Monday, June 30, 2008
Words of Mercy
Yesterday was Mercy of Mercy and was spent visiting in a medical environment, by choice, of course, but not scheduled. One sign of Mercy is modern medicine and medical technology.
Words cover a lot of territory; we have next month for that. But, in terms of Mercy, Words allow prayer and foster working in groups and a whole lot of other things.
It's interesting that from Contentment up in terms of the Seven and from the 3rd up in terms of the Four (Valleys) is beyond Words.
Modified: 07/26/2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Months and days
Earlier, we looked at days of the week. These are in the parens, above.
We also touched, briefly, on Attributes and Names. The movement through the months and days allows us to reflect on various relationships related to these.
Mercy starts the summer in the northern hemisphere and is the 2nd of the operationally related, assuming that the prior month gives us power (evidenced everywhere, including these dribblings).
In terms of Knowledge, Mercy allows us to know; on the other hand, it sets constraints on how much, and what, we can know (various possible links to the Writings, here). It is for us to search out the limits, via Independence (in investigation of the truth and otherwise).
We know that we know via science and religion, both of which are topics of debate, have been for ages, and will continue to be.
That raises a question about what a proper merger of these two ontological frameworks would look like among other things.
Modified: 07/26/2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Since it is the month of Mercy, perhaps some discussion of evil would be in order. Theodicy is one philosophical way to handle the subject. Related to this subject would be some discussion of God, as some posts in this blog have attempted using the Writings.
Many times, arguments in this regard can be considered adolescent (Ref 1). We might, many times, hear someone say "I prayed and wasn't answered" as support for not believing. The modern press is full of books dealing with suppositions, essentially lumping belief into a type of state of wishful thinking.
All this is very interesting to a Baha'i who is looking independently at establishing a sound BASIS.
As said before, science is public; belief is private, except a lot of religion is public. Yet, the methods of demonstration can differ. That will be one thing to discuss.
A final note of introduction comes from the SAQ #66:
- Question.—What is the condition of children who die before attaining the age of discretion or before the appointed time of birth?
- Answer.—These infants are under the shadow of the favor of God; and as they have not committed any sin and are not soiled with the impurities of the world of nature, they are the centers of the manifestation of bounty, and the Eye of Compassion will be turned upon them.
Ref 1 - James Wood, "Holiday in Hellmouth," New Yorker, 9 June, reviews Bart D. Ehrman's God's Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer our Most Important Question -- Why We Suffer
10/11/2009 -- Will, an operational imperative for science.
05/29/2009 -- The Transcendent baffles.
Modified: 10/11/2009
Monday, June 23, 2008
Mercy merci
Yes, we need to be thankful for Mercy which could pair with Speech.
There would be much to say, hopefully, about Mercy. For starters, the materialistic view can be said to be off the mark. We have evolution because of Mercy and need to look at the ways that this works.
On this side, we can see this demonstrated by the family, especially parents who are nurturing. On the other, we're not to know.
In the 'evolution' of the soul, Mercy comes in at some point. See Gleanings: Much hath been written in the books of old concerning the various stages in the development of the soul, such as concupiscence, irascibility, inspiration, benevolence, contentment, Divine good-pleasure, and the like; the Pen of the Most High, however, is disinclined to dwell upon them. Every soul that walketh humbly with its God, in this Day, and cleaveth unto Him, shall find itself invested with the honor and glory of all goodly names and stations.
Yet, we will need to address the issues related to theodicy.
11/23/2009 -- Motivational thoughts.
06/26/2008 -- Published on Monday evening, post sundown, hence Tuesday.
Modified: 11/23/2009
Light was and is
Light is ending today, as we go into the summer months of Mercy, then Words, then Perfection, and Names.
Light, which brought in the summer period, can support endless study and reflection. Light allows us to use the Hubble to show the limitlessness of the universe and pertains to much more, such as the technologies behind these new ways of communicating.
Hence, the mention in an earlier post about the operational aspects which are important to us (see ending of the 4th Valley of Four - Obey Me and I will make you like unto Myself. I say Be and it Is. You will say Be and it will be).
Mercy is what we're not to take for granted (SAQ #66) but that which we can (ought to) see as necessary.
That Perfection comes in this sequence pertains to the quote in the 7V4V (from the Quran -- No defect canst thou see in the creation of the God of Mercy: Repeat the gaze: Seest thou a single flaw?) that no matter where you look at Creation you see no flaws (so to speak).
Words and Names relate to technology, to boot, in several ways.
One problem with the modern age is that the 'operational' has taken precedence which would not have been so bad but that greed has interspersed itself so as to appear as the most rational of all stances.
You see, while we are here, with our free Will (fall month) and Independence (Friday), we can apply any operational scheme that remains within the proper scope (Covenant). This type of associative mapping could go on forever.
