Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Words and more

Month, Day: Words, Splendour (Perfection)
Month, Day: Words, Beauty (Justice)

Gosh, Mercy is gone, but we're not abandoned. The Teleological continues.

And, now that we can look at Words from a new angle, let's see what comes up. Yes, audacity!

Let's start a list of topics related to the theme.
  • Manifestation, LOGOS, ..., see SAQ #38.
  • Nature
  • Science, mathematics
  • Law and order
  • Culture
  • Communication, such as the blog and more, though YouTube brings in the visual.
  • Dan Seals as one of those can put together a string of words with a melody and then demonstrate what we really need to understand better in our quest for knowledge
Additions to list.
  • Prayer
  • Dreams
  • Names
  • ...

01/25/2012 -- Yes, still at it. Ready to be more audacious. What we're looking for has to do with mind; at some point, it will be allowed by science that we can observe effects (actually, predict, to boot - one step forward will be a more insightful mathematics).

08/05/2009 -- We're still looking at Words, in Perfection, as a continuation toward the Operational.

07/16/2009 -- The list is mostly a set of todo topics.

Words are, have purpose, cause effects (yes), and much more. They are essential to science, yet we know that an abundance of words is not condoned and that deeds ought to outnumber words (the italics mark a paraphrase). Well, that Words is in the Teleological grouping is very significant. Next up? The Operational where then activity is implicit.

From a model theoretic sense, think structure versus behavior (or function). SAQ talks about the long times involved in the development of the states that are necessary for emergence (using the modern vernacular here). Yes, probably longer than the materialistic view computes (easily stated since its in the Tablets that time is endless, being are beyond our counting, and essentially we need a mechanism to handle that (it's a topological matter, again covered in SAQ #37).

Modified: 01/25/2012

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