Month, Day: 173, Might, Mercy (Perfection)
I read Private Dowding back in 1968 in San Francisco after finding the little book in the Bahai Library. Remarkable, I thought (see my dreams of
Hitchens of late). Over the years, I thought of the book, now and then.
At that time, I became aware of Tolkien's work. Imagination is a marvelous thing. After reading the first volume of the Ring series, I had to run to the bookstore to get the second one. A one-time read was sufficient. The popularity, including movies, 40 years later says a lot about the spirit of the times.
My rule is to not see a movie if I read the book first after having been disappointed in things not matching up to my imagination (Paul Simon's song comes to mind).
So, given the recent emergence of the web/cloud, we are finding things on line all of the time. I ran across Private Dowding at a Bahai site. It was PDF form.
Here is the book at (which site does wonderful work).
About dreams, see Valley of Wonderment. I can attest to the phenomenon's importance having been dreaming for decades, including all of the Principals of the Faith. That is one motivation for my
apple of the Bab's eye remarks.
Hitch seemed to be off to something new. He was of comprehension (see SAQ).
Remarks: Modified: 09/12/2016
09/12/2016 --