Saturday, December 31, 2022

Green Acre 1912, again

Month, Day: 179, Questions, Loftiness (Independence)  

Last of Questions, which is the science month, means that Honour is next up. This is both a look back and forward, as the new year (2023) looms. 

In August of 2015, we did a post using photos from a Green Acre, ME visit by lots of folks to see the Master. There are many in the photo that we know of and want to research further. For instance, the Ober family was involved with the property and were friends of the family. There was an index made of the persons there. Some were not known. A few children were shown, one of whom is the grandmother of known persons. 

One motivation for this work is that ME was part of MA until the Missouri Compromise of 1820 which was a couple of hundred years ago. Too, at that point, the western migrations were just beginning. From our research, New England's long reach is there throughout what we call the frontier century. Besides that commemoration, we have the 250th of the Revolution and many families there supported the patriot cause which forced the split from the Crown's overview. 

And, going back further, many of these families are descendants of original colonists. We mentioned Lunt's ancestry, but some of the other names are Ober, Woodbury, Thompson, Spinney, Russell, Pease, Morse, Brewster, and others. Massachusetts has had two 400ths so far: Plymouth (2020) and Weymouth (2022). Next year, Gloucester (2023) will recognize their heritage which involves an effort to establish agriculture and fishery entities under the auspices of the Dorchester Company. Of note is that a lot of the leadership came from the Cambridge side of things. 

From a cultural sense, what happened in the New World has parallels with what happened worldwide over more than a century where we have symmetry now using 1844 as the pivot. Those are studies that need to be identified, described and supported over the next few decades, especially given the newest perturbations that come via the introduction of complexity via computational frameworks going wild. 

This is introductory. See the original post for the photo links and the list of attendees. To make this interesting, at the same time, we will be looking at the unfolding of modern mathematics over the same timeframe. And, one can use Harvard (400th coming up) and its mathematical history (especially, using the Peirce family) for comparative purposes. 

Remarks: 12/20/2022

12/20/2022 -- 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

7V4V and Night Journey

Month, Day: 179, Questions, Names (Grace) 

There have been many posts on the theme of the Seven and Four Valleys. There could be an endless number of these. 

The post on the "Night Journey" Surah got me looking at other literature where the Seven Sky theme is discussed. Found some wonderful examples, plus graphics. This is taken from one (see last post). 

Have not gone beyond Search, yet; this exercise got me to look at it closely. The mapping is obvious. So, in the spirit of 100,000 years, we'll see how this goes. Perhaps, the chord aspect will get a first look done quickly. 

Remarks: 12/20/2022

12/20/2022 --  Okay, full circle. Earlier in the year, I ran into the Hermes connection. I was looking at what's missing with what I call AIn't which is a mechanical mode mimicking (supposedly) mankind's facilities which are not under anyone's thumb, nor will they be. So, lots to bring back to discussion there. Rhetoric was of interest especially when one sees what Google is up to with respect to chat. No amount of this type of manipulation will get beyond this maxim: AIn't can't Kant. Yet, computers have a place which will be remarkable after a few things are settled which will allow the latent energies to flow. Now, having been going through an umpteenth pass through the Koran (Rodwell), I recently resaw the "Night Journey" (which was the theme of this, and of the last, post). 7V4V popped out immediately. So, I did this, but what of Enoch? Tonight I went back to see what was the support for  this story, in terms of provenance of the material. That theme will become more important as we get more reliant upon people using their own eyes and brain (common theme). I read some posts that I had earlier, but then Mary (19:56) came up. That gets my attention due to the Bab's mention of Christians being the Apple of His Eye. Too, of late, I have taken the 'image of God' theme further in that the Hidden Words suggest this several ways. Too, equality and justice? It ain't gonna happen without mutual respect. When we have the obvious differences? Yet, we can change the words to think 'infinity' where we show the physics/math modes are inhibiting. Can we? You bet. Then, we can consider that talking of how two infinities relate comes to fore. We can do this, too. It's quite simple. However, it's a side trip, for now. The 'image' theme then gets us back to creation and being children of God. How does that apply within philosophy? Lots to discuss, but we already had that with the paper accessible from the above link (Hermes). Back to the graphic of seven.  Enoch and Idris are part of the Islamic tradition. But, it goes further, if you look at the philosophical statements by Baha'u'llah. ... As an aside, being universal, switching gears as we will be back to the theme again and again (see posts here on cycles), there is a book out of the yoga culture from the last decade of 1800. Now, in that book, the yoga scholars noted similarities twixt portions of the OT and the NT and Vedic writings. In fact, the discipline is explained, very well. Too, a puzzle was resolved (see Aqdas mention - bones, as the clue) alluding to this culture. At the same time (synonymous, almost), thoughts in the middle east relate (as seen by a description out of Hasidic scholarship). Not only can one see parallels across all of the cultures, but some of the more puzzling ones can be brought into the discussion. Oblique mode? Not really. Back to Enoch, which Unity relates to. Using this yesterday with respect to Adam and Search made a whole lot of sense. A tradition of Adam crying when his people (all of us) were in Hell and laughing when they were in Heaven will be on the table, with respect to a Prayer sent to a New Englander by the Master (there are posts here on that). That Jesus and John the Baptist are of Love is quite resonant at all levels. Then, Joseph of Knowledge? We'll stop with Enoch's Unity as our whole framework for creating a balance flows through there. I'll put up a graphic here used earlier and quit, for now. 

Chords? Ah, the power of music and its mathematical cousins. Philosophy is not merely a discipline of words, only. We can use Kant's thoughts, given his timeframe (before the limit of the two types of knowledge was dropped; but very good at describing the issues despite the handicap). Oh yes, situational aspects of late that need attention and more than passing interest with respect to these themes: See JP and RC-H discussion of a new approach to therapy. 

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Night Journey

Month, Day: 179, Speech, Loftiness (Beauty) 

This is an important aspect of Islam. Always wanted to look at it further. Fortunately, technology gives us such, as we see with this blog's two postings. 

Muslim Hands

This graphic shows the seven heavens with the prophets. 

Sequence is Adam, John & Jesus, Joseph, Enoch, Aaron, Moses, Abraham. Links are for clarification for which the Others need none.  

Remarks: 12/11/2022

12/11/2022 --