Wednesday, July 24, 2019

On politics

Month, Day: 176, Words, Knowledge  (Justice)

Last time, we were looking, again, at the Western Loop of the visit of the Master in 1912. During 2012, we followed several blogs that reported on the events 100 years ago as well as provided some commentary.

Of late, we have been reviewing the families of some early Baha'is (U.S.). From the beginning of the country, there has been politics involved with the day-to-day world. We will look more closely at one particular example which will include counsel from the Master and a prayer.

However, to set the stage, let's pause to present letters from the UHJ that are recent.
Go to this site to get the latest message (translated to English):

Remarks: 07/24/2019

07/24/2019 --

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Travels to the west

Month, Day: 176, Words, Mercy  (Majesty)

Back in the 2012 timeframe, there was a website that presented entries from Mamud's Diary with commentary. This is the diary - Mahmúd's Diary: The Diary of Mírzá Mahmúd-i-Zarqání Chronicling 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Journey to America. This blog had posts that followed the journey's retrospective and pointed to writings of others. This post notes that we'll be doing a review, making changes, and getting a more permanent focus.

The Master arrived in April of 1212. He spent time in New England, DC, and Maine (we want to identify the families at Green Acre). A lot of those were family. He started West in September by going to MSP via CHI. By the end of September, He was in SLC on the way to SFO (I know, I'm using the modern label associated with air travel).

Thornton Chase died at the end of September in LAX. He is New England family, too. I just talked to a Baha'i researcher who mentioned that an early believer in DEN, who met the Master, had been taught by Thornton who got around. The Master went to LAX to visit Thornton's grave and pray.

We will be reviewing our post, like this one that quoted from several of Mahmud's entries: Only in California (left coast). The Master blessed Stanford with His presence. Also, He liked the lights of the Bay which are now even more glorious.

Remarks: 07/18/2019

07/18/2019 --