Saturday, June 19, 2010


Month, Day: 167, Light, Speech (Independence)

So many things to ponder, such as congruences. There are many of these. Of note, to the Teleological theme, is the minor and major overlap of calendars: fifth month of Light starting on the fifth day of June and the eight month of Perfection starting with the eight month of August.

But, the brights (ought there be a category?) have their focus leaving a whole realm to audacity.

SAQ (#42): The enlightenment of the world of thought comes from these centers of light and sources of mysteries. Without the bounty of the splendor and the instructions of these Holy Beings the world of souls and thoughts would be opaque darkness.

Of course, there will be limits to how much science can study the Manifestation.

SAQ (#45): In short, the meaning of “He doeth whatsoever He willeth” is that if the Manifestation says something, or gives a command, or performs an action, and believers do not understand its wisdom, they still ought not to oppose it by a single thought, seeking to know why He spoke so, or why He did such a thing.

Yet, we have the Operational and Questions.

Friday, June 4, 2010

It is Light

Month, Day: 167, Grandeur, Loftiness (Independence)
Month, Day: 167, Light, Splendour (Glory)

As mentioned, the theme, for the year (and however long it takes), will revolve around en-Light-en-ment which label was thrown on a phase that threw off the old and started anew. Cycles?

The move from the Transcendent group allows another look at this. The start of the Teleological is Light. Words come later, leading to Questions.

Aqdas #186: This is a Book which hath become the Lamp of the Eternal unto the world, and His straight, undeviating Path amidst the peoples of the earth. Say: This is the Dayspring of Divine knowledge, if ye be of them that understand, and the Dawning-place of God’s commandments, if ye be of those who comprehend.

Central notions related to the theme will be discussed using a type of juxtaposition.

Here are examples.

03/21/2011 -- Year 165, Year 166, Year 167, Year 168

09/17/2010 -- God's gift of science.

Modified: 03/21/2011