In short right now, as the posts will continue to unfold themes of this nature, one test for those who are enabled (by the Faith and Creation) relates to the peerage and the 'groupal' requirements, as we have been counseled that none stands in need of his neighbor when facing the review of one's life (St Peter's roll, from one view) and have been told that God loves those who works in groups.
You see, science is public; perhaps, some private aspect ought to be defined for the purposes of advancing further than mean-seeking dynamics allow.
A case in point can be described this way: A scientist (chemist?) noted that his early work included seeing molecules as beings (paraphrasing) which conceptual talent, when he admitted such, was labeled as unhealthy by certain views (materialistic brain expertise). Essentially, the guy lost his ability through conscious avoidance (perhaps, even with some pharmaceutical assistance) and gained success in his field through the usual methods.
My question: What was lost here with this type of suppression?
07/26/2009 -- The Operational times will be fun.
05/29/2009 -- The Transcendent baffles.
Modified: 07/26/2009
Thursday, June 19, 2008
We have 37 days of Questions each year which spans a 1/10th of days. Questions of Questions is 12/26.
Of course, that particular count applies to the other day types, to boot.
That we can query is significant, as we see in the Aqdas, and is instrumental to the practice of Independent Investigation of the Truth.
05/29/2009 -- The Transcendent baffles.
Modified: 05/29/2009
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Time and again
An early post mentioned that a Creation-based Science may be the goal with a motivation that comes from ‘Abdu’l-Bahá's talk, in the SAQ #16, about sensible forms.
Modern arguments cover a range, including types of relativistic views that may be bothersome (or even problematic) or may be views that have mathematics as being the basis (Tegmark, for example) and more.
So, one main question arises of how we might have a cosmology based upon what we know from the Writings, including those aspects that might have a propositional usage. Yet, too, there must be some type of effectiveness that is operationally beneficial, otherwise, what's the use.
Is it a given that these advances will not arise, nor accelerate, until the 'man-in-the-loop' comes of age (and, we know from the Writings that such is imminent -- yet, we also know that we're talking the more large timescales than not)?
12/05/2010 -- Need to add that, for some views, the cycles ended. This site will be used for the main Islamic information source, for awhile.
10/11/2009 -- Will, an operational imperative for science.
08/16/2009 -- The Operational group is approaching, and ontology is primal. One area of focus, as suggested by this post, will be mind-body studies. Somehow, insights from the Writings ought to have importance, teleological and operational.
05/29/2009 -- The Transcendent baffles.
Modified: 12/05/2010
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Moments and more
Now, looking at another example from Mission and method; well, as the planet moves through space, its avatar (the best analog that I can think of at the moment) is moving through God's spaces (multiple), hence at any moment for us, we're always into some new milieu (without duplication of state, if you would - time plays, but it's not central to the issue, just an ordering scheme).
Now, when we are embodied, some type of filtering goes on; once we're dis-embodied (what dying is), then we need to rely on God's Grace (if we pondered this, then thanks would be never enough - also, think of the power that you have) and our own stature (determined by our actions here).
The same goes for cremation; we're not to do that but to intern ourselves (the physical part) on the planet. Tying this to the 1-hour limit, one can then see that the burial site would provide an anchor (spiritual type, not what some might think) within the multi-spaces as a type of point-of-reference. You see, relativity applies to more than the physical Creation.
Now, there are many who don't get the chance to limit what happens to their body after they depart it (and, we have to look at what happened to the Bab). We already know that babes are taken care of (by the angels, if you would). So, others who do not have the optimal burial (like at sea) must have some sort of grace to rely on.
By the way, this is not an 'angels on the pin head' type of pondering. No. Rather, Creation is partly represented by Nature which we study by science. One mystery is how the Spiritual works through Nature (the Manifestations cause some type of warp across multi-space). Of course, our consciousness is another (basically due to the soul, says the Baha'i Writings). And, the epitome of Science is knowing God.
07/03/2018 -- The discussion will continue under psychether.
05/26/2011 -- A 'super' position can have merit.
12/05/2010 -- Need to add that, for some views, the cycles ended. This site will be used for the main Islamic information source, for awhile.
01/26/2010 -- Of note: Twin duties, Free will, Return, Operational time.
09/30/2009 -- The Operational's gifts.
05/29/2009 -- The Transcendent baffles.
03/19/2009 -- Science and knowing are key.
Modified: 07/03/2018
Oh yes, let's look at another example from Mission and method; the argument goes that it's a tug-of-war between Science (leading towards scientism) and faith (remnants of our lingering immaturity, some think). Yet, if these things taught by religions are true (and that applies to all, whether Catholic, Muslim, ..., Baha'i, ...), then one ought to at least consider Pascal's argument.
