Saturday, November 22, 2008

Seven Valleys

Month, Day: Power, Loftiness (Beauty)

Tomorrow starts Speech, without which we could not communicate.

As Power winds down, we may want to look at a peaceful Power, such as we see with Sufi. The Seven Valleys is a good place to start.

Here is something resurrected from about 12 years ago.
Respectful look at the 7 Valleys from a Sci/Rel view.
Sublime ---
    Search -  ( ... long time coming ... ) 
    Love -  ( ... and how ... ) 
    Knowledge -  (Abraham - established in Knowledge) 
    Unity -  (Moses ... ) 
    Contentment -  (Jesus ... ) 
    Wonderment -  (Muhammad ...) 
    True Poverty and
             Absolute Nothingness -  (Bab ...)


Search -  ( ... long time coming ... ) 

feet, do your walking!; we intimately know how to move
bipedally in the material; "patience" and nor "should he ever
be downhearted" even if  "he strive for a hundred thousand years"
and "yet fail ... he should not falter"; "realm of being";
... much more, groundings, folks

Love -  ( ... and how ... ) 

gonads for the gents, elimination; what?, remember the
Woody Allen movie with "Sex" in the title, the sperm's viewpoint,
hilarious; even birth is an elimination of a matured (relative)
genetically-based system; of course, there is the waste
aspect we're all familiar with; ...

Sorry. Now let's get more sublime.

"the steed ... is pain"; "forsake thine outward eyes" for
"the eye of thine inward being"; "set thy foot into the
land of the lovers"; (notice the connection to the former Valley)
... much more, toward the inner

Knowledge -  (Abraham - established in Knowledge) 

gonads for the ladies; digestives; ...

More sublimely: "inner eyes will open"; "witnesseth the
mysteries of resurrection"; ah, the story of the lover;
"for these have passed over the world of names, and fled
beyond the world of attributes as swift as lightning";
"... the last plane of limitation";
... much more, notice the prediction of the nuclear age

Unity -  (Moses ... ) 

thoracic, heart, mammary (these migrated up in evolution);
"drinketh from the cup of the Absolute"; "heaven of
singleness"; "It is clear ... variations ... proceed
from his vision"; various remarks about being "veiled"
in your sight;
... and much more, not only the mams, think of how we
"unify" via the actions of our hands, ...

Contentment -  (Jesus ... ) 

ENT; ... "songs and secrets" ... *** but
"pen steppeth not", "only heart to heart can speak ... knowers"

Wonderment -  (Muhammad ...) 

vision; "the dream" ... "signs ... of the life beyond",
"bind not thy heart to the earth"

True Poverty and
 Absolute Nothingness -  (Bab ...)

cortex; ... "alas, He hath come to the town of the blind"
Now, let's be teleological and look at these Valleys, starting with Search/Love, then Knowledge, Unity, Contentment, Wonderment, True Poverty and Absolute Nothingness.

Remarks: Modified: 04/09/2016

04/09/2016 -- We had a triple day, earlier, due to the new definitions.

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