Wednesday, December 3, 2008

7 Valleys: True Poverty and Absolute Nothingness

Month, Day: Speech, Will (Justice)

Continuing with the series on the 7 Valleys that has these four entries.
The original is a meditation from about 12 years ago. Comments are found in italics.


True Poverty and Absolute Nothingness --

Again, a big Valley.

Earlier, "camphor" was mentioned earlier in relation to the madonna/child experience. However, for adults, some who meditate know of this.
  • Why is it that there is no explicit discipline, within the Faith, oriented to attaining a spiritual life that makes use of "camphor"? Will these arise?
  • It may relate to the Cave, see Second Valley page.
  • However, we are told to pray, reflect, etc.
By the way, the higher brain (neural) activities come into play here, too. Since, only "Ecstasy alone can encompass this theme ... not utterance", we can only be short (Contentment says heart-to-heart).
  • Consider, humans can demonstrate flow (physically, mentally, ...) that is extremely effective in which state being is of essence (poverty and nothingness, indeed).
But, consider the final part which mentions the chord aspect (single step). The Words on this contain "furthermost" and "first" which may suggest how we might view the 7 and the 4.
  • Did I mention topology?
  • Science is not, by necessity, heart-less.

12/23/2009 -- About the chordal.

Modified: 12/23/2009

1 comment:

Yahyay Nineteen said...

These Seven are both chordal and cyclic. Perhaps, there are even embeddings to be considered.

Unity involves rings (mathematically speaking) in one of its role (behavioral emphasis).

Contentment and up have various shades, the most spiritual of which would exemplify the 4th Valley's description in regard to the sea's endless depth and the night's opacity.