Too, if true, then we can know, if we want and choose to do so. 'How to know' will be something to discuss including limits (and unreasonable effectiveness).
But consider that there is a type of mechanism that records every action of a human (thoughts, to boot). Is that recording done in the realm of the 'angels' and can we make use of it?
Sounds preposterous, yes, but now consider this though. Baha'is are to be buried within 1 hours journey of their death site. Now, the means of travel to determine the hour is not specified (the Guardian may be moved from London to Israel, for instance, at some point - consider that a hypothetical statement, for now).
Why this restriction? Well, let's look at moments and their role.
01/25/2012 -- Yes, still at it. Ready to be more audacious. What we're looking for has to do with mind; at some point, it will be allowed by science that we can observe effects (actually, predict, to boot - one step forward will be a more insightful mathematics).
05/26/2011 -- A 'super' position can have merit.
05/17/2011 -- Stephen gets press.
05/09/2011 -- We need a constructive re-look.
01/26/2010 -- Of note: Twin duties, Free will, Return, Operational time.
05/29/2009 -- The Transcendent baffles.
Modified: 01/25/2012
Angels and more
Mission and method mentioned several motivations for this blog. Here is a 'for instance' to consider. Recently in the exposition on the 'meaning of life' (on wiki) there was reference to 'angels' (entities for whom mention is found throughout the religious views that follow Abraham's lead) from the Baha'i viewpoint, that uses three main levels of existence, namely human, Manifestation, and God, or we-ans, the Prophets, and the Unknowable, respectively.
Well, 'angels' are of the 'human' realm essentially, in the Baha'i view. However, even the Koran alludes to this with the story of Satan being outcast-ed from Eden. So, what are these humans?
Well, that is a very good question. That view of humans held by science is not what applies here; no as humans were created by God; but, anyone talking that view nowadays is slapped down as ignorant buffoon; so, any thinking follower of Baha'i needs to hold two diametrically opposed views at any time (how does this differ from operationalism?); yet, the Principle of Science and Religion being compatibly supportive of our human ways to know is there and needs more work operationally (and otherwise).
Now, having said all that, even those pushing Science ought to get a handle on the issues of quasi-empiricism, as should everyone. That discussion is still open.
07/03/2018 -- The discussion will continue under psychether.
05/26/2011 -- A 'super' position can have merit.
05/03/2011 -- The text has moved to the angels page on wiki. This post's contents will be updated in the near future.
01/26/2010 -- Of note: Twin duties, Free will, Return.
09/30/2009 -- The Operational's gifts.
05/29/2009 -- The Transcendent baffles.
Modified: 07/03/2018
Friday, June 13, 2008
Attributes and Names
Of course, these are more than the finite collection that we can cover with the months and days.
The Manifestations: "through their Revelation, their attributes and names, the Revelation of God, His names and His attributes, are made manifest in the world…" (Aqdas, Note 160) and are how we know God.
The SAQ has a whole section titled "ON THE POWERS AND CONDITIONS OF THE MANIFESTATIONS OF GOD" regarding this subject.
11/23/2009 -- Motivational thoughts.
05/29/2009 -- The Transcendent baffles.
Modified: 11/23/2009
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Days of the week
"I entreat Thee by Thy footsteps in this wilderness, and by the words
'Here am I. Here am I.' which Thy chosen Ones have uttered in this immensity ..." Aqdas
it is only right that the Name has this day,
so much is involved, that we could never say;
Beauty, Jamal (Sunday)
"O Thou the Desire of the world and the Beloved of the nations" Aqdas
please, let not this day ever come to an end,
so much to ponder, not enough time to spend;
Perfection, Kamal (Monday)
"Deny not My servant should he ask anything from thee, for his face
is My face; be then abashed before Me. " HW #I-30
out of my face, you opportunistic crowd!
your tongues, lolling in anticipation of obtaining your spoils,
make it difficult to contemplate the Name of this day.
"Work is worship"
please! do not desecrate it!
Grace, Fidal (Tuesday)
"Thou seest, O my Lord, this wretched creature knocking at the door of Thy grace ..." Aqdas
all the while as we were (are?) climbing
from out of our start (place?) in the slime,
Grace has been there hoping for us (and helping)
that we speed our rush to the sublime;
Justice, Idal (Wednesday)
"The best beloved of all things in My sight is Justice; turn not away therefrom
if thou desirest Me, and neglect it not that I may confide in thee." HW #I-2
do not cb (no, not citizens' band) could be our cry,
and you need not wonder nor ask whence or why;
... let's just say that we have an 11th Commandment!
