Monday, August 31, 2009

Marriage prayer

Month, Day: 166, Names, Knowledge (Perfection)

This prayer (as do all) has much to tell us about Names.
  • He is God!
  • O peerless Lord! In Thine almighty wisdom Thou hast enjoined marriage upon the peoples, that the generations of men may succeed one another in this contingent world, and that ever, so long as the world shall last, they may busy themselves at the Threshold of Thy oneness with servitude and worship, with salutation, adoration and praise. “I have not created spirits and men, but that they should worship me.” Wherefore, wed Thou in the heaven of Thy mercy these two birds of the nest of Thy love, and make them the means of attracting perpetual grace; that from the union of these two seas of love a wave of tenderness may surge and cast the pearls of pure and goodly issue on the shore of life. “He hath let loose the two seas, that they meet each other: Between them is a barrier which they overpass not. Which then of the bounties of your Lord will ye deny? From each He bringeth up greater and lesser pearls.”
  • O Thou kind Lord! Make Thou this marriage to bring forth coral and pearls. Thou art verily the All-Powerful, the Most Great, the Ever-Forgiving.
The inter- (and intra-) generational gap, two seas, and more will apply to audacious themes. Too, there are very many prayers to consider.


12/06/2009 -- The Motivational implies goals and actions.

09/06/2009 -- Essentially, more is undecidable than we like to admit, basically due to our talent for success (ergodicity, essentially) keeps the hubris refreshed (generation by generation).

Modified: 12/06/2009

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Names to Might

Month, Day: 166, Names, Might (Glory)

This time, in the northern hemisphere, coincides with the end of the summer vacation and the start of the new school year. The latter can set habits related to work that are life long.

Too, the time starts the winding down of the heat for a large part of the northern area which corresponds with the quick (seemingly) rush toward that most universal of holidays (at least, in spirit) of Thanksgiving which everyone, and any culture, can celebrate.

Of course, some climes have an environment that is constant throughout the year, with minor variation (comparatively). In those areas, preparation for the coming stresses of cold weather don't have much meaning. Do the proverbial grasshoppers migrate to live in those climes?

For those who have to prepare, the time to do so starts now to diminish until, for many, a surprise storm makes a mess of things. Yet, those who are prepared can enjoy that type of change.

Ah, operational issues? Don't you think? And, our means are founded on the ability to solve problems and resolve issues. As mentioned earlier, Names plays heavily in a systems-oriented type of thinking, suggesting that we see this modus operandi a lot due to its effectiveness.

Again, the quasi-empirical question is why do we have this? Audacity would answer one way. Without the BASIS, the question is still open. Actually, it is an open-ended issue even for those who may think that they know.

Needless to say, Might and Will and Knowledge all come into play, too. But, looking at those will be at a later time. Must say, though, that Might is cover for the move to the fall season.


10/11/2009 -- Will, an operational imperative for science.

Modified: 10/11/2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

Operational II

Month, Day: 166, Names, Light (Perfection)

Lets get started laying out the Operational framework. So, some definitions are in order. Also, this is sketchy, by design, to show the extent of the ontological potential.

We'll start with the members of this Group and expand.
  • Names - basic issue is 'a priori' structure, rather than primordial ooze [applies to the issues surrounding evolution], see discussions of a sea of attributes from which coalesce objects [relativistic dialectic, for one], but Teleological says structure is inherent, so we, then, have the entities and their attributes, such as properties and behavior and ...
  • Might - for entities, especially when behavior is brought in (which actually includes the vegetative spirit), actuation is the focus, how are things accomplished?, quite a qualitative difference when animal spirit comes into play, ...
  • Will - then, once behavior is possible, how is it controlled?, see Knowledge for choice dynamics,
  • Knowledge - has congruence with the Seven Valleys, consider the following:
  1. Search/Love/Knowledge - Search (chaotic, utter blackness with directional signals, [blackest of nights, deepest sea (4th Valley)], movement, eternal energy, volition, ...), Love (attractors and their complements, implying some resonance with the proper directionals, yet fluid enough to not be considered final [is it ever?], 'loftiness mount' (Prayer for the departed) as metaphor [as opposed, to black hole, that is - eternal Source, not sink], hence, optimization rather than minimization?, homeostasis, ..., ), Knowledge (now we get into principle directions, allowing choice between better and not so, hence progress, measurement, ...)
  2. Unity --a bridge twixt ...
  3. Contentment/Wonderment/True Poverty and Absolute Nothingness - every thing here is on the proper side, ..., but the chordal aspect (... These journeys have no visible ending in the world of time ... this station is the first gate of the heart’s citadel ...), again, ...

