Saturday, November 2, 2019

Up and down

Month, Day: 176, Knowledge, Sovereignty  (Glory)

The recent global "72 hours of bicentenary coverage" is an example of the former. It's great to see the Twin Festivals brought together. In the old days, my birth day brought in the start (10/20). Then, we had 24 days until Oct. 12. Now, there are some years where the celebrations might be close to 10/20. But, Nov. 12 is out of range.
 Celebrations can lift if done right.

But, work reigns, too. As service, we are told. For some, that is definitely a downer. As well, there is plenty about life that can pull one down. So, we are to cope with, handle, both sides of this. So much is involved that there is only a brief reference here in order to bring in the below.

The Master wrote a letter to Alfred Lunt that provides some counsel in this area. You all know, some modern employment is really a type of slavery. So, again, we're punting this discussion down the road.

The letter, or a portion, thereof.

I pulled this off of a FB page which had picked it up from the "Star of the West." Alfred (Bahaipedia) is #87 in this photo at Green Acre in the summer of 1912. That's 109 years ago. Several of his family members are there: his wife, child, in-laws, friend, and many cousins (as in, old New England families that started the whole thing of the American Dream - lots to look at there).

Read this: patience but not sitting idle; smile (as in grin and bear it); joy (in the face of huge odds); no fear, except of God; etc. I thought that it was interesting that the Master took this tact. Well, one grandson of Alfred spent his career organizing labor. One thinks of the current bifurcations that have resulted from several factors that we have to look at further.

In short, the lot of many is hard work. I would rather be there than resting in a chair, I always said.

Now, those whose hand have nary a callous to show have no say in how spirituality relates to those who labor. Think of that. One huge source of conflict (and the resulting bifurcations) is that those who labor are way more smart than they are given credit. Many who do not labor wish that they were 'it' and the epitome of something (not so). Intelligence does not imply that one will rise to being ineffective.

Actually, agriculture having such a high status implies work of the nature that can be quite healthy both physically and spiritually. We have not gotten this right.

Yes, so much to look at.

Remarks: 10/17/2020

11/02/2019 -- After the post, started to look at the post on the 1912 visit by the Master to Green Acres. Want to look at those there, as most of them are cousins, from early New England's start. Like Grace Robarts Ober: Welcome to the kingdom. Interesting blog.

06/10/2020 -- This letter had been sent to Alfred by Ahmad Sohrad quoting the Master. See Crush the mind for more details.

10/17/2020 -- This is a reflection on a prayer sent by the Master to AE Lunt: Crush the mindUp and down. Example: Swami Agnivesh

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Our father

Month, Day: 176, Will, Speech  (Majesty)

I have been through Rodwell's translation of the Koran several times. And, I have read other translations. It's nice that the web excels in providing other translations.

The Rodwell one is the copy that is marked. Some of the notes point back to the Baha'i Writings, such as 7V/4V, Iqan, and such.

Now, I mainly randomly pick a page. Usually, there will be one close that is marked.

Today, I picked Sura II. -- The Cow [XCI]. I noticed that it was long. Turns out to be the longest.

The quote that I ended up with is this, with two translations.
  •  Rodwell - (82) And when ye have finished your holy rites, remember God as ye remember your own fathers, or with a yet more intense remembrance! 
  • Sahih International - (200) And when you have completed your rites, remember Allah like your [previous] remembrance of your fathers or with [much] greater remembrance. 
Several thoughts come to mind. For one, the Lord's prayer: Our Father, ... 

Remarks: 10/10/2019

10/10/2019 -- In the U.S., we have the legend (real) of Johnny Appleseed.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

New Englanders

Month, Day: 176, Names, Might  (Majesty)

Somehow, missed Perfection the start of which 8/1 was of both calendars.

Alfred is mentioned several times, in the blog. Grandfather and cousin of Thornton Chase

Note: Learned that Alfred E. Lunt had been injured in a car accident prior to his demise. The accident was on 25 May 1937. His brother was driving. Alfred died on 12 Aug 1937. Two things to note. He can be put amongst the victims of the carnage brought by technology, namely the automobile. Too, as periodicals, such as newspapers, get digitized, we can expect for more of this type of information to shuffle up to awareness.

Remarks: 10/10/2019

08/29/2019 --

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

On politics

Month, Day: 176, Words, Knowledge  (Justice)

Last time, we were looking, again, at the Western Loop of the visit of the Master in 1912. During 2012, we followed several blogs that reported on the events 100 years ago as well as provided some commentary.

Of late, we have been reviewing the families of some early Baha'is (U.S.). From the beginning of the country, there has been politics involved with the day-to-day world. We will look more closely at one particular example which will include counsel from the Master and a prayer.

