Sunday, November 23, 2008

7 Valleys: Search, Love

Month, Day: Speech, Splendour (Glory)

This evening starts Speech, without which we could not communicate.

Yesterday, closed out Power by starting to look at the 7 Valleys.

Through time, these Seven will be visited again: Search, Love, Knowledge, Unity, Contentment, Wonderment, True Poverty and Absolute Nothingness

We'll start with Search and Love. The original is a meditation from about 12 years ago. Comments are found in italics.


Search --

Start with your little toe, consider your glorious self as you have never before and see how your "feet" help you in your Search. It's interesting that we ended up out of the water. Many things would be something entirely different if we were still aquatic. Such as, if that was where we had stopped, we would not have known the opportunity to ponder the mysteries of air (or the qualities of the refinement).

  • Our love of abstraction comes from the refinement

Love --

Now, Love is obviously associated (in parts) with our reproductive apparati. However, a look to within a living human body, opened to support an exploratory (pre a few technological advances) view is interesting. Yes, hands-on experience of such an intrusive search can be enlightening.

The female organs reach upward toward the heart, in a manner that I find hard to not equate with Knowledge. Whereas, the male is more dust oriented, dragging.

Now, some bio-wags might argue about temperature issues for the particular gamete on that side. Sure. But, looking from Love, one can go up or down. And any observer of the human condition can see the difference.

Let's try to put a spiritual face to it (sorry, gents, you have further to go in order to just break even).

  • Love covers a lot of ground, would we not expect this from Search? Issues related to Anima/Animus.

Modified: 12/03/2008

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