11/21/2010 -- What motivates, indeed.

12/23/2009 -- About the chordal.

09/26/2009 -- An issue for the Operational view.

09/06/2009 -- Essentially, more is undecidable than we like to admit, basically due to our talent for success (ergodicity, essentially) keeps the hubris refreshed (generation by generation).

08/25/2009 -- This relates to the twin duties: know (... first duty prescribed by God for His servants is the recognition of Him Who is the Dayspring of His Revelation ...) and obey (... It behoveth every one who reacheth this most sublime station, this summit of transcendent glory, to observe every ordinance of Him Who is the Desire of the world. ...).

That is, follow the attractors to the Manifestation; then, live the precepts identified by the Manifestation.

Also, types are primal.


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Operational I

Month, Day: 166, Names, Grandeur (Beauty)

Expect several of these posts, hence the title suggests a starting point.

One thing that being of an operational mindset brings is a working framework. Not limiting this to the usual, such as we see from the write up on Operational Definition, where do we categorically obtain our knowledge so as to not be underdetermined?

To begin with, we know that the Writings are the BASIS in more ways than we can know now. The argument about propositional usage raises a query, can the Writings be the founding for operational truth?

One difference between an approach, such as that of Audacity, and the modern viewpoint can be found in acceptance of the necessity for being quasi-empirical.

Even though an operational stance stresses measurement and effectiveness of its application, what goes wrong is that all attempts at reductionism lose touch because of several factors. One of these is no way to test, through the known rules, that which the imagination created. Too, the working views, for the most part of an operational flavor, have developed a filter for things unpalatable to their stability.

So, we'll have to look at the lines between Science and Religion and consider a change in view that recognizes the continuing Role.


11/21/2010 -- What motivates, indeed.

09/26/2009 -- An issue for the Operational view.

09/06/2009 -- Operational II and more. Essentially, more is undecidable than we like to admit, basically due to our talent for success (ergodicity, essentially) keeps the hubris refreshed (generation by generation).

Modified: 11/21/2010

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Eight months

Month, Day: 166, Perfection, Loftiness (Justice)
Month, Day: 166, Names, Splendour (Perfection)

Going through the Transcendent and Teleological offers a chance for reflection on the latter times. Thankfully, we'll go through them again each month.

Leaving Perfection motivates pointing to SAQ #37: If the attributes are not identical with the Essence, there must also be a multiplicity of preexistences, and differences between the attributes and the Essence must also exist; and as Preexistence is necessary, therefore, the sequence of preexistences would become infinite. This is an evident error.

As said before, that is very topological and is the basis for the Operational and the Motivational.


11/23/2009 -- 14 months in.

Modified: 11/23/2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

Science, again

Month, Day: Perfection, Sovereignty (Perfection)

Only a couple of more days to the Operational. As it has been said, science is how we know God's creation (audacity), and we can honor being.

Some fore thoughts might be in order, to set the stage.

First, we have access to the proper sources.

Aqdas #183: Say: This is the infallible Balance which the Hand of God is holding, in which all who are in the heavens and all who are on the earth are weighed, and their fate determined, if ye be of them that believe and recognize this truth. Say: This is the Most Great Testimony, by which the validity of every proof throughout the ages hath been established, would that ye might be assured thereof

Then, we can differentiate using our understanding.

SAQ #47: For example, if a man of his own mind and intelligence collects some elements and combines them, a living being will not be brought into existence since the system is unnatural. This is the answer to the implied question that, since beings are made by the composition and the combination of elements, why is it not possible for us to gather elements and mingle them together, and so create a living being. This is a false supposition, for the origin of this composition is from God; it is God Who makes the combination, and as it is done according to the natural system, from each composition one being is produced, and an existence is realized. A composition made by man produces nothing because man cannot create.

