Friday, May 20, 2011

Peter and motivation

Month, Day: 168, Grandeur, Grandeur (Independence)

As we work constructively to build a basis, we'll look at Motivation from time to time, also.

We'll point a lot to the SAQ, as it is a seminal work. For instance, look at this in relation to Religion and Science.

SAQ #34 (Peter's Confession of Faith): While the religion of God is the promoter of truth, the founder of science and knowledge, it is full of goodwill for learned men; it is the civilizer of mankind, the discoverer of the secrets of nature, and the enlightener of the horizons of the world. Consequently, how can it be said to oppose knowledge?


Peter will be a central point for several constructive arguments.


05/26/2011 -- A 'super' position can have merit.

Modified: 05/26/2011

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