Sunday, August 28, 2011

Operational, again

Month, Day: 168, Names, Names (Beauty)

We are done with the first two groups, finally arriving at the Operational. There is much of significance to look here. But, we have four months to do so, and we see the cycle with every month. Too, we're nearing half of our yearly measure.

SAQ #3: He must also impart spiritual education, so that intelligence and comprehension may penetrate the metaphysical world, and may receive benefit from the sanctifying breeze of the Holy Spirit, and may enter into relationship with the Supreme Concourse. He must so educate the human reality that it may become the center of the divine appearance, to such a degree that the attributes and the names of God shall be resplendent in the mirror of the reality of man, and the holy verse “We will make man in Our image and likeness” shall be realized.


Thought: Creation implies structure which implies names and, as well, the operational properties.


08/28/2011 --

Modified: 08/28/2011

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