Thursday, February 21, 2008

More E words

Month, Day: Dominion, Questions (Majesty)

The earlier post looked at things ontological in terms of related 'E' words. But, a major part of human affairs deals with economics and continuity (the advancing civilization, for one).

Well, the economy deals with our social blood (metaphor for the Fund, for instance) where concepts related to engagement, earnestness (urgency), efficiency, enterprise, and more come to play, such as eating.

As said before, we are not to think of gigantic accumulations of money as our wealth (the bird as the perfect example of this state, no wonder we love to fly). Yet, we ought to love money for its role.

For one, money allows efficient fulfillment of our needs, mainly through facilitating interchange. On the higher order of the Maslow scale, it allows support for continuing advancements.

But, economics brings to bear means for engagement (as we're counseled - work is worship) along with comes earnestness for the lucky ones who get beyond the drudgery that is associated with work for so many. Our needs drive the urgency; these needs go far beyond those attributed to Maslow as the spiritual aspect needs attention.

By the way, throughout the year, eating sustains our spiritual drive, except for the time of the Fast which is diametrically related to the usual.

From `Abdu'l-Bahá, we hear that the "root of the exaltation of man is the good attributes and virtues which are the adornments of his reality. These are the divine appearances, the heavenly bounties, the sublime emotions, the love and knowledge of God; universal wisdom, intellectual perception, scientific discoveries, justice, equity, truthfulness, benevolence, natural courage and innate fortitude; the respect for rights and the keeping of agreements and covenants; rectitude in all circumstances; serving the truth under all conditions; the sacrifice of one’s life for the good of all people; kindness and esteem for all nations; obedience to the teachings of God; service in the Divine Kingdom; the guidance of the people, and the education of the nations and races."


10/04/2010 -- Friction can beget progress.

09/12/2009 -- Economics requires additional attention.

08/16/2009 -- Science, again.

08/20/2008 -- Energy, and Light, need attention, too.

Modified: 10/04/2010

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