Thursday, September 25, 2008


Month, Day: Might, Dominion (Majesty)

SAQ #50 puts the proper wrinkle:
All that we can say is that this terrestrial globe at one time did not exist, and at its beginning man did not appear upon it. But from the beginning which has no beginning, to the end which has no end, a Perfect Manifestation always exists. This Man of Whom we speak is not every man; we mean the Perfect Man. For the noblest part of the tree is the fruit, which is the reason of its existence. If the tree had no fruit, it would have no meaning. Therefore, it cannot be imagined that the worlds of existence, whether the stars or this earth, were once inhabited by the donkey, cow, mouse and cat, and that they were without man! This supposition is false and meaningless. The word of God is clear as the sun.

One can think of the ways that evolution was influenced spiritually; though, we are not to look back too far (4th point); that is, the progressive unfolding of the Manifestations has physical impacts.

Is not studying these to be part of science (broader connotation, of course)?


01/25/2011 -- What would be a comprehensive view of this phenomenon?

01/26/2010 -- Of note: Twin duties, Free will, Return, Operational time.

08/16/2009 -- The Operational group is approaching, and ontology is primal. One area of focus, as suggested by this post, will be mind-body studies. Somehow, insights from the Writings ought to have importance, teleological and operational.

05/29/2009 -- The Transcendent baffles.

Modified: 01/25/2011

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