Of course, as said before, none of us can do this infallibly. No, but there is a functional equivalent in the new way, namely the UHJ. Think of it this way, for measures, we have agreement based upon some physical property and congruence of thoughts on interpretation. So, it goes for other standards. Similarly, we'll have some type of device to record the UHJ's insights on a decision, implying a computational framework and the associated 'truth' engineering. By the way, this does beg the question of the role in logic (propositional or whatever) for contents from the Writings.

And, we do have the right to try to push back the frontiers of knowledge. Science is based upon Questions and the quasi-empirical.

Why audacity? Well, to stand up to the disclaims of the Lights and the Brights, for one thing. We really need to integrate from the disparate views created by reductionism and materialism, partly through the growing facilities that we'll see from our ubiquitous computational (via mineral, via biology, and via spirit) prowess.

Yes, no limit (The key: Obey Me and I will make you like unto Myself. I say Be and it Is. You will say Be and it will be.).


09/17/2010 -- God's gift of science.

11/23/2009 -- Motivational thoughts.

09/26/2009 -- An issue for the Operational view.

Modified: 09/17/2010

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Ontology from Honour

Month, Day: Perfection, Questions (Glory)
Month, Day: Perfection, Honour (Beauty)

Anticipating Names (and the Operational), we can use Honour to kick off some discussion to begin to construct a new view for science. Such an attempt could help overlay the results from materialism and reductionism with a coherent integrative view that would allow spirit some recognition.

Testable? Yes.

Now, this work would not invalidate, by necessity, knowledge obtained to date. No, it would be like mechanical Newtonian views being extended through concepts that came about through grappling with relativity.

The Four Valleys can help get us started.

The First Valley: Hereafter We will show them Our signs in the regions of the earth, and in themselves, until it become manifest unto them that it is the truth.

As well, we have the first world, namely mineral. That is, matter and existence at its primal; Names, in other words. So, things are (SAQ #79). Each atom is a door to knowledge (paraphrase). Attributes: being, place, ...

The Second Valley: ... this is the station of primal reason.

The mineral supports the spirits, beginning with the vegetative (SAQ #36, SAQ #55). It is more than happenstance that the tree can be used to represent logic.

From a computational sense, we've seen analog and digital types represents by the mineral (and electromagnetism). Some have looked at bioinformatics, especially at the micro-biological level. Yet, what other types will emerge? A macro-biological variety is of interest, to boot.

Attributes: growth, awareness, ...

Any movement is constrained. Autonomous activity comes up next.

The Third Valley: ... but they gallop their chargers.

The next of the spirits is the animal (SAQ #36, SAQ #55). Here we have movement of a very wide variety. Again, computation has only briefly touched this (swarms, etc.).

Attributes: sensation, movement, homeostasis, ...

The Fourth Valley: Herein the high heavens are in no conflict with the lowly earth, nor do they seek to excel it, for this is the land of mercy, not the realm of distinction

Then, we have the human spirit (SAQ #36, SAQ #55) with its limitlessness, especially the facility to run off after abstraction. We need to turn things around to get mathematics based upon matter and more. What will this look like?

Attributes: Any and All

As a final note, we can't leave Perfection without mentioning this. SAQ #46: Now, if we imagine a time when man belonged to the animal world, or when he was merely an animal, we shall find that existence would have been imperfect—that is to say, there would have been no man, and this chief member, which in the body of the world is like the brain and mind in man, would have been missing.


09/26/2009 -- An issue for the Operational view.

08/16/2009 -- The Operational group is approaching, and ontology is primal. One area of focus, as suggested by this post, will be mind-body studies. Somehow, insights from the Writings ought to have importance, teleological and operational.

Modified: 09/26/2009

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Operational

Month, Day: Perfection, Speech (Independence)
Month, Day: Perfection, Questions (Glory)

Doesn't this seem to be the perfect combination to start to address things operational? Questions are essential, especially to the audacity theme; Independence is what we're to do in truth processing, even to the extent of being an autodidact, yet honoring teaming.

So, after the 8/1-19 congruence, we'll go with 9/1 into Names followed by Might, Will, Knowledge.


09/26/2009 -- An issue for the Operational view.

