Monday, December 12, 2016

Favorite month

Month, Day: 173, Questions, Glory (Perfection)

Without Questions, there would be no science.

With Questions, we can see that there is no month named Answers.

And, we get to revisit the topic every month. 

Remarks: Modified: 12/12/2016

12/12/2016 --

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Tests, 2016, again

Month, Day: 173, Speech, Light (Glory)

We said tests, last time.Sure enough,Americans went through something that was unprecedented and not over, yet. Helps to know to be uninvolved with politics. However, science says to look at things anthropologically.

The adage about history kept coming to mind. There are a whole lot of mindsets that do not seem to be grounded; too, changes, such as technology, can pull one from reason, even when reason seems to be at the core of it.

And, so, we go forward. Which direction? Who knows? 

Remarks: Modified: 11/26/2016

11/26/2016 -- 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Tests, 2016

Month, Day: 173, Will, Questions (Perfection)

Americans are going through tests (a test?) the next four weeks. So, the larger picture attracts as a means to arise above the mud-slinging.

I like getting back to the Valleys (see Ontology from Honour). We need to think more of the level of spirits in regard to insights that might help science. Those little bits are there.

We do have limits as to what speech can convey (see But, of course). One hope is that executable code goes beyond that state (approximating being). That might be a serious bane, though. Except, it could teach, very well, just how much better we are (can be) at being than is anything artificial. 
Remarks: Modified: 11/11/2016

11/11/2016 -- Links: Hitchens, et al;

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Old views

Month, Day: 173, Might, Mercy (Perfection)

I read Private Dowding back in 1968 in San Francisco after finding the little book in the Bahai Library. Remarkable, I thought (see my dreams of Hitchens of late). Over the years, I thought of the book, now and then.

At that time, I became aware of Tolkien's work. Imagination is a marvelous thing. After reading the first volume of the Ring series, I had to run to the bookstore to get the second one. A one-time read was sufficient. The popularity, including movies, 40 years later says a lot about the spirit of the times.

My rule is to not see a movie if I read the book first after having been disappointed in things not matching up to my imagination (Paul Simon's song comes to mind). 

So, given the recent emergence of the web/cloud, we are finding things on line all of the time. I ran across Private Dowding at a Bahai site. It was PDF form.

Here is the book at (which site does wonderful work).

About dreams, see Valley of Wonderment. I can attest to the phenomenon's importance having been dreaming for decades, including all of the Principals of the Faith. That is one motivation for my apple of the Bab's eye remarks.

Actually, Hitch seemed to be off to something new. He was of comprehension (see SAQ).

Remarks: Modified: 09/12/2016

09/12/2016 --

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Month, Day: 173, Might, Splendour (Justice)

I have been on Quora for a year now. This is a post from December. It links to others.

 Why did the Bahá'í Faith come into existence in an Islamic country?

I did these in an anonymous mode. And, I have not found a method to convert back. Yet.

Remarks: Modified: 09/07/2016

09/07/2016 --

Friday, May 27, 2016

Blogs and such

Month, Day: 173, Grandeur, Will (Majesty)

Came across some nice blogs, today. This is a mere list of a few posts.
I will be adding more to this list as I run across them.

Remarks: Modified: 05/26/2016

05/26/2016 --

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Questions of Beauty

Month, Day: 173, Beauty, Questions (Justice)

     Question/Question - basis for science, Concepts and questions, ...
Remarks: Modified: 05/11/2016

05/11/2016 --

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Groups and Chords

Month, Day: 173, Glory, Beauty (Beauty)

This is just a collection of some things, for now (motivation started during Fast time of 2009). 

The groups.

Splendour, Glory, Beauty, Grandeur  
     Light, Mercy, Words, Perfection
             Names, Might, Will, Knowledge
     Power, Speech, Questions, Honour
Sovereignty, Dominion, ***, Loftiness    
             *** Intercalary 

From: 7V and 4V

prior, static, Western

... in works ...

Remarks: Modified: 04/10/2016

04/10/2016 --

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Valleys, again

Month, Day: 173, Glory, Glory  (Glory)

We have double days every month. Sometimes, we have triple days when the day of the week agrees, too, with the other two.

The change in the use of the calendar removes the static part that we, of the West, got so used to.

So, we will not have the start of Perfection and August match up every year. That is 8/1 and 8/1, as in a type of congruence.

Simple graphic
Then, too, we will only have the match of the end of the old year (12/31) with the start of Honour (16/1) from time to time. 


Valleys? Seven, like the days of the week.

We have various ways to partition (groups, chords, ...).

Unity (7V and 4V) says a whole lot as being twixt rather than twain. Is it not wonderful that the arms are thus?
Remarks: Modified: 04/09/2016

04/09/2016 --

Friday, March 25, 2016

Moon over Tehran

Month, Day: 173, Splendour, Mercy  (Independence)

The Groups represents one way to partition out the Attributes associated with the months and days of the month, in the new Calendar (post from 2009). There are many things to learn from this type of exercise, but, for now, here is the list, again.
  • Transcendent: Splendour, Glory, Beauty, Grandeur
  • Teleological: Light, Mercy, Words, Perfection
  • Operational: Names, Might, Will, Knowledge
  • Motivational: Power, Speech, Questions, Honour
  • Ascendant: Sovereignty, Dominion, ..., Loftiness
 This year, the Naw Ruz is based upon the moon over Tehran. That is, we will have a principal vector to talk about.

Remarks: Modified: 04/09/2016

04/09/2016 -- We had a triple day, earlier, due to the new definitions.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

New Year

Month, Day: 173, Splendour, Splendour (Beauty)

This year, we will have to adjust ourselves. The Fast ended a day early.

 Changes in calendar, Earlier post here, ... 

Remarks: Modified: 04/09/2016

04/09/2016 -- We had a triple day, earlier, due to the new definitions.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Leap Day, 2016

Month, Day: 172, 4th, Intercalary (Perfection)

We started this blog in 2008. So, this will be our third Leap Day. The Baha'i calendar did use an extra Intercalary day for this purpose (see New Year). In the western calendar, we add a day. In the U.S., these are years where there is a Presidential election.

It might be interesting to see what was going during each of those earlier times.
    2008 Started early talking about energy, science religion, etc., for which we have a new Basis. Suggesting an operational focus. By the next Fast period, we had started to look at cycles and more. And, then Groups
    2012 We did a post on the 28th.Too, the whole idea of yearly measures was getting stronger. Coupled with this was that we need to know about and to understand chords (see graph for an example). 

Remarks: Modified: 03/25/2016

03/25/2016 -- A change in the calendar will have days (including Naw Ruz, the Twin Festivals) adjusting. As well, we have a principal vector upon which to contemplate.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Beyond numbers

Month, Day: 172, Sovereignty, Power (Beauty)

Gleanings, 84: He is a true believer in Divine unity who, far from confusing duality with oneness, refuseth to allow any notion of multiplicity to becloud his conception of the singleness of God, who will regard the Divine Being as One Who, by His very nature, transcendeth the limitations of numbers.


Remarks:  01/31/2016

01/31/2016 --

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Summary, 2015

Month, Day: 172, Honour, Light (Perfection)

We had 15 posts, last year.

Top 5 posts
Remarks:  01/04/2016

01/04/2016 --