Saturday, March 19, 2022


 Month, Day: 178, Loftiness, Sovereignty (Independence)

Earlier, we considered at the Month and its Days where we can look across the way and see the nuances of coming and going. So, that was, mostly, reflecting on Light <-> Questions. The former? Teleological. The latter? Basis of science and knowledge acquisition. Or, Names <-> Will. Being and its actions. 

But, the demarcations are loose, so we could have Grandeur, Light, Mercy <-> Questions. Or, its inverse of Mercy <-> Power, Speech, Questions. 

No end to the mappings. The issue revolves around determining influences as they relate to choices. 

So, we approach an end and start again. 

Remarks: 03/19/2022

 03/19/2022 -- 

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