Thursday, October 27, 2011

Measures, yearly and otherwise

Month, Day: 168, Knowledge, Knowledge (Majesty)

We're at the last of the Operational times. Then, the Motivational time starts with Power.

And, Names of Power is the second of the "two other Festivals" that we see each year. We started a period on Light of Knowledge that is considered as one day (see Aqdas #138) yet is 22 days in length.


We're now, also, into the fall times. By now, how much of the yearly measure has been used? For the most part, who even thinks of their storage? Oh, we can ask for more?

Perhaps not, is it that there is something that limits use so as to allow that all of the year has a part of the measure? In other words, metered release.


03/25/2016 -- A change in the calendar will have some days adjusting. As well, we have a principal vector upon which to contemplate.

Modified: 03/23/2016

Monday, October 24, 2011

Apple of the eye

Month, Day: 168, Knowledge, Names (Perfection)

The Bab wrote that a Christian who believed in the coming Manifestation would be an apple of His eye. So, that's a nice thought.


The apple is a beloved fruit having many meanings, not the least is that from Eden. In the northern climes, the apple blooms in the spring and matures in late summer or early fall. So, in most places, we're awash with apples, delicious every one. Some can be stored for sustenance over the winter and into the next harvest. Others require an early process.

In the spring, the apple, and related plants, provide a dazzling display. For about two weeks. Then there is the long maturing cycle, assuming that frost or some other bad thing hasn't interfered with the fruits getting a start. Then, after that long wait of anticipation, there are the fruits to enjoy.


As an aside, the unfolding of things in the northern climes of the western hemisphere somewhat paralleled the dawning of the time of Revelation. Many look to the political arena as the main focus, in error. The details of the many lives are more important.

Take Johnny Appleseed who seems to be myth. Actually, he was a real itinerant preacher (John Chapman) who was born in Massachusetts around the time of the Revolution. He roamed, talked about God, and planted apple seedlings throughout a few states that were considered the western expansion at the time.

He would have been a cohort of those who were anticipating the new Revelation, early 1800s. John died in 1845, so his soul was here, embodied, for that 1844 event. We can say a lot more about this.


Talking of apples and seasons brings up the seasons of the cycle of a Revelation. There is the spring of the Presence. Then, we have the changes that go on for 1000 years or so, we're told. If it were a uniform thing, we would expect 250 years per season (and, we can use the four that we all know of -- albeit, some loci seem to be in one perpetual state). However, 'uniform' may not be the case. When will we see the Summer of this Era? Have we already?

What apples will we see?

Aside: a nod to Steve Jobs who picked the Apple as a theme. The story goes that he had just visited an orchard.


10/10/2019 -- We have the 200th of the Birth of the Bab this year (10/20/2019). As well, we do remember our ancestors, in the west.

10/17/2012 -- There is a lot to reflect on, about the trip, especially the western loop.

10/11/2012 --A visit to the grave site of Thornton Chase on October 19, 1912.

01/25/2012 -- Yes, still at it. Ready to be more audacious. What we're looking for has to do with mind; at some point, it will be allowed by science that we can observe effects (actually, predict, to boot - one step forward will be a more insightful mathematics).

10/24/2011 -- Disclosure: born on the Bab's birthday. After I had declared, I had this dream, in short, (categorized under dreams of the Principals): the Bab, or His companion, picked me up by the knap (nape) of my neck and ported me (tumbling) over to the Holy Land where I witnessed the Light of the Revelation.

Not much later (very new to the Faith), I met one of the Hands in the hallway at a meeting in a large hotel (as in, he was coming toward me, or I was going toward him -- we were both moving, okay?). He circled the few people with him into a little group, watched me pass by, and then relaxed the group (ah, politeness?). Why? It wasn't a prayer meeting, that I could see.

There may be other reasons, however I don't dwell on the ones that might be related to egomania (hey, how many Stars/CEOs are wandering the planet, now, engrossed in their selves? On Jobs? He knew to live as if each day were to be his last.).

Me, I exhibited the 'Johnny Appleseed' way, as a youth, without really knowing his story.

One lesson? Who, of the currently embodied, is perfect? Hence, my iconoclastic role (climbing high in the Administration ought not be thought of as 'career' in scope -- nor is it necessary -- in other words, 'few are chosen' has many other connotations.).

Modified: 10/10/2019

Monday, October 10, 2011

The spirit of the people

Month, Day: 168, Will, Speech (Perfection)

Following up on the Technical Spirit, the following statement (and many others of the same type) is very much apropos to the OWS and other protests in which the spirit rises to the occasion.

Aqdas: Erelong will God raise up within thee men endued with mighty valour, who will magnify My Name with such constancy that neither will they be deterred by the evil suggestions of the divines, nor will they be kept back by the insinuations of the sowers of doubt.

Suppression from the top seems to have been the norm throughout history. Of course, internally, that is how we learn, train ourselves, and follow the proper way. Somehow, it works, too, in the world of humanity. However, those who try to be 'sovereign' over more than themselves always manifest that which John noted.


10/10/2011 --

Modified: 10/10/2011

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Operational, The choice

Month, Day: 168, Will, Mercy (Beauty)

There are several things that pertain to this theme, but we'll only mention a couple, for starters. Earlier, we covered 'the choice' as it is supported by modern advances in automated reasoning. Some feel that these types of advances are signs of progress; methinks that they actually show an increasing servitude to the artificial that squelches the heart. Yet, it is very interesting how the artificial can serve as a tool, if we use it properly: to wit, update of Anselm.

The other thing has to do with the Twin Duties which are there for us to 'will' to do or not.


Earlier, we looked at the 'Tisn't side. Why?

The 'Tis has to do with the book of which there have been several: see The Tablet of the Seven Questions.

So, we can expect interminable search, almost. Except, the Covenant (Israel, Biblical, Baha'i) is (has been) there as the framework to provide the means to the end. That is, given 'Tis, then one would expect that we are given guidance, in a manner that is 'operationally' effective.

How else the duties?


08/08/2013 -- Perfection/Perfection.

01/25/2012 -- Yes, still at it. Ready to be more audacious. What we're looking for has to do with mind; at some point, it will be allowed by science that we can observe effects (actually, predict, to boot - one step forward will be a more insightful mathematics).

11/30/2011 -- It's quite straight-forward. Right now, we would go to the period that was just prior to the start of the eighteenth century, if you reflect across the time of Revelation. Now, one question would be: what to make of it?

Modified: 08/08/2013