Monday, March 9, 2009

Perfection squared

Month, Day: Loftiness, Perfection (Perfection)

We see a square day in the month of Perfection, yet it could be a triple day with the month, day of the month, and the day of the week all the same. The other Attributes that can be thusly aligned are Glory and Beauty.

Light is just past, followed by Mercy.

Light? Yes, it goes amongst all worlds. Interesting possibilities can arise from proper reflection on this. Is that allowed? Well, science is as open as it can be, and limit testing is allowed. Otherwise? What good would science be? Too, real limits would become known, as we saw with Heisenberg's insights.

Aqdas #126: In the Bayán it had been forbidden you to ask Us questions. The Lord hath now relieved you of this prohibition, that ye may be free to ask what you need to ask, but not such idle questions as those on which the men of former times were wont to dwell.

From Wonderment: “O Son, if thou art able not to sleep, then thou art able not to die. And if thou art able not to waken after sleep, then thou shalt be able not to rise after death.”

Too, Light is involved with connections, as we see with this bit-oriented space with which we are enthralled.

From Wonderment: Consider the difference between these two worlds and the mysteries which they conceal, that thou mayest attain to divine confirmations and heavenly discoveries and enter the regions of holiness.

Mercy. Yes, a necessity.

The real mystery? Words!

As said before, the order of the Attributes has some type of meaning for us. For instance, one can think of groupings, like this. A caveat, to anticipate undo criticism, is that this is only one of an infinitely large set of arrangements.
  • Splendour, Glory, Beauty, Grandeur -- Aqdas #142: Verily, He revealed certain laws so that, in this Dispensation, the Pen of the Most High might have no need to move in aught but the glorification of His own transcendent Station and His most effulgent Beauty.
  • Light, Mercy, Words, Perfection -- the teleological
  • Names, Might, Will, Knowledge -- our operational apparatus
  • Power, Speech, Questions, Honour -- our mode of, motivation for, control
  • Sovereignty, Dominion, Loftiness -- ascendant, transcendent

08/27/2012 -- Today, we have another type of double day.

06/25/2011 -- There are also days where the week day and the month day coincide. Like today, Glory, Glory of Mercy. And, tomorrow, Beauty, Beauty of Mercy.

12/21/2009 -- More on the diagonal or square'd days.
03/19/2009 -- Science and knowing are key.

Modified: 08/27/2012

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