Monday, August 24, 2009

Operational II

Month, Day: 166, Names, Light (Perfection)

Lets get started laying out the Operational framework. So, some definitions are in order. Also, this is sketchy, by design, to show the extent of the ontological potential.

We'll start with the members of this Group and expand.
  • Names - basic issue is 'a priori' structure, rather than primordial ooze [applies to the issues surrounding evolution], see discussions of a sea of attributes from which coalesce objects [relativistic dialectic, for one], but Teleological says structure is inherent, so we, then, have the entities and their attributes, such as properties and behavior and ...
  • Might - for entities, especially when behavior is brought in (which actually includes the vegetative spirit), actuation is the focus, how are things accomplished?, quite a qualitative difference when animal spirit comes into play, ...
  • Will - then, once behavior is possible, how is it controlled?, see Knowledge for choice dynamics,
  • Knowledge - has congruence with the Seven Valleys, consider the following:
  1. Search/Love/Knowledge - Search (chaotic, utter blackness with directional signals, [blackest of nights, deepest sea (4th Valley)], movement, eternal energy, volition, ...), Love (attractors and their complements, implying some resonance with the proper directionals, yet fluid enough to not be considered final [is it ever?], 'loftiness mount' (Prayer for the departed) as metaphor [as opposed, to black hole, that is - eternal Source, not sink], hence, optimization rather than minimization?, homeostasis, ..., ), Knowledge (now we get into principle directions, allowing choice between better and not so, hence progress, measurement, ...)
  2. Unity --a bridge twixt ...
  3. Contentment/Wonderment/True Poverty and Absolute Nothingness - every thing here is on the proper side, ..., but the chordal aspect (... These journeys have no visible ending in the world of time ... this station is the first gate of the heart’s citadel ...), again, ...

11/21/2010 -- What motivates, indeed.

12/23/2009 -- About the chordal.

09/26/2009 -- An issue for the Operational view.

09/06/2009 -- Essentially, more is undecidable than we like to admit, basically due to our talent for success (ergodicity, essentially) keeps the hubris refreshed (generation by generation).

08/25/2009 -- This relates to the twin duties: know (... first duty prescribed by God for His servants is the recognition of Him Who is the Dayspring of His Revelation ...) and obey (... It behoveth every one who reacheth this most sublime station, this summit of transcendent glory, to observe every ordinance of Him Who is the Desire of the world. ...).

That is, follow the attractors to the Manifestation; then, live the precepts identified by the Manifestation.

Also, types are primal.


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