurance.
We'll make a couple of comments and then bring in quotes for reflection. Many who argued with CH (using him as a proxy for the secular view) said: why can't you see? Ah, blindness, one might think. We used that here in talking about the Brights. So, the claim is that the secular side does not allow into discourse certain things that are accepted by the 'Tis side, hence a whole bit of stuff cannot be talked about.
If these are brought up, then the response is: you're delusional. Gosh, how many times is that used?
Now, 'blind' is not bad. Justice is said to be blind. Note that it's a day of the week. Too, 'blind' implies not sensing something; how many things are outside of our senses? In fact, modern scientific views all make heavy use of lens, filters, and more (caution: quasi-empiricism needs to be addressed).
'delusion' is a powerful thing to throw at someone (straight-jackets, and what not, are associated with this). Its use seems particularly oppressive; however, perhaps it is just this stalemate that brings up the counsel to not proselytize.
Yet, there are audacity issues that might require some attention. Hopefully, these are addressed with some wisdom.
4th Valley: Hence, when searchers inquired of this, He made reply, “This is a bottomless sea which none shall ever fathom.” And they asked again, and He answered, “It is the blackest of nights through which none can find his way.”
SAQ (#37): Therefore, the Reality of the Divinity is hidden from all comprehension, and concealed from the minds of all men. It is absolutely impossible to ascend to that plane. ... From this it is certain and evident that if we imagine a Divine Reality outside of the Holy Manifestations, it is pure imagination, for there is no way to approach the Reality of Divinity which is not cut off to us, and all that we imagine is mere supposition.
SAQ (#22): Consequently, whenever it is recorded in the Holy Books that such a one was blind and recovered his sight, the meaning is that he was inwardly blind, and that he obtained spiritual vision, or that he was ignorant and became wise, or that he was negligent and became heedful, or that he was worldly and became heavenly. ... As this inner sight, hearing, life and healing are eternal, they are of importance.
03/29/2012 -- Interesting video on self-transcendence.
02/01/2012 --Reflecting on CH interchanges, one has to wonder is dreams can ever be used in science. Now, mind you, I'm talking an advanced view of science that deals with knowing God, in part. Actually, just having science shift to where it realizes the usefulness of addressing human intelligence will be a step forward. One can surmise a whole lot from such a thing. I'm too old to see this, though, even in an inkling. But, I'll be able to watch the secular thing wound down as complexities of Being bound it up. That is, the 'religion' of both science and secularism will come to fore and be noticeable. Basic query: how can there be any epistemological framework (including its tools) that is not amenable to being grasped by all humans seen as that which is our future? Of course, we know that the system requires difference in ability. Yet, underlying truth ought to be apparent in any context.
Modified: 03/29/2012
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