Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Blogging quotes

Month, Day: 174, Splendour, Names (Grace)

I ran across a blog through links in FB. Here are a couple of posts with quotes:
The second post got me to look at the Quran for further study.
      And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him. Verily, Allah will accomplish his purpose. Indeed Allah has set a measure for all things. (Surah 65-3)

      And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty). (Surah 65-2)
Then, we have the Remover of Difficulties prayer.

Remarks: Modified: 06/13/2017

03/28/2017 -- Changed "versus" to "verses" (which is an example of a Jungian slip). The mind was thinking of the Quran's version versus its modernization.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

St. Patrick

Month, Day: 173, Loftiness, Honour (Majesty)

Last of the Motivational (Groups, again). Used to be that St. Patrick's celebration was on this day, Honour. This year it will be on Sovereignty (tomorrow).

St. Patrick? He of the green island. 5th century. Friend of the Irish. Saint of several Christian Faiths. 100 years prior to Mohammed (PBOH). 

So, there have been a couple of posts that remembered the guy.
He has always come to mind this time of the year: was of the Roman times, slaved for several years, was inspired to follow Christ (Apple of the Bab's eye - 2011), had a stint in France, brought Christianity to Ireland.  

Taught across all levels (Eógan mac Néill).


St. Patrick motivates this (7V and 4V, Valleys, again, Tests, 2016).

Remarks: Modified: 03/11/2020

03/11/2020 -- Still doing Groups (patterns).

Monday, March 13, 2017

Operational, Motivational

Month, Day: 173, Loftiness, Power (Perfection)

We just went from the Operational to the Motivational. Might (10th) is the transitional time.
 1 - Operational, 2 - Teleological, 3 - Operational, 4 - Motivational, 5 - Ascendant

Remarks: Modified: 03/13/2017

03/13/2017 --

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Ascendant, Transcendent

Month, Day: 173, Loftiness, Splendour (Justice)

In the last of the Ascendant, we start with the Transcendent.

The other groups that are facing us are Teleological, Operational, and Motivational.

The first two (Transcendent, Teleological) deal with a Creation-wide view. Then, we get to creatures and ourselves (Operational, Motivational), before winding things up with the lift.  

Remarks: Modified: 03/01/2017

03/01/2017 --