Sunday, April 10, 2016

Groups and Chords

Month, Day: 173, Glory, Beauty (Beauty)

This is just a collection of some things, for now (motivation started during Fast time of 2009). 

The groups.

Splendour, Glory, Beauty, Grandeur  
     Light, Mercy, Words, Perfection
             Names, Might, Will, Knowledge
     Power, Speech, Questions, Honour
Sovereignty, Dominion, ***, Loftiness    
             *** Intercalary 

From: 7V and 4V

prior, static, Western

... in works ...

Remarks: Modified: 04/10/2016

04/10/2016 --

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Valleys, again

Month, Day: 173, Glory, Glory  (Glory)

We have double days every month. Sometimes, we have triple days when the day of the week agrees, too, with the other two.

The change in the use of the calendar removes the static part that we, of the West, got so used to.

So, we will not have the start of Perfection and August match up every year. That is 8/1 and 8/1, as in a type of congruence.

Simple graphic
Then, too, we will only have the match of the end of the old year (12/31) with the start of Honour (16/1) from time to time. 


Valleys? Seven, like the days of the week.

We have various ways to partition (groups, chords, ...).

Unity (7V and 4V) says a whole lot as being twixt rather than twain. Is it not wonderful that the arms are thus?
Remarks: Modified: 04/09/2016

04/09/2016 --