Thursday, August 11, 2011

The triple

Month, Day: 168, Perfection, Will (Majesty)

On Monday, of this week, we had the rare triple: Perfection, Perfection, Perfection.

This is 'rare' in that we have only 3 of the days of the week (Saturday, Sunday, Monday) which are also in the Attribute list.


The double days are more regular.


It is interesting that two of the possible triple days are on our traditional weekend. Then, the third is like we had this year with the day that starts the work week.


One thing that we might want to look at is to see how many memes map to the Writings. The meme. Almost metaphysical, yet not.


IQAN (pr 210): Ponder the blessed verse, so that the meaning of the words: “There is neither a thing green nor sere but it is noted in the unerring Book,” may be imprinted upon the tablet of thy heart.


08/11/2011 --

Modified: 08/11/2011

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