Friday, April 26, 2024

Wings of Angels

Month, Day: 181, Glory, Loftiness (Independence) 

Quoting 'Abdu'l-Baha

In relation to God, the term “angels” referreth to the Prophets of God and His Messengers, even as He hath said in the Qurʼán: “Praise be to God, Fashioner of the heavens and the earth, Who sendeth forth the angels as His Messengers with two, or three, or four pairs of wings…” [4] That which the All-Glorious God hath intended by “wings” in this verse are the modes of revelation and the kinds of proofs wherewith He hath sent His Messengers. These “wings” He hath made the means by which men may attain to the Wellspring of divine guidance, and all creation be led aright to the paradise of love and affection. For this, above all else, will conduce to the advancement of the world, and serve as the most potent of wings whereby the pure in heart may soar unto the Paradise of Oneness and the sacred abode of Divine Unity. Thus hath it been referred to as “wings” in the Scriptures of God.

Remarks: 04/26/2024

04/26/2024 --  

Monday, April 15, 2024

Letter from my Beloved

Month, Day: 181, Glory, Perfection (Perfection) 

The Largest Baha'i Facebook Group Ever

Quoting 'Abdu'l-Baha

"we must look upon every human being we saw as a letter from the Beloved to us."

 "No matter," said the dear Master, "how blotted, blurred, torn or soiled that letter appears to be, nevertheless, you must look upon it with the eye of reality and say to yourself, this is a letter from my Beloved, therefore, because it is from Him, I must love it with that divine love and overlook all its defects - inasmuch as the Beloved wrote it."

 It must be our love and devotion to God, the Beloved, that gives us a sin covering eye and welcomes all as the children of the One Heavenly Father."

 ~ Corinne True, Star of the West, XIII:10, January 1923, page 284

Remarks: 04/15/2024

04/15/2024 --  

Sunday, March 31, 2024

The Beautitudes

Month, Day: 181, Splendour, Will (Glory) 

Beautitudes of Baha'u'llah:  

See Tablets of Baha'u'llah Revealed after the Kitab-i-Aqdas.

Remarks: 03/30/2024

03/30/2024 --  

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Operational, again

Month, Day: 180, Loftiness, Names (Glory) 

Sweeping around the bottom in the Operational times. 

Remarks: 03/09/2024

03/09/2024 --  

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Word of God

Month, Day: 180, Loftiness, Splendour (Independence) 

Seen, today, on FB, Baha'i Blog post. 

Remarks: 03/01/2024

03/01/2024 --  

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Grace and comprehension

Month, Day: 180, Dominion, Glory (Glory) 

Some Answered Questions

      Know, therefore, that what the people possess and believe to be true is liable to error. For if in proving or disproving a thing a proof drawn from the evidence of the senses is advanced, this criterion is clearly imperfect; if a rational proof is adduced, the same holds true; and likewise if a traditional proof is given. Thus it is clear that man does not possess any criterion of knowledge that can be relied upon.

      But the grace of the Holy Spirit is the true criterion regarding which there is no doubt or uncertainty. That grace consists in the confirmations of the Holy Spirit which are vouchsafed to man and through which certitude is attained.

Pertains to several modern dilemmas of which artificial intelligence is one. 

Remarks: 02/08/2024

02/08/2024 --  

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Counsel to Treasure

Month, Day: 180, Sovereignty, Glory (Glory) 

Kitáb-i-Aqdas: This is the Counsel of God; would that thou mightest heed it! This is the Bounty of God; would that thou mightest receive it! This is the Utterance of God; if only thou wouldst apprehend it! This is the Treasure of God; if only thou couldst understand!

Remarks: 01/20/2024

01/20/2024 --  

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Human utterance

Month, Day: 180, Honour, Glory (Perfection) 

Lawḥ-i-Ḥikmat: Say: Human utterance is an essence which aspireth to exert its influence and needeth moderation. As to its influence, this is conditional upon refinement which in turn is dependent upon hearts which are detached and pure. As to its moderation, this hath to be combined with tact and wisdom as prescribed in the Holy Scriptures and Tablets. 

Remarks: 01/1/2024

01/01/2024 --