Saturday, September 1, 2012

Proofs, dreams

Month, Day: 169, Names, Power (Glory)

Mentioning lesson? There are many left to be learned.


A cursory look follows which will be explored further. Several posts deal with dreams. They have been with us from the beginning (especially, using a chord model and considering Wonderment). In a talk, 100 years ago today, in Canada, the Master used dreams as an example.


Audacity would claim that the current studies of the dream focus too much on the vehicle, as in that which bridges the material and the spiritual. The spiritual that relate to the senses are five. Of these, the common faculty does the bridging. So, insight via the Writings ought to have some import in studies related to this "phenomenon" (read the Valley's description). Actually, there are several areas that audacity pertains to; in short, any that extrapolate from a limited basis (and they are many).

The Master (SAQ) described one pathway, yet the five would relate in several manners. That would imply other pathways. It's already been suggested that some people seem to have an emphasis on one of these as they process. We all know the powers of the imagination (Albert's quote, et al -- too, hallucinatory experiences). Thought and memory? Lots to discuss there.


The point is that 'we' (our very selves) are of the other side of the veil, even though we're tied (how this is so remains a mystery) to Creation's physicality (and, how far does this extend?) during a brief moment in time.

Consider: our little box (Hilbert, et al) of wetware-influenced consciousness sweeping through sensible space, yet, at the same time, traversing the worlds (many, many) of God. There is a post that talks this as being one motivation for burial and timeliness of its occurrence. Something to ponder? While embodied, we have choice as to direction (within our box and its sphere plus however we relate to the rest); that, itself, implies an enormous amount of power (yes, even of the physically observable type -- beyond our imagination, at this point) and influence. The main reason to open the box (not Pandora-ish) is to obtain insight so as to do science in a proper manner (the Master says that such is our duty, many times and ways -- hence, audacity's emergence -- nothing to do with hubris).


03/12/2013 -- We need to address effectiveness.

10/17/2012 -- There is a lot to reflect on, about the trip, especially the western loop.

09/24/2012 -- The west, finally.

Modified: 03/12/2013

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