Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A gift that keeps giving

Month, Day: 171, Questions, Loftiness (Grace)

Questions, our best gift.

There are some interesting mappings twixt the old calendar (predominant one) and the new (that used by this blog). Take 12/12 which is the start of Questions (15/1). Then, 12/26 is Questions of Questions (15/15, if you would).  And, today, last of Questions, is one day prior to the year end. 12/31 is 16/1.

In 2014, Questions of Questions occurred on the day of Independence. 

Now, the best one is 8/1 and 8/1. As in, August which is the days of the dog, so to speak, starts on the same day as does the month of Perfection. The square day for Perfection? 8/8. And, there are more.


We'll get back to the audaciousness that will be required: symmetry, BASIS, diagonals/groups, and more.


12/30/2014 --

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Questions, favorite month; Pages and tabs

Month, Day: 171, Questions, Mercy (Justice)

My favorite month. If you think about it, the gift of Questions is the basis for knowledge and science.


Too, remember the reflection point, knowledge of which (BASIS) will be central to a stable future.


Just became aware of the Pages feature which is nice as it allows an overview that is outside of the temporal one and beyond the capability of the categorical.


12/17/2014 --

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Month, Day: 171, Speech, Sovereignty (Grace)

We need to make use of James Clerk Maxwell's view of phenomena as well as being aware of his  phenomenal stature. 150 years ago.

The article deals with the long road to establishing physical facts that followed Maxwell's thoughts years before which were couched mathematically as this is one argument on the "list" required to claim the "meta" (albeit, not explicitly) qualities of mathematics as a basis.

Too, it was 21 years or so post the reflection point, knowledge of which (BASIS) will be central to a stable future.


12/09/2014 --