08/16/2009 -- One area of focus, as suggested by this post, will be mind-body studies. Somehow, insights from the Writings ought to have importance, teleological and operational.

08/15/2009 -- We start with ontological issues.

Modified: 09/26/2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Month, Day: Perfection, Power (Majesty)

Yes, 'return' as mentioned in the Iqan. We know that the Manifestations do so. The SAQ #33 considers other types. What we're interested in is something with which science can deal, even if it has to be via audacity.

Why return? To keep things on course, using a control metaphor.

SAQ #42: Without the irrefutable teachings of those sources of mysteries the human world would become the pasture of animal appetites and qualities, the existence of everything would be unreal, and there would be no true life.

Too, to update the measuring apparatus.

Tablet of Ahmad: Verily this is that Most Great Beauty, foretold in the Books of the Messengers, through Whom truth shall be distinguished from error and the wisdom of every command shall be tested.

Yes, Teleological issues can be addressed.


12/05/2010 -- Need to add that, for some views, the cycles ended. This site will be used for the main Islamic information source, for awhile.

01/26/2010 -- Of note: Twin duties, Free will, Return, Operational time.

11/23/2009 -- Motivational thoughts.

08/16/2009 -- Science, again.

Modified: 12/05/2010

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Teleological, remix

Month, Day: Perfection, Light (Justice)

So, we're in the last month of the Teleological group. To what end can this be used? Well, just the use of the T word grates on the ears of the brights. No, they say. There's not aught but nothing. Or, it would seem, if truth be told.

That is, their view has no place for the approach being sought through audacity. Again, thought experiments along this line can be quite interesting.

The telling factor will be effectiveness, though; the issue? As measured by what? Well, we'll get to that. Why?

Everyone has the ability to assess what this topic is addressing, including the whole spectrum of humanity from the lowly, highly restrained one to that set taken to be some type of epitome (culturally defined, yet almost universally applied). The time of the two lives this year allowed us to think of how far we still need to go in this matter.

So, per the norm, the Writings are key, with some local (note, did not say loco) notion applied. For instance, take SAQ #28, please, which looks at something attributed to St. John (Yahyay, if you would).

We see: "The Word of God is sanctified from time." The note says that this refers to Christ. Later, it goes on: "Therefore, the Reality of Christ, Who is the Word of God, with regard to essence, attributes and glory, certainly precedes the creatures."

Well, we just went through the month Words (7th of 19). Using another John, of the Gospel, we know the Word precedes (SAQ #54). Too, we know that there is (has been) a periodic refreshing, so to speak.

So, the long chain of development here was somehow influenced by the comings. How? Ah, not easily told. Is it important within the framework of an enlightened science?

Well, one can talk the human side, somewhat. What applies to matter? See, Iqan #31: "Thus it is that through the rise of these Luminaries of God the world is made new, the waters of everlasting life stream forth, the billows of loving-kindness surge, the clouds of grace are gathered, and the breeze of bounty bloweth upon all created things."

No answers yet, please, as we're still into Questions. But, one dilemma of the modern view is the polarity between two extremes, namely: relativistic morality and religious fundamentalism.

Striking a balance ought to have a powerful influence. That this might be tempted is audacious, indeed.

The anticipation is that the Operational times will be very interesting.

Again, and as a final note, the cycles continue unabated. Something to be thankful for.

But, as a reminder, remember SAQ #37, the basic topological argument when we talk Words to Names, and more.

Oops, another final thought, probably elsewhere stated. This month is the only one where the western month and the Baha'i month have congruence of their starts. Some meaning there, no doubt, as significances are more than happenstance. So, we'll start the Operational with Names on 8/20.


04/21/2010 -- We need to upgrade to a Transcendent Topology.

11/23/2009 -- Motivational thoughts.

10/18/2009 -- Defining challenges might be an interesting task.

09/26/2009 -- An issue for the Operational view.
08/16/2009 -- The Operational group is approaching, and ontology is primal. One area of focus, as suggested by this post, will be mind-body studies. Somehow, insights from the Writings ought to have importance, teleological and operational.

08/13/2009 -- Return applies under the Teleological.

08/12/2009 -- Actually, Perfection and August are the 8th months in their respective calendars. What an interesting congruence (8/1-19)!

Modified: 04/21/2010