Saturday, September 25, 2021

Might to Will

 Month, Day: 178, Might, Loftiness (Glory)

First year with the new model in mind and the moon in sight. See Cycles-return

So, we are at the end of Might where Fall came about. Now, we start the up-loop through Will and on toward Loftiness. 

But, whereas in the northern real, we are descending with winter approaching. We are like March 18th which is right before Fast end. Cold. In some areas, still a couple of months from the budding of trees. 

Remarks: 09/25/2021 

09/25/2021 --  

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

No one knows their end

   Month, Day: 178, Names, Power (Grace)

And I tell you not that with me are the treasures of God: nor do I say, 'I know the things unseen;’ nor do I say, 'I am an angel;’ nor do I say of those whom you eye with scorn. No good thing will God bestow on them: God best knoweth what is in their minds for then should I be one of those who act unjustly."  

Remarks: 08/31/2021 

08/31/2021 --