Friday, February 28, 2020


Month, Day: 176, Third Intercalary Day  (Independence)

This one matches up with the 29th of Feb, that rare bird. 

The Guardian is quoted in one of the Pilgrim Notes as saying that there is an hierarchy in the Faith as there is in life. The Writings, elsewhere, mention the highers knowing more than those below. We see other references like this. The Master praised the physicians who got it right. None have, that I can see (long story of patient advocacy going back decades). We would trust our lives to such. Which we do, by caveat. Some get better due to treatment. But, there are plenty of horror stories, too.

 I go by the ending of the Aqdas. No one in their right mind would want to be King. That is easy to describe. Jung touched upon the subject. Oh yes, the Guardian pointed to Psychology in at least one instance. That can be as medical as the other disciplines. Except, pharma intervenes.

Speaking of which, an early post (Crush the mind) included a counsel for prayer from the Master to Alfred E. Lunt (in-law). To me, it has lots of significance. Anyone who thinks that those born lowly can rise on their own need to reexamine their thinking. Some are of the mud, from birth. 'mud' here is of a lots of meanings. The Guardian stressed the materialism of the west (northern type). After all, Africa is west of Asia. Northern type? Lots to discuss there.

Eons and Manifestations have resulted in locale issues. Sure, there can be action at a distance, when the  metric is manipulated. However, locality and its power bear attention. Hence, adages of removing oneself like we see with the big pocket'd thinking of launching away from the earth (God's footstool) since they see the messes that we've created.

The point? Those lowly can still rise in their minds and hearts. Some point to the after-life's importance to some belief systems in this regard and cough into their hands (scoff). However, as that prayer says, and the Tablet of the True seeker suggests, and as we see with the Valley of Search, there ought to be no limit to striving. What to strive for is another topic to be on the table.

Back to hierarchy, many at the top live by the means of oodles beneath them. That has always been a problem. And, for the most part, those invisibles never get attention, that is, until something goes wrong. Then blame flames. So that might be the game's structure. The adage of not coming down on the sinner (not talking the issues of reward and punishment, rather of individual judgment of others - which is a trap that the well-honed mind likes to fall into) since one knows not one's own end (see the Koran, too) is an very important one.

At the same time, doormats never thrive. But, the earth never complains. Oh yes, it does. Lots of upheavals (and not just in the crust) come about.

Remarks: 06/08/2020

06/08/2020 --For more on AE Lunt, see Hierarchy, bahaipedia, Green Acre, New Englanders, and more.