Thursday, June 26, 2008

Months and days

Month, Day: Mercy, Beauty (Majesty)

Earlier, we looked at days of the week. These are in the parens, above.

We also touched, briefly, on Attributes and Names. The movement through the months and days allows us to reflect on various relationships related to these.

Mercy starts the summer in the northern hemisphere and is the 2nd of the operationally related, assuming that the prior month gives us power (evidenced everywhere, including these dribblings).

In terms of Knowledge, Mercy allows us to know; on the other hand, it sets constraints on how much, and what, we can know (various possible links to the Writings, here). It is for us to search out the limits, via Independence (in investigation of the truth and otherwise).

We know that we know via science and religion, both of which are topics of debate, have been for ages, and will continue to be.

That raises a question about what a proper merger of these two ontological frameworks would look like among other things.

Modified: 07/26/2008

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