... besides, the group view is real;
some call this the "hump" day,
though it really lags by 24;
Majesty, Istijlal (Thursday)
"Thou seest, O my Lord, this stranger hastening to his most exalted home
beneath the canopy of Thy majesty" Aqdas
by this time we are almost done
with another of the cycles of the sun;
and the Glory day is coming with benefit and gain
let's get through Independence without causing more pain;
Independence, Istiqlal (Friday)
"Exalted art Thou above the description of anyone save Thyself, and the
comprehension of aught else except Thee." Aqdas
TGII, it seems, would be a better refrain,
if we only knew, and had half the brain,
needed to bring about the views the world is looking for;
... isn't it rightfully just for the individual to get a day?
... the winding down of one cycle allows another to get on its way.
12/05/2010 -- Need to add that, for some views, the cycles ended. This site will be used for the main Islamic information source, for awhile.
08/16/2009 -- The Operational group is approaching, and ontology is primal. One area of focus, as suggested by this post, will be mind-body studies. Somehow, insights from the Writings ought to have importance, teleological and operational.
Modified: 04/09/2016
Monday, June 9, 2008
A few musings
As will be explained in the Mission and Method post (when it's updated), posts to this blog are not considered complete in one pass. No, it is a cyclic affair, from the first pass of notions noted thru subsequent passes of editing and linking to later passes of inter-post coordination. The goal is to have coherence not unlike one would expect for an on-line book.
Having said that, there is a lot that we don't know about Light (the Attribute and more) or about our success in manipulating its phenomenal aspects and the possible consequences thereof.
There is much to consider, including the dream (Valley of Wonderment) and ether (which some apologists seem to spend a lot of time trying to explain - none needed - any view that is axiomatic and scientism-ic cannot understand the whole picture).
Now, an earlier set of posts looked at how we know and what we can know. The Manifestation's intuitive grasp was/is infallible we are told. Too, we can expect some glimmer, actually need this.
So, along that line, one type of learning/knowing is axiomatic and bottom up as we've seen the focus of mathematics and science take. This is great as our engineering and technological prowesses have illustrated. Essentially, science is public, repeatable, and work.
Yet, there is another way to know, which is available to any of us. The trouble is that this way of knowing is more private than not (you see, we need to learn more about 'mirror' neurons and their role -- psychether [to be described further], for one). We get into trouble when those whose power base might be more than others (via Grace [Tuesday, every week] of God) seem to want to overlord others with their private notions.
Well, this is partly okay since we know that hierarchy is part of the plan - yet, our race will be mature when NOONE (The Kitáb-i-Aqdas, Notes #194) wants to be king - not even for a day.
All of this has Light as a large part of the BASIS.
01/25/2012 -- Yes, still at it. Ready to be more audacious. What we're looking for has to do with mind; at some point, it will be allowed by science that we can observe effects (actually, predict, to boot - one step forward will be a more insightful mathematics).
02/24/2010 -- Ascendant to Transcendent.
10/11/2009 -- Will, an operational imperative for science.
Modified: 01/25/2012
Thursday, June 5, 2008
This is a simple little comment about this Attribute which comes after Those which are hard for us to fathom. Light brings forth the operational, which we'll get into more deeply.
But, think of the year as descending and ascending; cycles are waves, so to speak. Then, we could use a pairing like shown in this image.
But, going further, see how this month would pair with Questions which is the greatest of bounties, in my mind. We don't have answers. That right there has tremendous implications for science as we have seen it pursued to date and can pertain to what Baha'i input can impact.
Too, that we have Speech is, in part, a Mercy, yet we can take it to far (fire that cannot be put out). Again, and in reference to the prior comment, Words relate to Power.
This was done by chart on the old Yahyay19 (AOL). There is a way to see a complete sine wave within the year with Might as the transition point. From another view, we're dealing with a helix.
07/26/2009 -- The Operational times will be fun.
05/29/2009 -- The Transcendent baffles.
Modified: 07/26/2009
Monday, June 2, 2008
Cycles 2
Continuing with moments and cycles.
we have cycles with us no matter how we try;
to grasp the upswing portions and make them last;
cycles exist and have effect on us until the day we die;
and, are they in the Kingdom to which we hope to pass?
... K43 (Aqdas) says:
therein; seek ye the Middle Way which is the
remembrance of Me in your afflictions and reflection
over that which may befall you in future.
we can use these cycles to learn better the ways to cope;
especially for those times when we think we see the end of the rope;
as, not only are we not alone when the tribulations settle;
but roughing the trough is a way for us to know our mettle;
now, many troughs are terrible and are not very nice;
and no one wishes for any of these without thinking twice;
but no trough is forever nor is it a bottomless pit;
some seem so like bouncing from the Light to the other side of it;
12/05/2010 -- Need to add that, for some views, the cycles ended. This site will be used for the main Islamic information source, for awhile.
Modified: 12/05/2010