Sunday, June 25, 2017


Month, Day: 174, Mercy, Beauty (Beauty)

Say this today. Had seen it before. But, today, the significance came forward.

Imagine: people? A caviling lot. Mercy, indeed, as a necessity

From the Aqdas, page 124.
  • 57. QUESTION: Concerning disparities between certain revealed verses.
    ANSWER: Many Tablets were revealed and dispatched in their original form without being checked and reviewed. Consequently, as bidden, they were again read out in the Holy Presence, and brought into conformity with the grammatical conventions of the people in order to forestall the cavils of opponents of the Cause. Another reason for this practice is that the new style inaugurated by the Herald, may the souls of all else but Him be offered up for His sake, was seen to be marked by substantial latitude in adherence to the rules of grammar; sacred verses therefore were then revealed in a style which is for the most part in conformity with current usage for ease of understanding and concision of expression.
 Remarks: Modified: 06/25/2017

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Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Jung and others

Month, Day: 174, Light, Might (Grace)

Recently, I was browsing and reading about Kant and Jung. It was nice to run into an article about the development of Kant's views. To put him in a timescale, he was born 100 years prior to the Manifestations. 

Now, Kant influenced Jung who made great contributions to the study of psychology which is a discipline very much to be influenced by the Writings.
This type of view will be necessary to show how to overcome secularization's limits.

Remarks: Modified: 06/13/2017

06/13/2017 --