Monday, February 29, 2016

Leap Day, 2016

Month, Day: 172, 4th, Intercalary (Perfection)

We started this blog in 2008. So, this will be our third Leap Day. The Baha'i calendar did use an extra Intercalary day for this purpose (see New Year). In the western calendar, we add a day. In the U.S., these are years where there is a Presidential election.

It might be interesting to see what was going during each of those earlier times.
    2008 Started early talking about energy, science religion, etc., for which we have a new Basis. Suggesting an operational focus. By the next Fast period, we had started to look at cycles and more. And, then Groups
    2012 We did a post on the 28th.Too, the whole idea of yearly measures was getting stronger. Coupled with this was that we need to know about and to understand chords (see graph for an example). 

Remarks: Modified: 03/25/2016

03/25/2016 -- A change in the calendar will have days (including Naw Ruz, the Twin Festivals) adjusting. As well, we have a principal vector upon which to contemplate.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Beyond numbers

Month, Day: 172, Sovereignty, Power (Beauty)

Gleanings, 84: He is a true believer in Divine unity who, far from confusing duality with oneness, refuseth to allow any notion of multiplicity to becloud his conception of the singleness of God, who will regard the Divine Being as One Who, by His very nature, transcendeth the limitations of numbers.


Remarks:  01/31/2016

01/31/2016 --