Friday, January 31, 2020

Hearts and minds

Month, Day: 176, Sovereignty, Power  (Independence)

BWF, page 210: It is hoped that the people of Baha will observe the sacred verse: "Say, all are created by God." This lofty utterance is like unto water for quenching the fire of hate and hostility which is hidden and stored in men's hearts and minds. This single utterance will cause the various sects and creeds to attain the light of true unity. 

Remarks: 01/31/2020

01/31/2020 --

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Crush the mind

Month, Day: 176, Honour, Honour  (Justice)

This counsel, to me, depicts the hierarchy that we see the Guardian referring to in one of the Pilgrim Notes. Those who labor, without proper remuneration and absent of any type of respect? They can still think of 'worship' and the value of their efforts. 

Along that line, while so involved with the mundane, one can think. This we can teach. It is not only those enclosed in the higher world of the academic garden who can conceptualize and benefit from 'creative design' related to imaginative metaphysics.

Audience of one? Autodidacts have that, anyway. I'll be back on this theme, regularly. 

Remarks: 10/17/2020

06/08/2020 -- For more on AE Lunt, see Hierarchy, bahaipedia, Green Acre, New Englanders, and more.

06/10/2020 -- In the IX volume of the Star of the West, No 13, you can see the full excerpt sent by Alfred to Star of the West. He had received it from Ahmad Sohrab. The times? 1918. In the middle of the pandemic of the Spanish Flu.
 Star of the West

10/17/2020 -- This is a reflection on a prayer sent by the Master to AE Lunt: Crush the mindUp and down. Example: Swami Agnivesh