However, to set the stage, let's pause to present letters from the UHJ that are recent.
Go to this site to get the latest message (translated to English):

Remarks: 07/24/2019

07/24/2019 --

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Travels to the west

Month, Day: 176, Words, Mercy  (Majesty)

Back in the 2012 timeframe, there was a website that presented entries from Mamud's Diary with commentary. This is the diary - Mahmúd's Diary: The Diary of Mírzá Mahmúd-i-Zarqání Chronicling 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Journey to America. This blog had posts that followed the journey's retrospective and pointed to writings of others. This post notes that we'll be doing a review, making changes, and getting a more permanent focus.

The Master arrived in April of 1212. He spent time in New England, DC, and Maine (we want to identify the families at Green Acre). A lot of those were family. He started West in September by going to MSP via CHI. By the end of September, He was in SLC on the way to SFO (I know, I'm using the modern label associated with air travel).

Thornton Chase died at the end of September in LAX. He is New England family, too. I just talked to a Baha'i researcher who mentioned that an early believer in DEN, who met the Master, had been taught by Thornton who got around. The Master went to LAX to visit Thornton's grave and pray.

We will be reviewing our post, like this one that quoted from several of Mahmud's entries: Only in California (left coast). The Master blessed Stanford with His presence. Also, He liked the lights of the Bay which are now even more glorious.

Remarks: 07/18/2019

07/18/2019 --

Saturday, June 15, 2019

On death

Month, Day: 176, Light, Will (Glory)

Looking at the "Footprints in the Sands of Time" pages on FB, saw this post: Hand of the Cause Dr. Muhajir. There was a link to this Answer by the Master: How should one look forward to death?

Remarks: Modified: 07/26/2019

06/20/2019 -- Adding two references for later use: Passing of the Master, Nabil - Books of Baha'u'llah.

07/26/2019 --  A true Baha'i. From ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in London.
  • A student of the modern methods of the higher criticism asked ‘Abdu’l-Bahá if he would do well to continue in the church with which he had been associated all his life, and whose language was full of meaning to him. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá answered: “You must not dissociate yourself from it. Know this; 98 the Kingdom of God is not in any Society; some seekers go through many Societies as a traveller goes through many cities till he reach his destination. If you belong to a Society already do not forsake your brothers. You can be a Bahá’í-Christian, a Bahá’í-Freemason, a Bahá’í-Jew, a Bahá’í-Muḥammadán. The number nine contains eight, and seven, and all the other numbers, and does not deny any of them. Do not distress or deny anyone by saying ‘He is not a Bahá’í!’ He will be known by his deeds. There are no secrets among Bahá’ís; a Bahá’í does not hide anything.”

Friday, May 24, 2019


Month, Day: 176, Grandeur, Perfection (Independence)

THE MADE PLAIN - on Creation

Why Rodwell?

Remarks: Modified: 05/24/2019

05/24/2019 -- 

Friday, May 3, 2019

Twelve talks

Month, Day: 176, Beauty, Light (Majesty)
Remarks: Modified: 05/02/2019
05/02/2019 -- 

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Dual and the waffle

Month, Day: 176, Splendour, Splendour (Majesty)

Liked the more natural form as it deal with our intuition which is the thing to be honed, either physically through proper health or psychically through proper guidance.

Always liked Light; Light, Might, Questions, Loftiness. The whole of the computing thing is our monkeying with light.

But, we see this: Beauty, Perfection, Power, Dominion. Lots to talk about with regard to AI.

Or, before even: Glory, Words, Knowledge, Sovereignty. There is a power to words that mere textual manipulations cannot duplicate.


Cannot know? Many times - Contentment+ and 3rd+, beyond words. Our way has been to force fit. Marvels of today are just that.

Remarks: Modified: 03/20/2019
03/20/2019 -- 

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Groups, again

Month, Day: 175, Loftiness, Grandeur (Grace)

    Splendour, Glory, Beauty, Grandeur, Light (Transcendent)
    Mercy, Words, Perfection, Names, Might (Teleological)
    Will, Knowledge, Power, Speech, Questions (Operational)
    Honour, Sovereignty, Dominion, IC, Loftiness (Ascendant)
Remarks: Modified: 03/05/2019

03/05/2019 -- 

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Old to new

Month, Day: 175, Dominion, Splendour (Majesty)

Cycles. We have always had them. Seasons are one type. The cold of winter can get us to thinking of daffodils, or hyacinths.  When will they show their heads.

Then, we have all sorts of overlap, as winter doesn't go out like a lamb, usually.

     Saint Colmcille         Muhammad

Finally, Wordsworth.

Remarks: Modified: 02/07/2019

02/07/2019 -- 

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Everyone can know

Month, Day: 175, Honour, Sovereignty (Justice)

Remarks: Modified: 01/16/2019

01/16/2019 --